《Tempest's Embrace》Chapter 23


His gaze on the charts and maps before him went unfocused, his thoughts plainly on other things. Mainly on someone.

He tried with little success in concentrating on what Bellamy was saying. They will be arriving within hours at the bay in Azores. It would be a resting spot to restock on items they needed to continue on to England.

He listened as Bellamy and Quinn happily spoke of the Taverns they will soon visit and which had the best willing wenches a man could hope for.

But his mind was nowhere near thinking about that. Although it should. He needed a distraction other than her. His heart tightened at the thought. But in truth, he needed to do something fast. He needed to focus on the task at hand.

Get her to her family. End of story.

Their conversation continued on about the trajectory of their voyage and how far off track they were before sailing into Azores's Port. By then he noticed she was on deck slowly walking towards the side railing. His heart fluttered at the sight of her dressed in a day gown. She quietly settled there passing the time looking out at the ever-changing sea.

She was unaware that the evening sunset had turned her loosened hair into billowing dark waves around her face, or that her averted profile had the sweet purity of a perfect silhouette. His eyes wandered from time to time to feast on the enchanting picture she made, Justin openly admired her and the men beside him whenever they thought the captain wasn't aware of it.

As night fell he decided to stay above deck and sail his ship in. If any would have known better, they would know that he did it to not go below to be in the cabin and in such closed space with her these last couple of days...because it weakened him.

Her simplest gestures inflamed his senses from her enticing view of walking around, smiling, and talking with him.

He took a deep breath, stepped aside and unfolded his spyglass, and peered through it at the harbor of Azores at a distance. For the moment the docks were calm, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He could turn his full attention to guiding his ship through.


He whirled around to face her standing behind him wrapped in one of his cloaks.

"What are you doing up?" He frowned.

She stood holding onto the balustrade and clutching his cloak tight.

"I couldn't sleep," she leaned against it and looked at him.

A sense of possession swept through him and tightened his chest with the wind that plucked at his cloak only to expose her delicate form through the thin nightrail. Quickly he looked up to see if anyone were on deck to notice her.

"You shouldn't be up here. It is late," he told her, his eyes lowering down the length of her gown.

"I...don't want to be alone," she stammered, then gently circled her arms around herself.

His gaze held hers briefly as his jaw clenched, contemplating what to do.

"I take it, you want to remain above here with me," he mumbled.

She nodded.

"You will listen and stay close," he warned.

She agreed once more.

She nibbled nervously on her lips and watched him timidly. Her heart fluttered with excitement the moment his gaze softened and he extended his hand.

With a beautiful smile, she stepped closer and placed her hand in his firm, secure hold. Her knees locked against the sudden dip in the ship but it wasn't enough to steady her as she suddenly ended up in his arms.


She gasped as she lost her footing and fell against him. Arms tightly locked around her waist held her close. His gaze held hers as she breathlessly stood pressed against his hard body. His hand shot up immediately to caress her cheek and tilt her chin up.

"Are you alright?" concern burned in his eyes.

"Yes," she breathed.

He allowed his gaze to lower and linger on the berry hue of her lips and could feel the rogue in him rising.

"Hold on tight," he told her as he gently turned her towards the ship's steering and placed her hands slowly on its handles.

Giddy and filled with excitement she relaxed and did what he said.

A brief silence had passed between them as he stood behind her and gently guided the wheel beneath her hands.

"What is in Azores?" she asked curiously.

"Tis where we can restock and rest in order to continue on to England," he answered. He looked down at her holding her gaze. "Mayhap we can get a decent meal and stay the night. How does that sound?" he asked.

"That sounds wonderful," she smiled then turned to look out at the island's port ahead littered with small torches.

Nearly an entire night had passed since the moment they docked and sailed small boats inland. He held her small hand and kept her close at his side as they walked the docks towards the mainland and into the town.

The tropical air was balmy and warm as it brushed over her. She took in her surroundings as they neared what seemed to be the center of town. Drunken men laughed uproariously as they staggered from one rowdy establishment to another, their arms tightly wrapped around a female companion in the same condition.

