《Virtue and Vice》Chapter Twenty Two
A/N: Hello everyone! I know it's been a few days and a lot of people have been going crazy wondering what happens next so here's the newest chapter. This is a bit of a long one and has a few twists in it—plus a revelation some of you may have been waiting for.
As always, please vote and comment. TMMM is probably going to be done tomorrow so for those who are waiting on that one too, just hang tight.
“Honey, I’m home!”
I looked up from the cheddar, potato and bacon soup I was slowly stirring and grinned as Sebastian strode into the kitchen.
It was over two weeks later, more than a week since I moved most of my stuff to the penthouse. I didn’t bring much—mostly just my clothes and other personal items. He had half of his massive walk-in closet cleared to make room for my clothes and shoes and even amusedly admitted to being relieved about having fewer options to choose from in the morning. Not that he suddenly had a tiny wardrobe—the walk-in closet was the size of a small cafe.I barely filled my side of it.
Sebastian insisted we keep my apartment simply because it meant a lot to him. I wouldn’t have protested if he wanted to give it up but I secretly hoped he wouldn’t because it was also special to me—not just for the memories we’ve made there but for the simple fact that Sebastian had picked it out and designed it for me, spending hours painting my walls and filling them with beautiful murals.
We easily fell into a daily routine, living like an old married couple.
“How did the meeting go?” I asked as I went to take out the crusty buns I’d kept in the dish warmer while waiting for Sebastian’s arrival.
It was Friday night and usually we’d be heading out to dine somewhere, maybe catch a movie or something, but he had a last minute meeting about a potential investment in a railroad project that looped through northern US and Canada that he dropped me off after work before meeting up with other investors.
I sent him an email to tell him that I’d sent Percy off early to start his weekend and that I was making dinner.
Living in the penthouse was very comfortable with a small staff of three to look after all our needs but I wasn’t used to having help that it was a bit of an adjustment at first. They were all eager to make sure I didn’t lift a finger which while I appreciated, made it difficult for me to simply do as I pleased without inconveniencing anybody. Sebastian told me to just tell them to leave me alone but I did not have his natural master-of-the-house confidence to pull it off. I quickly decided that telling them that their duties were done for the day or for the week was the best strategy. They seemed to take the hint and happily leave us to our own devices.
So for the last two hours, I’ve been cheerfully making one of my favorite home-made soup that I know Sebastian would love (cheese alone will do it for him), crusty bread and herbed butter, and an apple crumble that was still baking in the oven.
“Things look promising,” he answered as he shrugged off his jacket and walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist before pulling me in for a thorough kiss. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” I murmured against his lips before pulling away and leading him to the dining table I’d set out. “Now, come sit down and have dinner. It’s nippy out there and I made soup with bread and a nice, warm apple crumble for dessert.”
He eyed the simple spread I’d laid out with the large candles flickering inside loosely woven metal holders giving the room some warm, comforting glow. I went back to the kitchen to spoon the soup into two bowls on a tray before carrying it carefully to the table.
“This is delicious, sweet,” he said as he tried a spoonful of soup. “Ah, all that cheese and potato. And the crispy bacon. Mmm... So good.”
I grinned, enjoying his reaction. “I had a feeling you’d like it. Your weakness for cheese is no secret.”
He reached forward and grasped my hand. “I could get used to this, you know?”
“You better since I’ve been moved in two weeks now,” I told him with an amused roll of my eyes. “This isn’t going to be the last dinner I’d be making.”
“It better not be,” he returned with a sexy grin.
“Speaking of dinners,” Sebastian said as he took a bun from the small basket I’d offered him and started sawing it in half. “The twins are organizing a Thanksgiving dinner for the family at their place. I’ve always been invited every year but I always skipped it. Not sure why. But I was hoping this year we’d both go. They’d love for you to join us.”
I beamed. “I’d love to! I love Thanksgiving dinners.” Then my smile dimmed slightly. “During college, I spent most of it with Emma’s family because she was kind enough to drag me along knowing I had no one. This is the first year I’m not going with her.”
