《Worth The Risk》Incognito


The next day arrived bright and early for Delilah. Before she could even open her eyes for the day the doorbell rung. Emma was in bed with her, but Cyn had gone home the night before. Delilah groaned as the doorbell chimed. She had been wakened by her persistent nightmares all night again. She was exhausted.

"I'll get it, babe." Emma said groggily. She felt Delilah's tossing and turning throughout the night. She knew her baby had to be tired.

Delilah barely responded with a head nod. Emma borrowed one of Delilah's robes and went downstairs. She opened the door to an older, just as attractive version of Delilah. "Hi, Isabella."

Juan informed her already about Delilah and Emma's relationship. Isabella was happy for them. She always thought they had a little something going on. "Buenos dias, Emma. You just get more and more beautiful every time I see you." Isabella kissed her on the cheek before walking in.

"Thank you." Emma said as she blushed. Delilah's entire family just oozed sex appeal and dominance. She wasn't sure if it was the height or their unabashed approach to just flirting with whoever the hell they wanted but whatever it was, it was attractive. "And good morning."

"I know I am here extremely early. I should have known you'd be here. I'm sorry for waking you." Isabella said. She looked around. "Where is my precious namesake?"

Emma sighed. "In bed. Nights have been rough for her."

Isabella frowned. She got chills just thinking about sinking her claws into Savannah later. "Can you go fetch her for me? Tell her that her favorite tía is here."

Emma chuckled. She was Delilah's aunt but she went to wake Delilah anyway. "Baby." Emma said softly but she remained asleep. "Babyyy." Emma said again. This time she gently touched her to help her wake up.

"Savannah." Delilah mumbled. She was still stuck in the realm between sleep and actual consciousness.

Emma shook her. "Delilah. You have to wake up. Now."

Delilah's eyes opened quickly and she was breathing fast. She swore Savannah was in the room with her but she was wrong. It was Emma. Thank god. Delilah sat up and wrapped her arms around her. Emma squeezed her tightly and rubbed her back. "It's okay. I got you." Emma whispered.

When Delilah felt steady enough to let go she threw her legs over the side of the bed and put her feet on the floor. After nightmares were over, she always felt so dizzy. The small act helped her regained some stability.

"Isabella is here." Emma said. "She's waiting for you downstairs."

"Do I look like complete shit?" She asked. Her tía was the one who taught her everything she knew about womanhood, life, fashion, sex, and men. That last one didn't come in handy as much as she thought it would. Still, she didn't want Isabella seeing her like this.


Emma shook her head. "No.. you look like you just woke up is all."

Delilah saw through Emma's kind lie. She got up to at least brush her teeth and let her hair down. Her natural curls were starting to show themselves again. Emma liked Delilah's hair that way. She always had. Then again Emma always thought Lilah was the most beautiful woman in the room, no matter where they were. It didn't matter what she was wearing or how her hair was.

Delilah galloped downstairs to greet Isabella. "Que pasa, tía." The two of them embraced.

Emma decided to give the duo some privacy. She made the bed, took a shower, and made herself up for the day. She didn't have any real plans with Cyn at work and Delilah with Isabella. Maybe she would go home and water the plants or take a mid day nap after sending herself into a food coma. By food she meant junk that Delilah didn't have at her house. She ventured downstairs and quickly realized she couldn't understand the conversation at hand. She did hear her name, however.

When Delilah saw Emma coming downstairs, she switched back to English. She didn't like for Emma to feel left out. "So then Emma and Cyn get to the club and they find me in the bathroom passed out. They help me out of the club but then Savannah comes out and is saying a bunch of shit to Emma. Emma punches her in the face."

Isabella smiled. She didn't know Emma had that in her. "Did it feel good?" She asked.

Emma wished she had stayed upstairs just a little longer now. She was embarrassed. "It did."

"I know." Isabella winked at her. "Girls, listen. I have to run for now, but I'm having a dinner tonight at the place I'm renting. I'll send you the details later."

Delilah frowned. "I don't know, tía." She wasn't really in the mood for a crowd.

"Please, love?" Isabella said. "If you only come for a little while. I'd love to see you." She softly held Delilah's face with the palm of her hand.

"Okay." Delilah agreed.

"Yeah?" Isabella asked.

"Yes. We'll be there." Delilah said and then looked at Emma. She would only go if Emma would be her date. "Right?"

"Of course." Emma said.

"Perfect. I'll see you both then." Isabella kissed Delilah and Emma before departing.

