《Falling For The Bad Boy (BoyxBoy)》Chapter 11


Author's Note-

Sorry for taking so long. Wasn't enjoying writing this, it's not very good. I was running out of ideas for this story and didn't really want to write it anymore. I still decided to update in the end though so read on...

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Aiden’s P.O.V- 

As I was walking home after leaving Jace’s house, I was smiling to myself. Glad that Mason was gonna be happy and just glad with everything happening recently, other than Jace’s mom passing away things were good. Jace was dealing with his moms death a lot better now and he was smiling more. His smile is great, it always is. I loved his smile. I loved his laugh. I loved everything about him and basically, I loved him. I came to the realization walking home and I was going to tell him tomorrow.

As I rounded the corner to my house, I saw that all the lights were out. My mom must be out. I reached my door and pulled the spare key from under the mat, opening the door. I turned on some lights and settled onto the sofa to watch some TV. I was just about to text Jace goodnight and drift asleep when there was a banging noise coming from outside. Once I got up from the sofa, I realized that someone was actually banging on the front door. Looking out the window, I could see a dark silhouette of someone. It looked like a man. 

Pulling open the door angrily to see what was going on, I stopped. My anger faded and fear crept over me. I didn’t move, I couldn’t. I just stared into the eyes of this stranger that I once looked up to. That I dreamed of being. The same person who used to take me places as a kid and get ice cream with me. The same man that eventually turned on me and started drinking his life away. The same man that used to beat me senseless until I couldn’t move. It was none other than my father staring back at me with a smirk on his face.

‘Hello, Aiden’ He said snidely. I could smell the alcohol on his breath which made my fear escalate. 

I stayed silent with shock and fear as he pushed passed me walking into the house, me hitting the wall from the force of his push as he done this. He looked around for a bit, me watching him as he took in his surroundings. I hated this man with all my heart. I didn’t know why he was back and he was one of the only things that terrified me. He turned to me with a sly look on his face before stalking towards me and pushing me up against the wall with his hand around my throat. He smirked as he saw the fear on my face but I couldn’t hide it, not this time.

I could feel my breathing getting ragged as I tried to take breaths. I was getting light headed and dizzy but still managed to feel the blow to my stomach, legs, arms, face and every other part of my body. It was painful but I was slowly becoming unconscious from the lack of air and at some point, my legs went jelly. He dropped me to the ground and I landed with a thump on the carpet. He left after that. Just left, as if all he wanted was to do that to me and I guess that was all he wanted. When he was drunk, he had the worst temper and it scared me. I closed my eyes and lay there trying to breathe properly but my head was spinning still so I tried my hardest to stay awake. Slowly, I began to fall asleep. I knew I shouldn’t but I just felt so tired. The last thing I heard was someone calling my name.



Jace’s P.O.V-

It had been about an hour or so since Aiden went home and I was bored. I was waiting on him texting me goodnight as he does every night. I got impatient so I text him myself asking what he was up to. I waited and waited and even tried to call him but there was no reply or answer and it was worrying me. I was getting agitated about it so I thought I would just go over and visit. Once I had my shoes and jacket on, I made my way to his house. 

It took about ten minutes and when I reached the corner and his house came into view I instantly got a little worried. The door to his house was open wide, letting everyone see in. There was no one around and I was walking faster to the door. I got to the doorway and called on Aiden. There was no answer and I got a little creeped out. I stepped inside and froze at the sight. Aiden was lying on the carpet, not moving. I rushed over to help him, shaking him slightly to check he was still alive.

‘Aiden’ I said while trying to get him to respond. 

He didn’t speak but groaned so I took that as a response and quickly dialed an ambulance. Looking over him, he had bruises and cuts on his face and everywhere else. There was no skin that I could see that wasn’t covered in a bruise or blood. It was horrible. His arm was around his chest as if he was holding his ribs, he must have broken a few. I felt tears pool in my eyes but held them in, I had to be strong for Aiden. I heard sirens in the distance and hoped they would get here fast. I felt Aiden going limp in my arms and cried out his name. No response. The next minutes were all a blur. One minute Aiden was in my arms the next he was on his way to the hospital with me sitting beside him holding his hand. I refused to answer any questions for the police until I knew he was okay and begged to get in the ambulance with him. They allowed me and I hadn’t let his hand go since.

The hours after this were a blur as well, I was told to wait to in the waiting room. As I lay there thinking about everything, I realized how much I loved Aiden. The thought that I could lose him made the tears that I tried so hard to hold back, fall. Nothing seemed to go right for me, first my mom dying which was still a touchy subject and now this. Not long after I composed myself, my dad and Aiden’s mom came in and after explaining the situation of it all to them, they left me be. No one spoke as the doctor approached us three. We waited patiently as he cleared his throat and started telling us about Aiden. 

‘Aiden has a few broken bones. Three of his ribs are broken and his arm is broken too. He had quite the beating and unfortunately we don’t know when he will wake up. It could be hours, days or even months’

Hearing this made my tears fall once again. It was the same pain I felt when I heard my mom had passed. I had only just gotten to deal with that and now this happened. Aiden was in a coma and there is nothing can do to help him. I stayed motionless in the chair until Aiden’s mom came back out from visiting him. She told me I could go and see him and I didn’t waste any time by rushing into his room. I stayed there the full night eventually falling asleep though trying hard not to. My dad tried to get me to leave but I told him I wasn’t going anywhere and that he should go and rest.