Once they were actually inside, she felt Justin tug her close and pulled the hood of his cloak further to cover her face. She wrapped her fingers on his upper arm and looked on as men sat drinking at round tables. Rough, dirty men who looked like far more deadlier pirates than the Vengeance's crew. They were certainly not gentlemen, with their raucous voices and filthy language. And the women who waited on them, bringing them ale and whiskey that stood lingering for a pinch or cuddle, were certainly not ladies!

Her cheeks felt warm and she blushed as her shy gaze landed on a man in the corner tugging at a woman's bodice, causing her ample breasts to spring free. Justin's warm hand slowly rose to cover her eyes just in time but wasn't fast enough as the man's fingers cupped them and brought one to his lips.

Justin pulled her closer as he approached the Taverns bar.

"Why what do we have here?" a burly voice met them as they got closer. By this time it was just her and Justin and a few of his men.

"Gordon ye brute," Justin chuckled reaching up to shake the barkeep's hand.

"What brings ye by?" Gordon smiled.

"Supplies and much-needed rest. Do you have a room?" Justin sighed.

Tempest pressed closer to his side as the barkeep's gaze lowered to her.

"And what have we here?"

His eyes lingered consideringly on the soft white skin and wide blue-green eyes beneath the hood.

Cautiously, Justin went rigid and straightened to his full height then gently pulled her behind him possessively and his men stepped closer. "She is with me," his jaw clenched.

"Are we going to have trouble here Gordon?" he stepped forward. He could feel Tempest at his back and her fingers tightening on his arm.


The barkeep chuckled and stood back with hands in outstretched surrender. "Nay..," he shook his head. "Gertrude help the Captain here to a room," he bellowed.

Relief washed through him as he felt her fingers ease and the barkeep stepped away.

He forgot how awful this tavern was as he furiously stepped forward and pulled Tempest along following the buxom barmaid towards the steps.

They finally made it to the room as Justin instructed his men on what to do. She was soon ushered in and he shut the door. They stood now in silence staring at one another.

"Forgive me for bringing you here...I never.." he began.

"Tis alright you have no need to apologize," she said softly removing her cloak.

He observed her as she stood and looked around. "There is a wash bin in the corner if you want to freshen up before bed." he pointed in its direction and stepped forward.

She nodded and slowly did so. She finally felt refreshed and awkwardly removed her gown. His cerulean blue eyes passed over her slowly with approval and a hint of longing as she stood in her night rail before she turned away and slid beneath the sheets.

He hesitated for a while as her expectant gaze held his. His eyes lowered to the expanse of the inviting bed, those beautiful eyes and the enticing warm body beneath the sheets that await him. He struggled inwardly with his decision to put distance between them.

He needed a drink.

He slowly stepped to the lantern on the table beside the bed. He made little effort to undress as he was prolonging it. He made his way to the chair in the dark and was stopped with a soft knock on the door.

A sense of agitation spread through him at the interruption then relief. "Come in,"

Quinn peeked his head through the door quickly. "Cap'n a storm is heading this way."

He stood and slid his scabbard in place and walked quickly towards the door. "Gather a few men and call big John. Head out to the ship and lower the sails."

"Aye Cap'n"

He turned immediately to look at her as she sat in the middle of the bed. He slowly made his way to her.

"Rest easy it's a small storm. I must go to the ship and secure the things in the cabin. You get some sleep." without thinking he caressed her cheek and slowly leaned closer. Transfixed with her soft lips he wanted desperately to kiss.

He caught himself immediately and stood straight. His gaze held hers.

The slight tap at the door broke the trance and with that, he spun around and left.


It had been hours since she settled beneath the sheets and drifted off to sleep. It was until the loud clap of thunder that ripped through the sky woke her.

She looked around the room and saw no sign of Justin then panicked.

She bound quickly off the bed and went to the door. She opened it and paused to see big John hitched back in a chair against the wall snoring.

