
Today i was meeting my business manager to discuss some very important plans on expansion ny business.

I pushed the glass doors entering the room where they sat waiting on me.

Me: good morning you guys

They all replied as i sat down.

While sipping my Carmel latte my manager gary started talking.

Gary: okay so if you'll look at the board *points to board* sales are up tremendously which is great for all of your businesses but i have been thinking of a way for it too skyrocket

Me: okay what's the idea *continues too drink*

Gary: okay so i have been in contact with this person's manager and doing a collaboration with this brand is going to put you at the very top of the industry and its going to make you a billionaire

but its your call

I started thinking if the brands that it could be.

Me: who is it gary?

He made a weird face and looked to his collegue.

He could see that i was getting both annoyed and impatient so sighing he opened his mouth .

The words that came out made my heart tingle.

Gary: Chris Brown

Me: why does it have too be his brand why couldn't be ....i don't know drake's OVO or something?

Gary: OVO already has something going on with another artist and Black Pyramid was the best fit for your brand we already did the numbers pair with him and shut is going too be sweet amor'e trust me

I sighed and thought about it.

Gary was indeed right if i paid with chris my company will skyrocket on no time.

Omgggg why did it have to be the nigga that broke my heart?

Only for the sake of my business im gonna do this .

So this is the only reason i say....

Me: okay yes

The entire room clapped i guess that was the decision they hope i made.

Gary: great you won't be disappointed amor'e

Me: i better not be gary and i meant it *points finger at gary*

Gary: i know ,i know he already sent over some sketches of some potential designs its just for you to look over them and confirm

I nodded as he slid them over to me.

I gripped the plastic folder that had his company's logo on the front.

My freshly manicured nails ran over the sticker logo.

I missed him, i missed him so much but he wasn't mine anymore.

I've seen that he's with her again that's none of my business im just tryna make money and focus on myself.

If loves finds me then it does im not pressing the issue.

After the meeting was dismissed i headed down too my car .

Opening the door i got inside and drove off.

When i got to my house.

Yes that's right i bought my very own house i thought that it was time for my own space don't get me wrong i love Niah's place and im very thankful for her that she gave me a place too stay while i was in a really bad place.

Buttttt now that i got my own crib im really happy.

I live not too far from Kylie Jenner which is amazing i got a chance too meet her and she's really nice.

I placed my bag onto the counter of my island and walked over too the fridge.

Opening it i grabbed a detox juice and a water.

This juice nasty.

I sat down on the bar stool and opened the juice.


I grabbed the folder and opened it as well.

Taking a sip from juice i looked at the first design.

It was a dress.

It has blackpyramid around the colour and sleeves while there was pink diamonds all over the base of the dress.

I kept filling each page looking at all the designs.

These were amazing each one was so beautiful and well designed i loved everyone of them.

Finishing my juice i drank some of my water and grabbed my phone.

Opening the messages app i texted gary.

To Gary-I love all the designs get on them immediately and tell chris they are awesome/i look forward to working with him on the project

From Gary- okay great on it

I then posted a pic on the grams.

Seeing that he liked my picture i got a feeling deep in my gut.

This is gonna be a bumpy rideworking with chris but im down for the ride.

I threw away my things and headed upstairs.

Opening my bedroom door I walked straight in and went too my huge walk-in closet.

I placed my bag on a shelf that i had just for my designer bags.

I stripped from head too toe and walked into my bathroom.

I turned on the shower and put it on hot.

While waiting for it too heat up i walked over too my sink and got started on my skincare.

I grabbed my Neutrogena makeup wipes taking out a single one and started removing my makeup.

I used a little force when it came too my eye shadow and my lipstick.

When the heavy stuff came off i used my fenty makeup remover wash too remove the rest.

Once i was down i used the rest of my fenty skincare products to finish up my routine .

I decided to put on a mask tonight so i used my Indian Healing clay mixing it with a little apple cider vinegar, using my morphe face brush to apply it.

I then got into the shower and did my regular routine.

Stepping out i felt refreshed.

I grabbed my towel of the rack and wrapped it around my body.

I changed into some comfy clothing and brushed out my hair.

Putting it into a messy bun i lotioned my skin and headed downstairs too get started on dinner.

I decided to make some shrimp Alfredo with some broccoli mixed into it.

Once the water came to a boil i poured the noodle shells into the boiling water and gave it a stir.

I added some salt and pepper for taste.

Thank god i seasoned a whole batch of shrimp before hand so i turned on the skillet adding some organic olive oil into the pan leaving that to sizzle .

I added the shrimp and added some papricca for a kick of flavor.

I checked on the noodles and they were perfect.

I turned it off and strained it leaving them in the pot.

I got my pre-made special alfredo sauce from the fridge and i dumped it into the pot.

I then added the shrimp and the broccoli that i had already chopped up and stirred in the fridge.

I put the pot back on the heat and mixed it all around.

I cracked some black pepper and it was done.

I let it cook for a few more seconds and then i turned off the heat.

My eyes fixated on something on my counter.

Tokyo's Gucci sunglasses *laughs* she left it here yesterday.


