《The Vampires Little》Wednesday (Jackson's Birthday)


I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm, i picked it up and chucked it at the wall hearing it shatter into a million piece. I groaned not wanting to get up but eventually got up to get ready.

As i walked into the bathroom i remembered what day it was, classification day (a.k.a my birthday).

What was so special about today was that i get to skip school but only after lunch and i can finally become a Dom. My friend Andrew is taking me to get classified as i can't drive and the bus doesn't stop by there.

After i finished getting changed and ready for the day, i heard Andrew honking his horn impatiently. I ran out of the house and hopped in his car.

"HEY DUDE, EXCITED TO SKIP AFTER LUNCH" he yelled over the loud music blaring out of the radio.

"DEFINITELY" i screamed at the top of my lungs.

Eventually we got to school and i went to my locker to get my cigarettes, i obviously wasn't going to any classes.

I went to the bleachers and sat while i watched the jocks play football. I wasn't on the team because i wasn't allowed. I have a really bad record according to the principal so i don't get things that i want.

I was having a smoke while some of the girls we giggling together and pointing to me, one got up and came over.

"Heya Jackson" she said, i don't actually know who she is but i think she is in my class.

" What do you want?"

" You know what i want Jackie. To be your girlfriend"

"Don't call me that and NO!"

"Why not Jackie"

I stood up and walked away, she is so weird


I walked back into the school as one of the prefects walk over to me.

" What are you doing out of class"

" None of your business" the only problem was he was a lot taller than me and dragged me over to my classroom.

" Mr Stewart here is Mr Malik, caught him outside smoking" he said with a smirk.

" Thank you Mr Dawson"

I walked to the back of the class and sat there putting my headphones in, i was beyond angry with all of these people. I didn't want to be here.

Next period was lunch and i could finally get out of here. I ended up falling asleep on my desk.

"Jackson... Dude get up" Andrew was shaking me awake.

" mmm. I'm up"

" Good, come on it's lunch then we have to go to the centre"

"Yeah, Yeah"

I didn't have anything to eat at lunch and just walked to Andrew's car. I hopped in and blasted the music.

" You alright" Andrew said looking at me.

" Ye dude I'm good"


"Ok we're here" Andrew said getting out of the car and walking into the building. We enter and sit at the first seat we see.

"Jackson" said a nurse, and i raise my hand.

"Dr. Crawford will see you now"

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