《Falling For The Bad Boy (BoyxBoy)》Chapter 10


Authors Note- This wasn't really that good but anyways....here you go :)

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Jace's P.O.V-

A few weeks had went by since the whole car accident. I was a lot better now than I had been. As soon as my dad was out of hospital, he got to work on organizing my mom's funeral. He wanted it to be perfect and it was. He chose everything right and made it amazing. He was hurting a lot, I could see it and I didn't blame him, his wife had passed away. Even though my mom had just passed, Aiden stuck by me. He never once left me when I wasn't feeling to good or needed someone there. He made me feel a lot better. Our whole family turned up to the funeral as well as Aiden's mom. She wanted to pay her respects even though she didn't know my mother. I was very grateful for that. Ella consoled me as did Aiden throughout the whole thing and at a time like that, I was glad to have my best friend and boyfriend with me.

It had been a week since the funeral and it was getting easier. My father and I were closer than ever and he seemed to really be getting along with Aiden. Ella had been round a few times to hang out and see how I was doing. I appreciated her being there for me too and we had some movies nights, just the two of us. She revealed to me that she had a crush on Mason, even though it was pretty obvious to me. Thinking about it now, they would make a really great couple. I would need to inform Aiden of this.

Today was Saturday and all of us were going to hang out at my house. All of us being Ella, Aiden, Mason, Jacob and I. My dad had already gone to work, so right now it was just me and Ella. We were sitting in my room waiting on the guys to show up. Ella was lying on her stomach on my bed looking at me while I sat with my back against the headboard. We were discussing her 'crush' on Mason and I was listening to her go on about how hot he was.

'Ella, if you like him so much then tell him' I told her. She looked at me as if I was stupid.


'I can't tell him. He doesn't like me like that' She said a bit glum.

'You won't know until you try' I said with a slight smile.

She just smiled back at me. I wasn't sure if Mason liked her but I think he did at least a little. I've seen the way he looks at her and the way he blushed when they kissed during that game of truth and dare was an indication. They need to just come out and say it. They're perfect for each other, they just need to realise. I decided that I would speak to Aiden and find out whether or not Mason liked her. Speaking of Aiden, he should be here soon. I was still a little nervous about hanging with Mason and Jacob. I didn't really know them well but I was glad they weren't bothered by my relationship with Aiden. Speaking of them, the doorbell rang and Ella and I walked downstairs. Well, I walked. Ella ran, she must be excited to see Mason. How cute. Ella had opened the door before I reached the bottom of the stairs and the three guys were already in my house.

'Hey' Aiden said, his face lighting up when he saw me. He pulled me to him and kissed me on the lips.

'Hi' I said breathlessly, blushing slightly.

I turned around noticing the other three talking. I started walking to the stairs, motioning for everyone to follow. We reached my room and they all looked around as I took a seat on my bed. Ella lay down the way she was before they arrived and Aiden sat next to me. I told Mason and Jacob to sit anywhere and they sat on the beanbags I had. We all started talking and getting along, I volunteered to go get some chips and drinks. Aiden followed me which was good because I was going to ask him if he knew how Mason felt about Ella. We reached the kitchen and I turned, stopping him.

'I need to ask you something' I said.


'Ella likes Mason but she's scared to tell him in case he doesn't like her' I said quietly, so only Aiden would hear me. Aiden grinned.

'That's good. Mason really likes her'

'Really?' I asked, unsure if he was being serious.

'Yes, I'll tell Mason to ask her out' He said.


'She'll be so happy' I said excitedly.

'We better get what we came here for'

He walked to the fridge to get some drinks as I got the chips. When he went to walk in front of me, I grabbed his wrist and kissed him on the lips. He kissed back before pulling away. We walked back to my room and joined in with the conversation. We had a great time and I was really liked Mason and Jacob, they were nice. At some point during the night, Aiden had spoke to Mason about Ella. They were whispering while looking between themselves and Ella, Ella was oblivious as usual.

When it was time to leave, Jacob left first and then Mason asked if he could walk Ella home. I looked at Aiden with a smirk. Once they left, it was just me and Aiden. I walked him to the door, giving him a kiss and we said our goodbyes.


Ella's P.O.V-

I was home walking alongside Mason, it was about a ten minute walk and it was silent and awkward. I didn't know what to say but I did want to ask him why he asked to walk me home. I've been crushing on this boy for a while and I really like him. He's great but he would never go for someone like me, I don't think he would anyway. He's popular and good looking while I'm unpopular and just an average girl, I'm not as pretty as all the cheerleaders he could go out with. Ever since that kiss during the game of truth and dare, I've started liking him even more than I did before, which was a lot. Thinking about the kiss just now made me blush a little.

I looked at Mason from the corner of my eye and he seemed to be thinking hard about something. His brows were furrowed and his lips in a straight line. I wondered what was causing him to think so hard. I started having a debate in my own head about whether to question him or not on why he wanted to walk me home. After a few minutes, I figured what could go wrong?

'Mason?' His head popped up and he looked at me.

'Yeah?' He asked.

'Why did you want to walk to me home?' I said quietly, my shyness taking over. I stared at the ground.

'I..I wanted to ask you something' He stuttered. He seemed shy too, since when was he shy?


'I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out sometime?' My head snapped up to look him in the eyes. He looked genuinely worried that I would say no.

'Really?' I asked shocked.

'Yeah, I like you' He told me smiling.

'You do?' I questioned again. He looked amused with my questioning.

'Yes, I like you and I want to take you out' He stated bluntly.

'O-Okay then' I said, stuttering. Was this really happening?

We reached my house and stopped, I was about to turn and walk to my door when Mason kissed my cheek. I blushed red and smiled before walking to my door with a grin on my face. That just happened. He just kissed me. It was on the cheek but still, Mason Taylor just kissed me. Wow. I had to tell Jace about this. As soon as I was in my room, I grabbed my phone and called Jace. On the second ring he picked up.

'Hello Ella' He said and I could tell he knew about this straight away.

'You knew?' I asked.

'Knew what?' He replied.

'That Mason was going to ask me out?' He sighed.

'Yeah, I told Aiden you liked him and he spoke to Mason' I just smiled, glad I had a friend that wanted to help me.

'Thank you'

'No problem, I'll speak to you tomorrow, I'm gonna go now'

'Bye' I said.

Once I hung up the phone. I couldn't wait for this date with Mason. I was so excited, I didn't know when we were going on it or where but I still couldn't stop the smile that made its way onto my face. I must have looked like an idiot with a big grin but I didn't care. Right now, I was feeling great and I couldn't help feel things were going to get even better. I watched TV for a while before falling asleep on my bed, excited for tomorrow to see Mason.

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