《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》22


Her guard lowered for a split second before freezing. Nightmare almost blended perfectly in the shadows except that one cyan eye that made him the most noticeable. His presence brought fear and many other negative feelings with him. This didn't help your anxiety. You heard loud knocking in the distance fully aware that it was your friends who wanted to help you.

Knowing this you gave the manifestation of negativity himself a taste of something he represents.


Determined as ever you finally faced the opponent and gave him the look. The same look he gave you earlier but only this time it wasnt just for yourself. It was for Everyone else.

"Did you really think you would be able to get fear in me? I have been existing for over 500 years. I have experienced hardships noone else should have to experience." Y/n spoke coldly.

Nightnare expression shifted. This wasn't what he was expecting from the other.

"Judging by the face you just made you're nervous aren't you?" Y/n paused. Silence filling the air before she continued. "You should be. Especially after the new trick I learned."

Nightmare was furious. With that came an attack. Nightmare was more of a close range fighter this gave Y/n an advantage. But there was also the fact that he could turn into goop. Y/n had to think this over carefully. For the meantime she would try to tire him out.

It was a good thing she dueled with Blue most of the time.

Everytime one of Nightmare's attacks would get close she would calmly move. She observed his movements in hopes she could find a pattern.

A tentacle just grazed by her ear. His movements became quicker. However they were also sloppy.

"Are you just going to jump around and not fight? I can do this for a long time." Nightmare snarked.


"Your movements say other wise. You're getting tired. It's kind of sad. Im not even breaking a sweat." Y/n pointed at him." You however look like a mess. If you really want me to fight... I might consider it." She taunted.

The reaction she got from the octopus like skeleton was what she was waiting for. The movements slowed down as nightmare took deep breaths. Y/n walked up to the skeleton. He was ready to attack her.

"I'm not going to fught you." She said.

"Then what are you here for?" Nightmare hissed.

"I honestly dont know myself." She half truthed. " But i have a proposition."

Silence then a nod came.

"I want to work you." Y/n hastily spilled out. "And as a way to show peace ill show you what I learned."

"Go on." Nightmare agreed.

Everything was going exactly as she hoped. "Let me show you,Void." She gave him a smile as the feeling of detachment took over.

If anyone were to afraid it would be Nightmare. He walked right into that trap. A white flash spreading through the dreamscape.

The barrier that Dream and Omnia were behind shattered.

They two saw they concoction that appeared. It looked like y/n but it wasnt.

"After so many years. Finally i can show you ... No make you experience the hell you put us through." Y/n spoke. It sounded angelic yet so terrifying. "This is what I must do."

Nightmare responded naturally and attacked only to have a sensation of being eaten to feel.

"What the actual fuck." Nightmare shouted.

Dream and Omnia just stood in silence.

"Do you think she still needs help?" Dream pondered.

Omnia gave him a look asking if he was serious before speaking." Dream just look at her. I don't think needs any help."


"I think we should be here just in case." Dream said as he watched.

Omnia hummed in agreement.

"Causing others pain is very unforgivable." Y/n monologued.

"What the fuck was that shit you pulled out of your ass right now!." Nightmare angrily yelled, his tentacles shooting up like a porcupine.

"Void. That's what it is. Didn't i tell you this already? You should pay attention more." Y/n sighed. "You should probably start running cause what coming next will home in on you."

Nightmare stood his ground. Of course not proving to be the best idea. The same white light from earlier had hit him. Nightmare hissed in pain.

He tried to find a silverlining in this predicament. For him that was his regeneration. This idea was flown out the window seeing how his wound from earlier was bigger.

"Your entire being will disapear little by little by void. I will make sure if it." Fear. It was something Nightmare would want to feel at all. He of course had to think of something to combat this.

He would use him.

Y/n wouldn't see it coming.

"Other me. For once you are useful." Nightmare cooed. He held his self closely. He knew that y/n wouldn't dare hurt him.

Once that gaurdian saw her friend she lost it. "You disgusting piece of shit." She chuckled to herself. Layered laughter grew louder as she wiped tears coming from her eyes. "Of course you'd use him like that."

"Void is something special. It only attacks who i will it to." She smirked. "And that is you."

One final flash was seen. And what wad left was y/n and Nightmare. The other one was no where to be found. No trace of him left at all.

"Dreamy, Omnia ... I did it." Y/n's gaze shifted to Nightmare. "We can be in peace."

Those were the last words before she collapsed .

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