Since her engagement with Ty was announced, both their families have been hounding after them to spend Thanksgiving with them so the two decided to start a little early and spend the first half of the week over at Connecticut with Emma’s family and then the rest of it back in Cobalt Bay with Ty’s family.
It was one of the many signs that our lives were truly altering and forking into different directions—and that we were both growing up considerably.
She and Ty set their wedding date in June and were now off hunting for their first house together. My career was taking off and I was now constantly living in the spotlight after garnering media and public interest as Sebastian’s mysterious lady love. The attention was mostly local but with the internet and social media, pictures and articles were getting out there so fast. The public’s curiosity had been steadily increasing that I started to get several random invites in my social network account which I haven’t touched in months since Sebastian came back to my life. I’ve always been a private person but it was becoming to mean something else with the spotlight over our heads all the time. You’d think I was dating a Hollywood celebrity.
My only consolation for my surreal reality and mine and Emma’s now-separate lives was the fact that we were both happy and in love with men who cherished us without question.
I was going to be her maid-of-honor and when Sebastian and I got around to it, she’d be mine.
“You’re never going to be without family again, Cassandra,” Sebastian said softly, covering my hand with his and squeezing lightly. “You’ll always have me, no matter what.”
Resisting the urge to remind him we weren’t technically family, I smiled at him, knowing that Sebastian’s love was all-consuming. Technicalities and minor details were pesky to him.
“Brenda will be there but the twins will make sure she’s on her best behavior,” he continued with a sigh. “She knows she has to be if she wants to avoid my displeasure.”
I giggled. “Inspiring terror in your family members may not be quite in the spirit of Thanksgiving.”
“Neither is accusing you of the same crime she’s guilty of as well,” he retorted grimly. “But nevertheless, the twins want to see you. Lexie’s threatened to introduce you to each woman I’ve dated if I don’t deliver so if I have to throw you over my shoulder to get you there, I’ll do it.”
I laughed at the disbelieving expression on his face. “It’s a date.”
The next evening, Sebastian and I got dropped off in front of a new condo building, carrying a bottle of champagne, a large wrapped box and a boxed selection of cheesecake squares from Pattsie’s.
“Are you sure they won’t mind that you dragged me with you?” he asked as we went up the front entrance and buzzed on the intercom. “I don’t want to crash anyone’s party.”
“Hey! Bradley, it’s Cassandra,” I chirped into the mic, waving at the small camera mounted on one corner above the door. “Buzz us in, will you?”
“You’ve brought the boss,” Bradley said brightly and I could tell he was already slightly tipsy. “Hello, Mr. Vice. Come on up, you two. Unit 1103, okay?”
The front entrance door swung open and Sebastian followed me to the lobby where we waited for the elevator.
I nudged his arm. “Hey, lighten up. We’re all outside of work so I’m sure people will chill out a bit. And Bradley said it was totally okay to bring you with me. He wants to show off his new condo to anyone interested.”
At first, I wasn’t certain whether Sebastian was going to be interested in something that may seem trivial to a man like him—a house-warming party, perhaps—but when I mentioned to him a few days ago that I’ve been invited and that it was going to be very low-key with a mix of friends and people from work, he just raised a brow thoughtfully and said we were going out shopping for a house-warming gift.
It didn’t hit him that he may not be welcome until we got into the car tonight.
He employed most of the people who were attending the party but he’s never interacted with them socially outside of work. He said he wasn’t worried about himself but rather that he was going to spoil my fun with the others who may not relax around him.
I assured him that no one would mind having him there—Bradley did tell me he was welcome to join us—and that as long as he relaxed, others would too.
We were the only ones in the elevator and the moment the doors closed, Sebastian snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. “By the way, you really shouldn’t have worn this dress. Now all I can think about is how to best ditch this party early so I could get you home and make you strip for me.”
I grinned and glanced down the simple rust-colored tube dress that showed under my unbuttoned khaki trench coat. It warmed my complexion and brightened my dark auburn hair.
“You know, one of the best things about living together is that you don’t need to sneak around or make arrangements for sex,” I snickered as I turned to him and raised myself on the toes of my stilettos, pressing my belly against his stiffening crotch. “But I’m all for keeping it interesting and a bit risky. Do you think we should christen one of Bradley’s guest rooms?”