*Knock Knock*

Speak of the rug rat.

I walked over to the door and opened it .

Me: hey to-

Once i saw who it was the smile on my face faded and turned into more of a shock.

How did he know where i live more less my actual house?

Me: what are you doing here chris?

Chris: i just came too talk aight so please *sighs* lets just talk

Me: there is nothing too talk about chris

Chris: just *short pause* please

I looked at him before sighing ,i could see that he really wanted too talk from the hint of sadness in his voice and in his brown eyes.

Me: you got ten minutes

I moved aside letting him in

Chris: nice crib you got

Me: yeah now talk times ticking

Chris: *sniffes around* what you cook?

Me: shrimp alfredo

I walked back into the kitchen grabbing two bowls from my cabinet.

I dished out the food while he till a seat at my island.

I placed the bowl down in front of him and went to the fridge too get us a drink.

I poured us both glasses of pink punch and sat down on the opposite side of him.

Im not even gonna lie and say that i wasn't staring because i most definitely was.

His features all a gift from god was so perfect .

I snapped out of my transcript and went back too the matter at hand .

Why was he here?

Me: talk chris *eats*

Chris: im sorry amor'e i really am i never intended too hurt you

Me: *rolls eyes* but you did chris and if i didn't follow you would have never told me

Chris: i know that and im sorry again for everything that i put your through from the bottom of my heart. When your friends came down to germany i was shocked that you weren't there honestly kaya was ready too beat my ass and mika's niah explained everything too me and baby im so sorry for leaving you and having you feeling like i didn't love you because i did and still do hell im love with your ass, i looked for you when i came back, i searched all over but i couldn't find you i was a wreck without you honestly and then that night when i saw you at the club i wanted too talk but that bitch ass nigga fucked it up

Me: that nigga is my bodyguard chris

Well there does my ten minutes

Chris: whatchu need that for?

Me: because im constantly being stalked by the paps my fans, your fans everyone and Niah hired him mainly for you to keep you out of my way *drinks juice*

Chris: naw man me and that girl needa have a talk forreal but honestly i apologize i want you back but i understand that that's gonna take some time

Me: chris i-i don't know about getting back together i accept your apology but you messed me up emotionally.... badly

Chris: i get that baby and im so sorry,i really am yo ,i need you im my life by my side as my girl not no other nigga

Me: *laughs* you don't quit do you

Chris: nah if i love you nobody gone have you and i mean that shit

I remembered those words from the viral video years ago in which he warned girls that if he loves them ain't nobody gone have them .

When he said that my heart fluttered honestly.

But i cannot let him in that easily besides Niah and Kaya will murder my ass.

I worked so hard ,they worked so hard to help me feel like myself.

Myself before i met chris when i ddint have a nigga and i was good they helped me reach and even better place and i wasn't gonna ruin all that hard work.

Me: *sighs* look chris lets be friends for now and see where things take us okay?

Chris: aight i can do that, so what we finna do friend?

Me: we are having a conversation that's good enough what's going on with you and ole girl?

Chris: me and her got nothing going on im single i only got my eyes set on one girl

Me: *blushes*

Chris: *smiles* i love you amor'e and imma work a million times harder to get you back, too get us back to what we used to be and even better

I wanted too believe him so bad but i need to see him actually working and not talking when i see progress then we can revist us getting back together.

I got up and took our stuff to the sink.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist and his breath on my neck.

Chris: i want us back forreal this time and im not going to let no nigga or bitch come between us i want all this *grabs ass* and this *grabs titts* your mine amor'e

I was getting hornier by the second .

His hands cupped my pussy and rubbed on it making me shiver to the touch.

Its been a while now i sit gonna lie i did have sex with this guy while i was in Compton but he didn't satisfy me as much as chris did.

Chris left me begging for more, more than i knew right now i couldn't have .

I have got too stay strong for my sake.

I removed his hands and resumed washing the dishes .

Me: when you put in the work then we can do that but not right now

Chris*laughs* night but lemme find out another nigga hit it imma kill you and him

I laughed and looked at him but he was serious as Niah was about getting her boobs done that one time.

But that never happened though.

Me: chris you are unbelievable

Chris: nah im serious bruh you know that pussy is mine,i can make you come with just the sound of my voice and you know it

Me: okay vagina whisperer dry these and out them back into the cabinet

He did as told.


He turned and looked at me with a smirk on his face .

The music played in the background as he and i sung every lyric mid-song and started recording him.

He started dancing .

Me: go chris....go chris....go chris...aye...aye....aye *laughs*

No matter shat ill always be his personality hype man.

Chris: *laughs* so i have a show on saturday and i was wondering if you would come out and support

Me: of course i would never miss a chris brown concert

Chris: bring your crew too but leave your bodyguard at home

Me: no can do he is my protection

Chris: ill give you two of my bodyguards jamal and frank they the best and they don't play

Me: *sighs* well see

Chris: *laughs* ight

We spent the night just talking and having fun.

I really did miss him .

Hope yall are enjoying the updates.

Sorry for any mistakes!.

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