《Worth The Risk》It Gets Worse


**TW: R*PE**

Miguel and Emma sat in his car outside of Isabella's rented mansion. Emma was nervous. She knew everything would be okay but what if it wasn't. What if something went horribly wrong and they all went to jail? Fuck. At least Miguel was here. Somehow him being here made Emma feel better. He was capable and knowledgeable. Skilled. Experienced.

"Em?" Miguel said.


"Where does Delilah think you are right now?" He asked.

"I told her I had to pick a few things up from the store." Emma answered.

"When you go back, what are you going to have?"

"What?" Emma didn't really understand the question.

"You have to have things from the store. She'll look at you weird. We've been gone almost an hour already. If you're going to start doing this, you have to start lying to her. Not just lying but being a good liar." Miguel said.

"Miguel, I'm a lawyer." Emma laughed.

"Lying to a room of people you don't care about and lying to the person love and sleep beside every night are two different things." Miguel shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not "doing this" its a one time thing."

Miguel chuckled. "I don't know. You got your first taste of blood. You felt that rush. I can see it on your face. Even now, you're just hoping Savannah gets out of line so you can put her in her place. It feels good doesn't it?"

"I wish you guys would stop asking me that." Emma bit her bottom lip. He was right though. Emma liked that feeling of letting that fury out on someone who deserved it. "Let me ask you something."


"Did you threaten Cameron?" Emma asked.

"Yes." Miguel didn't see the point of lying to Emma. Especially not now. They shared a mutual secret. They had a bond. One cause. Keep Delilah safe and happy.


"Why?" Emma asked.

"For you. For Delilah. She hurt you. You mean the most to Delilah. She pays for her mistake. Like Savannah is paying for hers. You have your way of bringing people to justice. We have ours." Miguel laughed. "Well shit, I guess we do it the same way now, huh?"

Emma laughed a little. "Would you have really killed Cameron?"

"No, but don't tell her that."

"Don't worry. My lips are sealed, crazy."

"Here they come." Miguel said before getting out of the car. Emma followed behind him.

Juan and Isabella met them with Savannah in tow. Miguel had been right. Emma wanted so badly to attack Savannah right then. She actually looked as though she has been through enough.

Savannah was in bad shape. They had not let her get a wink of sleep since they took her from her home. They took turns staying up with her. Drugging and taunting her. The mental torment was far worse, in Savannah's mind anyway, than the physical torture. She had not been allowed to eat, drink, or sleep. She almost actually wished they would have just killed her.

"Do not let her out of your sight. She does whatever Emma says." Juan said sternly to Miguel.

Miguel nodded. "I understand, pop."

Isabella pushed Savannah to Emma. "She's all yours."

Savannah was thankful she was finally leaving Isabella and Juan. Maybe Emma and this man would let her eat. No. Forget food. Savannah just wanted to go to sleep. She wanted rest. She felt like she was losing her mind. The last two or three days... she wasn't sure anymore, but they were a blur.

"Emma," Juan said, "Thank you for taking care of my girl. I couldn't have asked for anyone better for her." He kissed Emma on the cheek. "I love you."

Emma's own parents weren't very affectionate. They weren't abusive or bad parents. It just wasn't their thing to tell you they loved you. She didn't hear it often growing up. So now anytime she heard it, it felt like an achievement of some sort. "I love you, too."


They said their goodbyes, and with their new prisoner, Miguel and Emma drove away. Miguel sat in the back with Savannah while Emma drove to her house. Miguel and Savannah would stay there.

"Open your eyes sunshine. It's not nap time." Miguel said to Savannah. "Why hasn't anyone reported you missing yet?" Miguel asked.

"I live an isolated life." Her voice was raspy and tired.

"What you mean is nobody cares about you." Miguel said. "I see why. You're a despicable person. I've did my research on you at the request of our friend here." Miguel nodded to Emma.

She looked in the rear view mirror and watched as Miguel spoke to Savannah. Savannah's head was leaned back on the seat. She wasn't even looking at Miguel. Emma started to feel angry at herself. The smallest ball of pity rolled in around in her belly and she felt sorry for Savannah. Emma hated herself for it. She tore her eyes away from the scene playing out behind her and focused on the road.

Miguel grabbed a folder from the front seat. He opened it and started reading. "Let me know if you know any of these ladies, okay?" He said to Savannah. "Gia. Robin. Stephanie. Tiffany. Ashley. Paula."

"Stop." Savannah said.

"Wait, there's more." Miguel put his hand up and continued reading. "Janet. Candace. Madeline. Audrey. Macy. Brit..."

"Stop!" Savannah said louder this time. It was more aggressive. Now she was sitting up, looking straight at Miguel.

Emma didn't understand what was going on. Who did those names belong to? Who were those women?

"You know what those women have in common, Emma?" Miguel asked.

Emma shook her head no. She wasn't sure she wanted to know.

"Do you want to tell her or should I?" Miguel asked Savannah. She didn't say anything. "You're right. I should tell her. Those are names of all the women Savannah has taken advantage of. Some of them she paid off. Some of them she simply scared off but I found all of them. Spoke to all of them, you piece of shit." Miguel said. "You're going to rot in jail."

Emma brought the car to screeching stop. "You raped all of those women??" Emma asked. She was appalled.

Savannah didn't say anything. Emma couldn't believe it. She slowly started driving again. This woman was a monster.

"There's more, Em." Miguel said. "I searched her house. She recorded some of them. She even had the security footage from the club."

How did she get that? "Did you.." Emma paused. "Did you watch it?"

"Fuck no." Miguel said.

Savannah smirked and looked at Emma in the mirror. "I know it's driving you crazy. Delilah can't remember and some sick part of you wants to know what happened." Savannah coughed. "You should watch it. It's some of my best work."

Miguel grabbed Savannah by the throat and squeezed until her eyes started to roll back. "I would kill you myself. I couldn't tell you why because you're not worth the shit I took this morning but the only thing saving your worthless ass is Delilah."

Emma sat quietly as she drove. Savannah was getting under her skin. She did want to know. It was killing her. It had to be something wrong with her. Maybe she was sick. Was it normal to want to know every detail of someone's assault? Especially when that someone was your girlfriend. What difference would it make? It wouldn't. Emma knew that but the fact remained. She wanted to see the video. She couldn't help it.

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