His eyes glinted in mischief. “I didn’t think you had it in you, Ms. Collins.”
My brows wiggled. “You don’t know me very well, then, Mr. Vice.”
I laughed at his look of amused disbelief. “Okay, maybe not. I don’t think Bradley would forgive us if we desecrated his new condo. He’s so proud of it, you know? It’s his first place. He’s been saving up for a down payment in the last five years.”
“Do you want it too? Your own place that you picked out yourself or built from scratch?” he asked, regarding me thoughtfully. “You never had a choice in any of the places you’ve lived in in the last twenty-two years. Not even the apartment I selected for you.”
We stepped out on the lobby of the eleventh floor and went down the hallway to find Bradley’s unit.
“Even though I didn’t pick it out myself, the apartment couldn’t be any more perfect,” I told him. “But yes, if I have the option, I’d like to choose a place on my own or at least contribute to the decision.”
“I never asked you if you wanted to live in Rockford.”
I could sense that the realization bothered Sebastian all of sudden. He knew how restless I got when decisions were being made for me. He’s done his share of it and was now watching his every step.
I smiled and squeezed his arm. “Rockford is convenient for us right now. It’s not where I want us to live forever but it will do for the moment. I mean, it’s only a few million dollars of luxury living. I’m sure I can put up with it.”
Raising a brow, he smiled at me wryly. “I’m glad you don’t mind our little hovel. But tell me, what kind of dream house do you have in mind?”
I rubbed my chin in mock concentration just as we stopped outside of Bradley’s door that was vibrating with music. “Hmm... Something next to the beach, open, airy. This is really a no-brainer. I like Cove Manor, where everything started.”
His smile broadened into a grin. “You know, I was thinking of the same thing.”
Sebastian had just dipped his head down to brush his lips against mine when the door opened and Bradley clapped his hands in delight, giving me a sideways knowing glance before courteously nodding at our employer.
“Welcome to my humble home,” he said as he ushered us in, enthusiastically thanking us for the wine, food and present we brought and taking our coats away. “A few more people showed up than I expected but there’s plenty of food, booze and great company!”
“Thanks for inviting us,” Sebastian said, clasping Bradley’s hand in a firm handshake. “This place is impressive. Well done.”
Bradley beamed and rambled on a nervous thank-you before turning back to the crowd and loudly announcing me and Sebastian to those who didn’t work with us.
I glanced at Sebastian just as a handful of people from work came over to us for pleasantries. He didn’t seem perturbed by anything but then he was used to attention regardless of the source.
He was in a pair of dark jeans and a black cashmere sweater and although he still looked potent in that outfit, it was as dressed down as people from work saw him.
He smiled and greeted the others warmly, joining their small talk as I helped Bradley carry the wine and dessert back to the kitchen.
“I’m so glad you could come, Cass,” Bradley was saying as we unwrapped the cheesecake tray. “But I have to warn you, Dana’s here. I was sure I excluded her from the group email I sent out about tonight but she showed up here earlier with a date, who by the way is super hot, and I didn’t have the heart to kick her out. I hope you don’t mind too much. I’ll make sure she leaves you alone.”
The news dampened my mood but I quickly reminded myself that this was Bradley’s party and he could invite anyone he wanted. I also told myself that Dana wasn’t worth my time and energy.
“Don’t worry about it,” I assured him, taking the glass of wine he’d poured for me. “I’m here to toast you on your new place and party hard.”
He laughed and clinked his glass with mine. “Party hard? With Sebastian around, I’m not sure you can pull that off.”
I took another glass and poured some wine into it. “Oh, I can. I just have to get him into the mood. Come on, let’s head back out there. Your subjects await you, lord of the manor.”
The party was truly a crush, with more than two dozen people I didn’t all recognize, talking, dancing and drinking that it was hard to navigate around the crowd in the dimly lit room.
My lunch buddies found me and handed me another drink as we chatted away before I moved on to look for my boyfriend.
I found Sebastian in a small circle with Tamara, Gabe and Savannah who looked like she was hanging on Sebastian’s every word.
