《Falling For The Bad Boy (BoyxBoy)》Chapter 8


Author's note- Since I got over 2000 reads, here's another chapter :)!

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Jace’s P.O.V- 

Thursday passed pretty fast. In school, Josh and Adam didn’t come anywhere near me even though Aiden wasn’t in school, I barely seen them at all which I’m glad for. Ella was still visiting her family so I was still myself at lunch, I went to the library and ate there since it was quiet and no one would bother me. School was over before I knew it and once I got home, me and Aiden chatted over the phone for a while. Aiden told me he was taking me out on a date on Friday-which happened to be today-and I agreed, obviously.

Ella is coming back later on today and I had already called her and told her about my date. This was my first date ever so I was extremely excited to see what he had planned. It was now 4:30pm and Aiden said he would pick me up at 5:30pm, so I had about an hour to get ready. My parents were going to dinner with some friends, so they were leaving soon. I showered and got dressed into nice clothes suitable for a date. At around 5:15pm, my mom popped his head into my room.

‘That’s us leaving now’ She told me.


‘Have fun on your date…I love you’ She said, looking at me and holding her arms out for a hug. 

‘I will, love you too’ I said, though it was muffled from the hug she was squeezing me in. My dad shouted on my mom to hurry up and she reluctantly let go.

‘I’ll see you later’ 

When my parents eventually left the house, I was waiting nervously for Aiden to arrive, who should be here any minute. Why I was so nervous, I don’t know. I know tonight will be perfect whatever he has planned anyway. I was lost in my thoughts when the doorbell rang. I walked to the door and pulled it open to reveal Aiden. My jaw nearly dropped at how good he looks, I looked to his face and he had a knowing smirk on it. I blushed but quickly turned to close the door and step outside. I locked the door with my key but as soon as I turned around, I felt a small pressure on my lips. Instantly knowing what it was, I closed my eyes and melted into Aiden’s kiss. It was over all too quickly when he pulled away and started walking to his dad’s car. I huffed and followed him, he just looked at me and smirked. Once in the car, I really wanted to know where he was taking me but Aiden was stubborn.


‘Aiden?’ I said. As if he was reading my mind, he looked at me.

‘I’m not telling you where I’m taking you so you might as well give up’ 

I huffed once more but decided to listen to him and not have a repeat of the last time. It was a comfortable silence for the drive to wherever we were going except from the radio playing quietly in the background. I watched through the window at everything rushing by, I watched as we passed some shops, a hospital and lots of houses. It was still light outside and I was content. About fifteen minutes later, Aiden pulled into a small road leading to what looked like darkness. It was a little scary and I looked at Aiden with a questioning glance. He pretended not to notice even though I know he did.

‘Where are we?’ I said, still a little scared. He looked at me for a moment.

‘Don’t worry, I know where I’m going’ He sounded pretty confident with himself.

Five fright filled minutes later he stopped the car. I got out as did he and looked around. There was nothing but a few paths and lots of trees. It was a lot darker now and I could barely make out the road we just came down. I walked over to Aiden and stood close to him. He took my hand and started walking, pulling me with him. I jogged slightly to reach his pace and walked beside him, my hand still in his. He led us down path and I kept myself close to him, who knows what or who is out here. I could be murdered!

My thoughts were interrupted once again, I need to stop getting lost in them. We had stopped and when I looked up, I was shocked at what I saw. The full city was in front of us, the lights illuminating the sky. You could see everything from here, it was beautiful. I looked around and noted there was a blanket on the ground which I’m assuming Aiden put here when I was in my own little world. We were on some type of hill that looked down on everything below us. I could see the cars driving and the people walking. I turned to Aiden who was looking at me with a sheepish smile. He opened his mouth to speak but before he spoke, I ran to him and crashed my lips to his. He seemed a little shocked as he didn’t respond at first but once he started, it was heaven. I decided to pull away even though I really didn’t want to but he set up this for me and I wanted to enjoy it all.


‘Do you like it?’ He asked. I looked at him as if to say ‘really?’ 

‘Obviously, I like it’ I said and he smiled. His gorgeous, blindingly great smile. 

Aiden sat on the blanket and patted the spot next to him, gesturing for me to sit down. I eagerly agreed, sitting down so I face the wonderful view in front of me. Aiden pulled some drinks and chips out of a bag. I didn’t even notice that. I grabbed one of the cans of juice, slurping it down before eating some chips greedily. I looked at Aiden to see him looking at me with a weird look on his face. I was about to question why until I realised I had been stuffing the chips down my throat like an animal.

‘Want some?’ I asked Aiden. 

He chuckled before taking some and eating them. I sat the bag of chips down and lay down on the blanket, looking up to the sky. It was littered with small bright dots, I let out a sigh of contentment and closed my eyes. I felt something shift and figured Aiden was just lying down beside me. That was obviously not the case because when I opened my eyes, Aiden was practically lying on top of me. I jumped from the fright of it and hit my forehead off of his. We both groaned and I rubbed my forehead, that hurt. When we looked at each other, we both burst out laughing. Once we finally calmed ourselves down, Aiden leaned over me again and kissed me lightly before pulling back up. I wanted to continue kissing him so I quickly put my hands around his neck and pulled him towards me making our lips meet. I felt the shock of me doing this a second time to him. I wasn’t like this usually, he just made me like this. I kissed him hard and he did the exact same, I knew we had to stop soon before it got too heated, so I pulled away panting. 

‘Where did that come from?’ He asked, panting. I blushed and went to turn my head. He stopped me with a kiss before pulling away.

‘I didn’t say I didn’t like it’ He admitted before getting up and offering his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me up but still didn’t let go of my hand. 

We walked over to the edge of the hill and looked out. I leaned against Aiden and he removed his hand from my hand and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close. It was quiet except for the sounds of nature. I thought about how I got here. I was a closeted emo boy with one friend and now I’m dating Aiden Miller. The mysterious bad boy, who could get anyone he wanted, boy or girl yet here he was with me and that made my heart swell. I smiled slightly thinking how all of this turned out. It was great, he liked me a lot and I liked him a lot. I really liked him, I think I’m falling for him…

My phone rang making me jump a little at the noise before I pulled it out to see an unknown number. Aiden was looking at it with confusion too. Who could this be?

‘Hello’ I said.

‘Hello, are you Jace Jackson?’ A lady asked. 


‘This is the hospital calling, your parents have been in a car crash and you should get here as soon as you can’

I felt all the colour drain from my face as I dropped the phone to the ground. Aiden grabbed me before I could fall too. I felt tears falling down my face as I rushed to the car, telling Aiden what was wrong. All I was thinking was I hope they’re okay. They need to be.


A/N-And the drama begins....

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