Nervously she tiptoed out and walked the hall until she neared the steps.

It seemed like no one slept in the establishment as men could be heard laughing and singing. She took each step slowly until she leaped over a drunken body tossed on the floor blocking the last step.

She frantically looked around at the men around her. Some familiar some not. The rambunctious laughter and throaty female laughter pulled her closer to a dark corner. She stepped closer and stood solid to the spot. Her eyes taking in the scene before her.

Her heart slowly rattled in her chest and tightened painfully. She watched all the familiar men from the ship drinking and having a merry time. But the one in particular that caught her attention was Justin in the company of a woman.

Her fists tightened. A sense of jealousy deep down spread through her as she watched him caressing the scantily clad woman in his lap, his head buried in her neck and his hands kneading and touching her skin.

Her stomach lurched and rolled with a sickening feeling watching him. She had no right to feel this way but she could not help it. All the intimate moments they had felt...

She took a shaky labored breath her lungs refused to give her and tried in vain not to let the burning tears in her eyes surface.

He pulled away from her neck and that is when Tempest's presence was known.

He froze.

Bloodshot eyes held red eyes brimming with tears in a trance.

The woman in his lap did not seem to mind as she continued kissing his neck and nibbling on his ear.

He sat rigid to the spot staring at her. Tempest turned away and ran off. With an oath, he pried the long slender arm from around his neck to get free and follow her.

In her fit of anger, she stepped on the drunk man by the steps and continued up towards the room. She could hear her name being called at a distance as she walked quickly through the door and slammed it shut.

A second had passed as she furiously dashed away her tears and crawled into bed.

The thud of the door closing did not stir her.

"Tempest?" he called to her. She refused to answer him.

He drew in a deep, fortifying breath.

"Tempest. Please." leaning into the bed and pulling her around to face him.

"Don't you dare touch me again" she sat up and shoved his chest. "Get out and leave me alone."

"Not until you hear me out," he gritted his teeth.

"Hear what? That you are a vile dog? A lowly scoundrel? A liar?" she cried with rage.

He scowled and leaned over and grabbed her arm. "I never lied to you. You know exactly what I am." he hissed.

"You're a filthy pirate?" she shoved at his chest once more.

"Aye, but that never stopped you from enjoying my advances," he shook her and in that moment her hand came up to deliver a stinging slap to his cheek.

He stumbled back in surprise. Pain more than anything evident in both their eyes.

"Leave," she sobbed.

"I am not going anywhere, t'is my bed," he sneered.

She said nothing as she pulled away and stumbled off the bed with a stubborn jut in her jaw he knew too well. His own private war raged within him as he watched her head towards the door. Immediately, he lunged for her and picked her up. Flailing arms and feet kicked furiously as she sobbed more in his arms.

Unceremoniously he tossed her back in the bed. "And neither are you," he hissed between clenched teeth.

Angry eyes peered up at him. He turned away from her and undressed. Her sniffles tore at him in the worst way. He felt her heated glare on his back but he did not want to argue anymore. The countless mugs of ale and rum he consumed were upon him.

He knelt in the bed slowly and faced her once more. His heart stumbled at the sight of her. He felt awful. Not only due to the drink but what she witnessed. He slowly reached up with the urge to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks but she slapped his hand away bitterly.

With a sigh, he turned away and slowly lowered his self on the pillow on his back. He had barely settled beneath the sheets and turned away only to feel the brisk shove at his back.

With an oomph and tangled sheets around his limbs, he found himself on the floor. With a groan and breathless sigh, he plopped on his back with a curse.

You deserved it bloody cur...

He laid there sightlessly gazing up at the rafters, his mind continued to race.

He felt a painful agony with each draw of her breathless sobs she tried to contain. He wanted to take her into his arms and apologize for what he said and did but he knew it was too late.

His future and hers he feared was bleak. His only option was to distance himself from her before he could do her any more damage.

When in truth he did more damage than good.


Here we go!!!


But stay tuned things are goona her hot 🔥

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