I couldn’t suppress a small laugh.
The woman quickly got over her resentment about my ‘bagging’ Sebastian and quickly proceeded to pester me with all sorts of questions about him. She may have given up her all-out fantasies but she was still fascinated by him.
I felt the pang of jealousy but quelled it at the reminder that Sebastian didn’t care about any other woman.
He was barely paying attention to Savannah.
I delivered his wine although he seemed to have already acquired a glass and a small plate of food, and chatted quickly with the group before I excused myself to fill a plate of my own to nibble on.
I’d just picked up a couple of slices of French bread with bruschetta when someone stood close to me, looking over the food selection.
“This is the fanciest house party I’ve ever been to,” a male voice with a distinct Australian accent boomed beside me.
I looked up and found a tall, ruggedly handsome guy with thick, blond hair and a dark tan, holding a tall glass of some type of cocktail, grinning down at me as he reached for a canapé.
I smiled back. “Well, Bradley is like the male Martha Stewart. This is child’s play to him.”
“I’m Kerran,” he said, extending a hand at me. “You work with Bradley?”
“Yes, I do. I’m Cassie.”
When he didn’t let go of my hand immediately, I slowly backed away but he just laughed and let go as if embarrassed. “Sorry, I spaced out. Your dimples screwed up with my brains for a moment there.”
“Ah, if that’s your compliment, then you’re forgiven,” I said with a good-natured laugh. He was a flirt but something about his rakish charm was disarming. “How do you know Bradley?”
“I personally don’t,” he answered. “One of my friends do and dragged me along tonight. I met him though. Great guy.”
I nodded and helped myself to a slice of cheese. “He is. He’s got a great place here and he’s very proud of it.”
I downed my wine and looked around for a refill and found none.
Kerran extended a hand. “Do you want some more wine? I need to refill anyway. I can grab you another glass.”
“Yes, please.” I smiled happily as he gestured to the breakfast bar where Bradley was doling out drinks with Chad. “I’ll be right here, sampling everything.”
He was back almost right away, handing me my wine before picking up a chocolate-covered strawberry.
“So, you here with anyone?” he asked, leaning against the table. “You’re too lovely to be on your own.”
I laughed at his candid comment. “Yes, I’m here with someone.”
I craned my head around until I spotted Sebastian still talking to the same group. “There’s my guy there. In the black sweater.”
Kerran studied him curiously. “He looks serious. And a looker.”
“No, not you too!” I exclaimed in mock horror before bursting out laughing. “I have enough female interest to ward off without you adding to it.”
He laughed. “No, babe, he’s pretty but not my type.”
We kept talking until I filled my stomach and finished my glass of wine.
Kerran was a nice guy—cute and down-to-earth—but it was time to head back to my man.
I straightened up and suddenly felt my knees weaken enough that I stumbled forward a bit before Kerran caught me. I may have drunk more wine than I intended, or maybe just faster than I should’ve.
“I don’t feel so good,” I mumbled, shaking my head to fight off the sudden dizziness. My stomach shifted and I clutched it automatically as a wave of nausea hit me.
I blinked and staggered against Kerran, squinting as my eyes lost focus in the dim, crowded room.
“Washroom,” I gasped out, feeling the cold clammy sweat on my skin. “Hurry please.”
I don’t remember the trip down the back hall and I could care less as my body started to feel very lethargic, my eyes heavy and drooping close.
All I remembered was hitting a soft surface, my eyes closing as I curled into a ball, willing the illness to pass. Then I felt the suffocation of a large, heavy body heaped above me, of hands rubbing me all over.
Despite my condition, I managed to pry my eyes open and found Kerran pulling back up and standing over me without a shirt on, hastily unbuttoning his fly.
Oh, God.
Everything hit me in an instant—the flirty conversation, the refilled glass of wine, the nearly immediate illness that plagued me.
I’ve been drugged.
Surging to my feet with difficulty, I pushed myself off the bed, screaming when Kerran grabbed me by the elbow to haul me back.
I kept screaming as I twisted away from him, crawling up on my knees as I reached for the door which wavered in my vision.
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