《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》21


Y/n awoke with a yawn. She heard clattering and spraking around her. Her mind wandered into the stange dream she had. She was getting more of those more frequently. There was a strange feeling from this one.

She was asked for help. That was the main thing that stuck out to her. Many thoughts ran through y/n's head when Omnia and Dream walking into the room.

"I see youre up." Omnia talked. "You look like you're really deep in thought for some who just woke up."

"It was a dream." Y/n muttered.

"A dream huh. What was it?" Omnia asked.

"I remember much but all i rember is seeing a purple figure. I talked with them and they asked for help." Y/n explained.

Omnia looked really confused while Dream just nodded his head.

"Y/n your dreams don't make sense." Omnia said.

"But they have been helpful recently." Dream pointed out. "We escaped my brother's castle and found you because of them."

Y/n gasped. "I remembered they mentioned something else."

They both motioned for her to go on.

"They tried to introduced them selves but they were just able to say Night." Y/n added onto what they said before.

"Night.." Dream repeated. "Y/n you don't think it was?"

"Nightmare. " y/n teared up a bit. She couldnt grasp the idea of her best friend still being there. "Dream... He's still here. We have to help him. He's asking for help Dream. He's in danger." At the end of her words she was pleading.

"Y/n calm down. " Omnia interjected. "We nee to think this through."

"Omnia, you dont understand. Nighty calling me and i said yes. We have to." Y/n stressed.

"Y/n. What will you do?" Omnia calmly spoke. "You dont have a plan. How are you going to help them?"


"Im going to figure this out. I always do."


I hope they remember. Please just this once.

Nightmare sat on guard. He was thinking about the stranger from earlier. Thoughts like if they were going to come back raced trough his mind.

He felt like screaming. Stress. That is what he was feeling. All the possibilties of things going wrong drained him.

His mind was disrupted as he was sent flying.

He was back up.

"I can see you missed me." The sinister voice said. His expression changed. "You're going to regret what you did earlier."

Nightmare was fearful.

The corrupted version of himself started to laugh maniacally.

Nightmare prepared himself as his other self walked closer his smile bigger than ever.

Tentacles attacked the little gaurdian. He was getting tired. One of them grabbed his foot.

Nightmare was terrified. He was slammed from side to side. He cried out but it didnt stop until the other decided to fling him.

He felt pain after a crack was heard. Tears welled up in his eye sockets threatening to spill out.

"You deserved this other me."

Nightmare winced as he saw something speeding toward him


They all sat collectively trying to brain storm.

"Any ideas?" Y/n asked getting impatient with the process. She looked at those who were around her as they lets out sighs. "I'm guessing that means you haven't."

"The dreamscape is somewhere I could go. But I don't know how we would be able to be in Nightmare's" Dream closed his eyes and let out another sigh. "This is so complicated."

"Wait a damn minute." Y/n's voice higher. "The moon. Dreams." She sporadically let out words.

"Y/n. Get yourself together." Omnia grunted. She had a serious look on her face.


"Okay. I remembered from one of my books that the moon affects our dreams in a way. Especially the full moon. The dreams are more vivid on those. " y/n sputured out.

Dream seemed to get the idea as his eye light seemed to have a hint of hope. " Because the dreams will be more vivid. We'll have a better chance of being able to help him."

"Nice idea. But i don't mean to alarm you but the full moon is today." Onnia casually brought up.

"We have so little time." Y/n did her best to not panic.

"It's fine y/n. Both of our abilities are heightened during the full moon arent they?" Dream reassured.

"Yeah. We just have to trust ourselves." Y/n let out a deep breath.

The time had come and y/n was panicing.


" i do not trust myself..." Y/n tried her best to not yell.

"Y/n." Omnia sighed at her opposite.

"I can't help it! I'm sorry." The gaurdian muttered.

She paced back and forth. Omnia sat down on a chair and watched the gaurdian. Dream also looked a little bit nervous. Omnia raised her brow as she stood up again.

"You are all nervous. Its not hard to tell since we can all feel eachother's feelings." Omnia stated the obvious. "But we have the same goal right now. To help your brother." She refered to Dream. "And your old friend." The Guardian glanced at y/n. "Now we have to throw our feelings out the window and focus on what we need to do."

Y/n and dream stared at Omnia before breifly looking at eachother and nodding. "This is for Nightmare."

"Okay. Follow as i say." Dream spoke. "Once you sleep don't let your gaurd down."

"Thanks for the warning Dreamy." Y/n chimed before taking a deep breath.

Once she closed her eyes the world around her seemed to shift. All colors were drained. She could make the outline of two figures. One that had an outline of gold and the other a black and white outline.

"Dream and Omnia." Y/n whispered. She neared them but couldnt get too close. It was like the invisible wall that wouldn't let her get to Nightmare.

"Im on the other side." Y/n realized.

"I see you somehow managed to get here." A cold chill was all she felt.



I am mind boggled by the idea of having people read this. We havent even gotten to the nightmare fanservice yet.

Anyways thanks for 11k+ reads! Sorry this took so long to come out.

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