Delilah sank into the couch. She really didn't want to go but didn't want to disappoint Bell. Emma grabbed her hand and kissed it. She could already see the regret on Delilah's face. "I'll be right there with you, babe." Emma reminded her.

"I know. Thank you." Delilah smiled at her and rested her head on Emma's shoulder. She was glad she had someone she could lean on. She was glad she had Emma.


After Emma watched Delilah lay in her dark bedroom for a few hours she forced her to get up and go out for a walk with her. Delilah was not happy about it but she knew Emma was just trying to help her out of the pit she was in. It was a nice day as far as the weather was concerned. She felt weird being outside in the clothes she was wearing but she couldn't bring herself to wear her usual skirt and heels. Instead she was wearing a loose fitting white t-shirt, black jeans, large sunglasses and a baseball cap. Her newly brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail under her hat. She didn't want to be recognized or noticed.

Emma was eating an ice cream with one hand and held Delilah's hand with the other as they walked around the park. She thought the sunlight might help brighten Delilah's mood just a little. She hoped it was working. She knew she was sad but thought maybe sitting in the dark would make it worse. She'd never seen Delilah this down about anything, and if she had been, she never let it show.

"Do you know what you're going to wear tonight?" Emma asked as she thought about the dinner. Isabella was known for throwing elaborate parties.

"No. You?"

"Not really. I guess I'll wait to see what the dress code is when she texts you. This ice cream is really good. Are you sure you don't want any?" Emma asked.

"Yes actually, but no." Delilah confessed. She had the urge to eat the worst things when she was stressed.

"Lick it. I won't tell anyone." Emma said holding the ice cream up to her mouth.

Delilah turned her head. "No, baby."

Emma persisted, pushing the ice cream closer and closer to her mouth. "I know you want it."

Delilah really smiled for the first time that day. "Stop, Em."

Emma gave up her fight to make her eat the frozen goodness. She was just happy to see her smile.

"Emma! Emma!" A little voice said from behind them. It was Abigail. She wrapped her little arms around Emma's leg and smiled up at her.

Delilah stared at the strange little girl. Who was she and why was she so happy to see her girlfriend?

Emma looked down at Abigail and rubbed her head. "Hey, Abi." Emma looked around for Cameron but didn't see her.

"Hi! I miss you! I wish you would come back to my mom's house." She pouted. She really liked Emma. She was nice to her and didn't mind playing with her unlike some of her moms other friends.

Delilah put two and two together. Of course. She looked just like her. This had to be Cameron's daughter. She really was not in the mood to see her.

"I miss you too, Abi. Where's your mom? You shouldn't be so far from her." Emma said.

"Oh my god, Abigail. You can not just run up to strangers." There was a remarkably beautiful woman walking towards them. "I'm sorry. She doesn't usually do this." The woman took Abigails hand. "I hope she didn't bother you."

"Not at all." Emma said.

"Mommy, she's not a stranger. This is Emma!" Abigail explained.

Grace's eyes widened just a little more. "Oh!" Abigail had not stopped talking about Emma since the night she met her. "I've heard a ton about you. Apparently, Abi thinks you created heaven and earth. I'm her other mom. Grace."

Emma chuckled awkwardly. "As you know, I'm Emma. This is my girlfriend, Delilah."

"Hi." Delilah said simply.

She thought Delilah looked familiar but couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe it wasn't her. Behind the shades and hat it was difficult to be sure. "So I should blame you for stealing this ones girl." Grace nodded towards Abigail. "I don't know who cries more about it. Abi or Cam." She said laughing. When Emma nor Delilah laughed, she realized the joke may not have been appropriate. She cleared her throat. "Anyway, sorry again. Nice meeting you."

"You too." Emma said. She waved to Abigail again as her and her mother walked away.

"You must have really gotten along with her." Delilah said when they were alone again.

"I did. She's a good kid. Really smart too."

"Obviously, if she likes you." Delilah said.

That made Emma smile. "You're the sweetest." She wanted to kiss Delilah but remembered the last time she tried. Instead she kissed her on the cheek. Delilah didn't seem to mind that. Emma missed her touch and missed touching her intimately. She was so enraged with Savannah for taking that from her. She felt guilty about that and she felt guilty about the sex dreams she had last night. Her subconscious shouldn't be thinking about that when Delilah is suffering. She was literally the world's worst girlfriend.

"I'm glad I have you." Delilah said.

That made Emma feel worse. "Always, babe."

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