《Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage? ✔️》2. Tandel's are coming.



Someone comes into your life,


Takes your heart by surprise,

And changes your life forever...

I tear the opening of that envelope and took out his biodata file. I don't know why? but my hands are shaking and my palms are getting wet.

With my trembling hands, finally, I flipped the file's cover, and the first thing that caught my attention was his photograph.

Fair skin, sharp jawline, dark and dreamy eyes, no doubt, he is smart and handsome, resembling the look of some super hot model. I like his image. I cast down my eyeballs and read his name, 'Mr. Raj Tandel,' and I blushed.

Oh, God! Why am I blushing? I shook my head to clear my mind and began to inspect his further details written below.

He owns a garment industry.

He had done MBA in Finance.

He is 29 years old.

His height is 5.9".

Quite impressive!

The more I read his information, the more I am getting inclined to him.

According to this 'biodata,' Mr. Raj seems to be a perfect guy, a pure marriage material. I guess that's why my parents are so sure about him, but I am not gonna take any decision based on a mere piece of paper.

Maybe! The information written over here is fake and his photograph, can also be edited, who knows!

Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped up inside my intelligent brain, I intend to search for him on social media platforms and look out for some more information, relating to his personal life.

Curiously, I unlock my cellphone and began to hunt his name on Friendsbook App, after a few minutes of searching, finally, I found his profile.

I, eagerly, analyzed his pictures, posts feeds, etc, whatever is available on this app. He is looking hot in all the pictures, I can't put my eyes off of his pic.

Shamelessly, I drooled over his photographs, one thing is confirmed, he is damn hot.

I checked out his entire profile thoroughly, to find something fishy, weird, or suspicious, but I didn't get anything such as that. His social media profile says, he is a decent guy with no criminal records.

For now, I decided to control my curiosity hormones, until I see him in person, and then I will observe his actions properly, with my keen eyes. So, I put my cellphone aside and lie back down on the bed.

My mind again went on the same platform, I began to think about tomorrow, and all the possibilities, and impossibilities that can happen.

I'm nervous. I don't know, Is he the one for me? My soulmate! If he is, then will he loves me like the way Paa loves Maa? I sat straight frustratingly.


I move towards my balcony to enjoy some fresh air, but I guess, wind God is off duty today, as no wind is blowing outside.

I came back inside and in order to chill out the storm building inside my mind, because of all the tension-filled thoughts regarding tomorrow, I played some music.

Listening to music is one of my favorite activities, which really helps to soothe my mind. I believe, one of the best sources of calming sour mood is to listen to music.

While listening to the song, I felt my eyes getting heavier, and I fall asleep.


The next day, I woke up with a smile. It rarely happens when I wake up like this, 'with a smile,' usually, my mornings are not very peaceful. Why? I will explain the reason behind my not so peaceful mornings, some other time, right now, I need to buck up, or else, I am gonna be late for my job.

Without wasting any more minutes sulking on the bed, I stood up and rushed inside the washroom, I finish all my morning chores, and get ready for school.

Meanwhile descending the stairs, I noticed that my entire house is looking like a big clothing warehouse, all the curtains, which were previously hanging over the windows, are now kept in one corner of the hall, as a pile, all the sofa cushions are lying on the floor, some with covers whereas some of them are without covers.

I saw my little brother, Karan, he is being seated on the floor and taking off the covers of all the covered cushions, whereas Paa is busy, putting new curtains on the windows. It seems like they are redecorating the entire house, but why?

"What's happening here? Why this entire hall is so messed up?" I enquired being nonplussed.

Both of them, Karan and Paa, instantly move their head towards where I am standing and stare at me weirdly as if they wanna scream, 'Have you gone mad?'

Oh, God! The realization hit me hard and my eyes grew wide, Is this all happening because those to see me?

Obviously, it is dumbo, my conscious mocked at my naiveness.

