《They all want to put me in a small dark room (np)》5.the queen mother and her sons (h)


"Empress mother, do you want me..."

Realizing Jin Luan's dissatisfaction with his desires, Jin Qi felt that the time was almost up. Squeeze the cock between the woman's legs, and start rubbing against the slushy flower hole.

The most vulnerable parts of the body collided with each other, and the meat cock swayed up and down the pink water hole, Jin Luan only felt that the bottom was about to burn, why is it so hot! Involuntarily, more honey liquid was poured out, trying to extinguish the burning fire stick.

"Come in... ah... come in..." Jin Luan couldn't bear to bury himself on Jin Qi's shoulder and shook his head.

"Hehe. As ordered, my mother." Jin Qi finally let go of her and himself with great compassion after hearing Jin Luan's plea. Without hesitation, he pushed the hot meat cock into it.

"Ah!" "Hmm!" The two of them exclaimed happily at the same time.

Jin Luan thought to himself, it's so big, so hot, and so painful! 嚶嚶嚶... tears welled up in the corners of my eyes.

"Does the mother hurt?" Jin Qi heard Jin Luan's painful cry, and hurriedly stopped, and whispered to the sobbing woman in his arms.

He knew that the queen mother should have been out of service for a long time, and this little hole was as tight as a virgin, and it was more comfortable to pinch him. Thinking of coming to my mother should be a lot more painful than myself.

Seeing the woman in her arms crying and her pitiful appearance, she couldn't help feeling distressed. Stopping the movement of the lower body, the kiss kept falling on the corner of the woman's eyes, licking away the tears.

Hmm.... the whole body of the mother is sweet... Jin Qi thought to himself.


Listening to Jin Luan's sobbing voice getting smaller and smaller, his body began to twist unbearably. Jin Qi also started to move slowly.

Jin Luan felt that his tunnel was completely opened, and it hurt a little, but more of it was filled with satisfaction and pleasure. The comfort replaced the pain. He only felt that his little pussy was getting more and more itchy, only the big cock rubbed hard. to save yourself.

With Jin Qi's push, the movements became faster and deeper, and Jin Luan felt that the meat stick had reached the deep uterine opening, and there was a deeper pleasure in the continuous impact. Jin Luan thought to himself, there really is nothing more comfortable than this.

Jin Qi thought so too. The piece of soft meat at the mouth of the cervix deep in the mother's small hole kept inserting itself into the mouth of the bell when it was pierced, so fit, as if they were a natural pair!

"Hmm...the mother...um...you are mine...um..." Jin Qi breathed hard, Kiss Jin Luan's mouth again.

It's just that there is still a small section of his cock sticking out, how can this be good.

I want to go deeper, open the cervix, and enter the place that gave birth to myself, how warm it should be. Jin Qi thought.

"Ah...ha...Jin Qi....hmm...Qi'er...ah!

" Nong became more and more emotional, and Jin Qi couldn't help it anymore.

"Mother....Is it okay to let me in?..."

"Huh?...Ha...you...you're not.... ....have you...come in?" Jin Luan was puzzled.

Jin Qi didn't answer, just pushed harder, and finally embedded the whole cock into the mother's body.

Jin Luan only felt that his cervix was opened in an instant, and the huge cock was squeezed into the deepest part of his body, as if he was about to burst his stomach. She was so frightened that she screamed again and again.


"Ah! Ah!...Qi'er!...Um...don't come in again! Ah..."

Jin Qi's meat cock was finally wrapped all over When she got up, she didn't leave any gaps outside, her mother's corridor was constantly squeezing her lifeblood, and the deep neck opened and closed, and her glans felt extremely warm. Just want to get in a little bit more. The strength is so strong that I can't wait to squeeze all my sacks into it.

Jin Qi stared at his mother, who still looked young and beautiful, with a terrifying look.

"Mother....Mother...Huh...uh...you belong to me!...ah..."

Jin Qi's movements became more and more The bigger it was, the faster it was like hitting a horse stake, and the force was getting heavier and deeper. Jin Luan also reached a climax at the same time, spraying Yin essence on Jin Qi's glans.

Jin Qi hugged Jin Luan tightly, enjoying the afterglow of the spray, and refused to let go.

Jin Luan's neck was still squeezing his giant roots, as if he was reluctant to let go of him.

The meat cock that Jin Qi had just vented on did not soften at all, and immediately regained its stiffness, responding to the mother's neck retention.

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