When I woke up in the morning, Aiden still wasn’t awake. I had hoped he would wake up during the night. His mom came in to see how he was doing. She looked terrible with bags under her eyes and her skin was very pale. She looked like she had had no sleep at all. I convinced her to go home to get some sleep and told her I would be here if anything happened. Nothing happened though. He still didn’t wake up or move. 

Thinking back over the past few months, it was surprising. I had an amazing boyfriend who had a reputation for being bad when really he wasn’t. I had came out to my family and everyone else. I had been beaten many times by Josh and Adam but Aiden sorted that and made sure to protect me from them. My mother and father had been in an accident and my mom unfortunately passed away. Now, if Aiden doesn’t wake up then everything that happened would be useless. He needed to wake up, it dawned on me how much I loved him and I didn’t get to tell him. I needed to tell him. Even though he was in a coma, I had heard that they sometimes can hear people talking to them. 

‘Aiden, you need to wake up…please’ I said in a whisper, hoping he would hear me and wake up, but there was nothing.

I sighed and sunk down in my chair, taking hold of Aiden’s hand and lacing my fingers through his. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I squeezed his hand, begging for him to wake up. 


One week had passed since Aiden had been in a coma. He still hadn’t wakened. I had sat here for the whole week, only moving to go to the toilet and occasionally going to get food from the café downstairs but either Aiden’s mom or my dad brought me food. Other than that, I barely moved from my chair and I was getting pretty depressed. I need Aiden to wake up soon, I didn’t care about anything but him right now. 

Jacob and Mason had come to see how he was doing earlier today. It was now around 9 o’clock at night. They were pretty upset, even though they tried not to show it. I could see the bags under their eyes as well. They needed their friend back as much as I needed my boyfriend back and his mother needed her son back. Ella had also visited and she reassured me that Aiden would wake up soon. There was no definite on whether or not he would though.

It was Friday again and on Tuesday, we found out who beat Aiden to unconsciousness. His own father. I don’t get how a father can do that to his child. Aiden had told me before that his father had left when he was younger and how he was an alcoholic. He told me how he used to beat him every time he was drunk and by what he told me, that was a lot. Not having his dad in his life seemed like a great idea considering everything he put Aiden through. He was charged and put in jail for a long time. Apparently, there were other assaults and the people had come forward so he got a longer sentence. I was extremely glad for this and he didn’t have a reason for beating Aiden the way he did, he just done it.

I sighed and took hold of Aiden’s hand once more. It was getting late so I leaned forward in the chair I was on and stared at Aiden, before whispering what I had wanted to tell him when he woke up. 

‘I love you…‘ I whispered in his ear and kissing him on the forehead.

‘Please wake up soon’ I whispered as well. I had said these words every single night hoping that they would come true. I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes, hoping to get a decent sleep.


Aiden’s P.O.V-

I was having a really weird dream. I couldn’t really make anything out of it though, everything was jumbled and I couldn’t hear what anyone was saying very well. I could feel someone holding my hand and I tried to look at the person who was but my eyes were closed and I couldn’t open them. I couldn’t move either but it was rather peaceful. I felt someone whisper in my ear before a pair of lips grazed my forehead.

‘I love you…’ The familiar voice whispered in my ear. It took me all of 2 seconds to realize that it was Jace who had whispered in my ear. My heart melted at they words and I just wanted to smile. Then I heard him whisper some other words.

‘Please wake up soon’ I felt Jace squeeze my hand and then some movement. He kept his fingers interlocked with mine and I tried so hard to squeeze them back. His words replaying in my head.

I love you…

I love you…

I love you…

After a good few seconds of trying, I managed. I heard movement again and then Jace’s voice.

‘Aiden?’ He asked. I squeezed his hand again and he squeezed back. I still couldn’t manage to speak.

‘C’mon, wake up’ He said excitedly. 

I blinked once I could and immediately closed my eyes again. The light was so bright which caused my head to hurt. I tried again and managed a little better this time. I groaned as my head flooded with pain but I ignored it once I turned my head to the side to catch sight of Jace. He looked terrible. He had bags under his eyes. His hair was a mess. He looked very pale and quite skinny. My mind didn’t strain on it for too long when I saw the big smile on his face. It was aimed at me. I smiled back, wincing as a cut on my face throbbed. 

He noticed me wince and his face formed a frown. I reassured him I was fine though and opened my arms for him. My voice was pretty scratchy but after a drink of water, it was fine. He stayed where he was and now it was my turn to frown. Did he not want to hug me? He quickly corrected my thoughts.

‘I don’t want to hurt you’ He told me.

Only then did I properly look at myself. I had a cast on my arm. How did I not notice this before? I noticed some bandages around my chest as well as some cuts and bruises. Suddenly, everything came to me. Me walking home from Jace’s house. My so called father at the door. Then everything was a blur other than the beating he gave me. Aiden noticed my train of thoughts.

‘Your dad is in jail. There were other assaults so he’s in for a long time. You don’t need to worry’ I let out a sigh of relief.

‘You’ve been in a coma for a week’ He informed me and I looked at him with shock. Now that I take in his appearance he looks worn out. 

‘Have you been here the whole time?’ I asked him with disbelief. 

He looked down shyly before nodding. I sighed again before pulling on the hand that was intertwined with my fingers, making him land next to me on the hospital bed. I wrapped my arms around him, ignoring any pain that was there. He put his head in the crook of my neck and I heard him take a deep breath. I felt a few tears hit my neck and pulled his face up to mine. I kissed him, making sure it was full of love. We settled down in the bed, with him in my arms. Before we fell asleep, I whispered the words I needed to tell him.

‘I love you too’ I said before kissing him on the cheek and snuggling against him. We fell asleep relieved and happy.

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