Shit! How can I be so foolish? I averted my gaze from Karan and Paa, God, it's so embarrassing, without meeting their eyes, I rushed towards the kitchen.

Paa and Karan chuckled aloud because of my sudden escape.

I found Maa already present inside the kitchen, preparing the supper.

"Maa please serve my breakfast, I am getting late for school," I said avoiding any sort of eye contact with her as well, I am damn sure she must have heard everything.


How can I be so stupid? It seems like today is gonna be one of the longest and most memorable days of my life. Arrrr! I genuinely want this day to pass soon.

'Oh God, please give me some extra strength only for today please.' I closed my eyes and prayed silently.

After my secret talk with God, when I opened my eyes, it landed over a plate, that contains two aloo parathas along with some curd, I also saw Maa's smiling face and stuck out my tongue embarrassingly.

"It's ok beta, no need to feel embarrassed, sometimes it happens."

I blushed and to avoid looking at her face, I bend down my head, as I know, looking at her will make me blush even harder.

I try to finish my meal as fast as possible so that I can leave as soon as possible, and save myself from facing any more such embarrassing situations.


After my first lecture, I came straight to the principal's office, to get his permission for half-day leaves.

"May I come in sir?" I said after knocking at his office door.

"Yes, come in." Came his reply.

"Good morning sir!"

"Good morning Miss! What are you doing here during class hours?" He enquired strictly.

"Sir, I need leave for half day." He stared at me weirdly, as if I asked him to donate one of his kidneys.

"Today? It's not possible Ms. Karuna. You can take leave any other day but not today." He declared firmly while moving his head from left to right.

"But sir, it's urgent, please sir!" I begged.

"No, no miss, not today. Miss Rita is already on leave. You are allowed to take leave, only when she will join back."

After the principal's declaration, I sadly walked out of his cabin. I very well know this stubborn man, he is never gonna melt, even after my continuous requests, and change his decision. So, I thought, why waste my precious energy when there won't be any benefit from my pleadings.

I am screwed! What will I do now? First of all, I need to inform her. I don't know, how she is gonna react? Without wasting any more minutes I dialed her number.


"Hello, Maa!"

"You won't believe, I was thinking about you only. When will you come home? Try to come soon beta." She said excitedly in one go.

I swear, I don't wanna ruin her excitement, but there is no other option.

"Sorry Maa, I won't be able to come early. Principal sir denied my leave request." I told her everything that happened inside the principal's office.

She remains silent as if she is thinking something, I also want to know, what's going on inside her mind, but I am scared, she might be angry that I failed to convince my employer, and I am in no mood, to hear her outburst. So, I patiently waited for her reply.

"I will try to manage here until you return. But, listen to me carefully, as soon as the school is dismissed, do not waste any single second and come home quickly, okay?"

"Okay Maa."

I hung up the call and went back to finish my remaining classes.


The moment I heard the sound of the dismissal bell. I didn't waste any single minute, I didn't even wait for the school bus to leave, by which I travel daily. I booked a private cab, just in order to reach home as soon as possible.

I called Maa, to inform her, I'm on my way home, and I also got to know that Tandel's are already there, plus they don't have any problem with me not being present in the house.

Maa informed me that Mr. Tandel said, they don't have any problem, they can wait for me. He also said that both the families will get some more time to spend together, and also get to know each other a bit more. I appreciated this gesture of his.

After a few minutes of traveling, and crossing all the hurdles successfully, finally, I reached home.

Now I am feeling nervous. I genuinely want to run far, far, far away from all this crap and drama, but I can't do anything as nothing is there in my hands. Being a girl, someday, I will have to face this situation, so why not today?

I enter into the house, like a thief, from the back door, and directly came to my parent's room as I can't go to mine, because there's no way to reach my room without getting unnoticed by Tandel's, who are present in the living area, the center of our house, and Maa doesn't want me to appear in front of them in my job's attire. So, instead of getting ready in my room, I'm gonna get ready here in my parent's room.




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