《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 1


Freya's Wings ^^^

~Those who don't believe in magic will never find it~

"HURRY ELVIA!" I exclaimed. " Gosh Freya, I'm going as quick as my wings can carry me."

Silly Elvia

Elvia is my best friend, she kept me company through my lonely days at the castle. I always had a routine; study, help the maids, tend the animals, train with the my teacher, to get my magic under control. But when Elvia is in the castle, we have a blast! Elvia was rather taller and stronger than me, but she appeared more weak when it came to flying. I was rather small, 5.0 to be precise! I wasn't strong like most fairies but I had the speed! We also looked the opposite. She had dark hair while I had hair light as snow. She had eyes dark as chocolate, while I had purple bright eyes.

"Are we almost there Freya?" Elvia panted. "I believe so!" I giggled back. "I followed the directions the maid spoke off!"

My wings soared through the night sky. I bet they were ecstatic that they could fly for real! I could never use my wings in the castle, as it wasn't big enough. As we approached the destination I took a glance at the dark sky. Little speckles of light shined through the sky of darkness. Fireflies, griffins, dragons danced in the dark.

My kingdom was beautiful indeed!

I knew we were at our destination! Elvia and I both landed, our bar feet touched the cold ground. We quickly put away our wings.

The maid described the smell, she said it was like freshwater, leaves and mud. You would hear the roaring thunder of water.

Pixie sticks was she right!

The waterfall was a sight of beauty! The water was crystal blue as animals drank from it. My little pet cottontail was also drinking from the lake.


"Oh my goodness Daisy, there you are! I thought we lost you!" I screaked in happiness!

"I wish she got eaten by a wolf, that little rodent keeps eating my dresses!"

"ELVIA!" I gasped. "Why would you wish such thing on a cute little animal?"

"Phttt please! Freya, she's not cute. She's a beast!"

Elvia was in denial so I picked little Daisy up and held her up to Elvia. "See how cute she is with her little bunny eyes!" I cooed. "Nope I don't see it." And with that, Elvia walked away to the waterfall.

I quickly put Daisy down and joined Elvia by the falls.

"I wish it could be like this everyday you know. Exploring the kingdom, flying till are wings get tired. Why did I have to get these silly powers?" I confessed. Elvia gasped "FREYA! Why would you ever say something like that? "I wish I had your magic, all I have is boring little tricks. Your powers are a blessing! I looked at Elvia with sorrow. "My parents don't think so." Elvia rolled her eyes. "Because their barbaric..... oops I didn't mean to say that."

It was dead silent. You could hear the crickets.

Then we both bursted into laughter!

"I believe we actually escaped the castle!" I giggled. "Were pretty marvelous I must say, even that little rabbit. Speaking of which, where is Daisy? Elvia said. I looked around the area. A little white cottontail was no where to be seen? I began to panic! "DAISY?" we both yelled. Nothing at all, the area was silent. The crickets were no longer chirping. Something was definitely wrong. Then out of no where, a loud howl filled the area. Elvia and I made eye contact.


We both flew to where the howl came from. I know were silly for doing this but Daisy means a lot to me, maybe not to Elvia but she would never let me go alone. We flew through the thick forest getting closer and closer to where Daisy was. But little did we know we were also getting closer to our fate.

I suddenly came to a complete stop. Elvia bumped straight into my back, she was breathing so loud you could most likely hear it from the Vampire Kingdom. As for me, it's like I wasn't breathing at all. I couldn't take a breath. All I could do was stare to what was in front of me.

A bunch of werewolves starring straight at us. Some of them were in there animal form, while others were in there human shape. Several of them were smirking, while others were glaring. They all looked very strong, like they could snap us in half with there pinky. One of the werewolves were holding a frightened Daisy.

The one holding my frightened cottontail was none other than

Elvia and I turned our heads towards one another, possibly thinking the same thing.

Could our wings get us out of this one?


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