《Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage? ✔️》1. Marriage Proposal.


The best and most beautiful thing in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.

"I'm back," I announced while entering and headed directly up to my heaven, my room.

Singhania house, it's not too big nor too short, it's perfect for my small family of four members.

It's a two-story building with one dining cum living area, three master bedrooms, one spare room for guests, a small kitchen, and a temple attached with a mini storage chamber.

The dining area is the most lovable place of this house's members, we had many precious memories attached to that spot, and many more are yet to be made, we enjoy doing some spicy gossip while having our evening snack.

The room of my lovely parents is present on the ground floor. I like its interior, design by the designers, simple and sober, anyone can easily predict, the ambiance belongs to an old couple.

The kitchen is Maa's (Mother) favorite place where she loves to do enormous mouthwatering experiments.

My cave along with my younger brother's, Karan Singhania, are upstairs. They are perfectly decorated as per our choices and needs.

My favorite spot in Singhania's house is my balcony, where I spent most of my time other than the dining area.

Today's school was tiring, very tiring. One of my colleagues was absent and I had to take all her classes along with mine which means a double workload.

Returning home, after such a tiring day, and then lying on the bed is a heavenly feeling, it can't be described in words.

After a few minutes of relaxing and laying on the bed, I got up to change my uniform, into something comfortable.

You might be wondering, why, being a teacher I wear a uniform?

Actually in 'Denobili High,' teachers have allotted an attire they are forced to put on.

For females, it's mandatory to wear a white saree with having a black border with a black blouse and for males, it's a white shirt with black pants.


After changing my clothes, I lie back down over the bed. I love to lay because it helps me to reduce all my stress and calm my mind.

"Karuna beta (child) come down, lunch is ready," Maa shouted from downstairs.

"Coming Maa," I answered immediately and rushed down the stairs without any delay as I'm damn hungry.

"What happened beta? You seem off today." She enquires.

"Nothing Maa, Miss Rita was absent. So, I had to take all her classes along with mine." I replied sulkily and pull out one of the dining table chairs and sat down.

"Awe! My daughter had a tiring day."

"Hmmm!" I pouted sadly.

"Well..! I know an awesome trick to brighten up your mood."

"How?" I raised one eyebrow and looked at her questioningly.

She removes the dish's lid and its soothing aroma hit my nostrils, forcing me to inhale deeply. I peek inside the container to check, what is it?

"Yummy soybean!" I squealed in joy.

I love soybean. Maa is the best. She always figures out what I need and what I don't.

Unable to resist anymore, I attacked the delicious-looking supper.

"Karuna, uh..! Aa-e... I wanna tell u something." She said hesitantly while fidgeting her fingers.

"Yes, Say Maa. I'm listening." I shifted the focus of my attention from eating to entirely on her.

I don't know why, I'm not getting positive vibes, regarding whatever she's going to utter.

"Mr. Tandel had offered his son's , and your Paa is also looking forward to this alliance. So..., uh..., I was saying, he will be coming soon, along with his family, to see you."

I knew it! I already had doubts, Something like this is gonna happen, as my entire family is behind my freedom. They all wanna get rid of me, which means, they all want me to get married as soon as possible.


According to their super theory, if I delay anymore, regarding my marriage, then my parents will not be able to find a suitable match for me, ever. I genuinely want to meet whoever had discovered this bullshit theory and manipulated the mind of my innocent parents.

I consider myself lucky, I am blessed. God has given me such wonderful Maa and Paa. I must have done some very great deeds in my past life as I got them in this life. It doesn't matter, whatever the circumstances are? I found them standing beside me, always ready for my support, and respecting my decisions.

"Okay! When will they come?", I enquired trying to maintain my cool.


I choked on my food after hearing her response.

"What! Tomorrow! and you thought to tell me this, today?"

"I was worried about.... about your reaction beta."

"Oh God Maa! Then why are you informing me now? You should have told me tomorrow, when they are already here, standing in front of me." I taunted her in anger.

"I'm sorry, beta." She apologized and bend her head lower.

I inhale deeply to control myself. It's not appropriate to shout at her, or anybody, as my shouting will not be able to draw out any conclusion, it will only upset everyone.

"It's ok Maa, You don't have to apologize. It's just, you should have informed me earlier. At least, I could have got some time to prepare myself mentally."

I focused my attention back on my meal and realized, I lost my appetite.

Now I understood, Why she cooked my favorite dish?

"So, that's why you cooked soybean?"

She smiled sheepishly and I shook my head at her amazing tactics.

It doesn't matter if I had lost my appetite, or I'm full. I can never say no to soybean, and she knows it very well.

I silently ate, and then retired to my room.

I lay down on the bed and while looking at the Celling, I began to wonder about the upcoming tragedy.

'So, tomorrow someone is coming to meet me.' I mumbled.

What should I do now? I don't have any idea about these so-called Tandel's. I can't ask anyone about them. Because if I do! Then what everyone will think of me? Especially, Karan, he won't leave a single chance to tease me, he will assume that I'm so desperate, which I am not, I am just worried. Worried about how will I be able to judge this man, and conclude, if he is the one for me or not, and that too in the very first and only meeting?

'Knock! Knock!'

A knock on the door interrupted my chain of thoughts. I stood up abruptly and went to open the gate.

I found Maa standing outside, carrying an envelope in her hand.

"Yes, Maa?"

"Beta this is the 'Bio Data' of the boy, who will be coming to meet you tomorrow." She said while forwarding that envelope.

"Uh..thanks Maa." She smiled sweetly and went away.

The moment she left, I immediately shut the door and locked the latch.

I sat down at the extreme edge of my bed, with that envelope lying in the center.

I genuinely needed something like this. Now, It'll be easy for me to judge, if not judge then at least, with the help of information written inside this document, I can predict how this man is going to be. I hope everything goes well tomorrow.

Now, It's time to know some technical detail about this Tandel boy, using his biodata.



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