《Virtue and Vice》Chapter Twenty
A/N: Hello everyone! Thanks to the immense support everyone's shown this book. There's only a five more chapters left to this story so I thought about slowing it down a bit but here's one to get you by the weekend. I won't be posting anything else soon as I will be swamped with things to do. In-laws are coming and to those who have them, you know how important that is.
There's been plenty of speculation as to what's Seb's secrets are. I've heard some pretty wild, colorful ones. The secret will simply help Cassandra understand Seb better and it's something she'll help him through so he could come out of all of this a better man. But before we go there, let's go see what secrets Cassandra will learn about herself.
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The week went by quickly.
Work was as demanding as ever, with a new rebranding project Tamara has assigned me to head. If anyone thought dating the boss was going to make my job easier, ha, they couldn’t have been more wrong.
Because I was dating the boss, I felt like I had to work harder and prove my worth more than ever.
Since there wasn’t much that wasn’t obvious to everyone, thanks to the nearly daily tidbits about us on the internet after the gossip tabloid spilled the beans, people weren’t asking that many questions anymore.
I guess it’s only been a week and I’ve only mostly been around people at work. I was certain their restraint was partially due to the possibility that no one wanted to piss off Sebastian.
We were invited to attend a Halloween masquerade ball thrown by Jack Cartwright, an influential and wealthy businessman and philanthropist who had been using the ball each year as a fundraising event for a chosen charity. It was very highly publicized and always successful with the rich and famous making up the entire guest list.
Sebastian participated each year. It was one of the several charity projects he’d become more deeply involved with in the last few years.
Ty and Emma were away for the week to Las Vegas so I turned to Lexie to help me find a suitable costume. It was my first public event with Sebastian and I wanted to make him proud. He told me to just order whatever I wanted but I insisted on making my own.
Lexie was attending with Marcus and Charlie was coming with a date too. She had me sleepover on Tuesday night at the twins’ spacious and stylish town house where we both worked on our costumes.
Sebastian made a surprise visit bringing some beer, snacks and Marcus, much to mine and Lexie’s amusement. The three of them, including Charlie, spent most of the night in the games room, first playing billiards before squatting in front of the TV and playing video games.
It was nearly four in the morning when we finished but instead of letting me stay, Sebastian insisted I take my costume home and sleep the rest of the day away at his place. We had taken the day off to prepare for the ball.
Lexie had just given her brother an amused, knowing look before helping me pack my costume and sending us off.
“Darling, I was—”
I looked up at Sebastian’s abruptly halted statement and found him staring at me through the mirror as he stood by the doorway behind me.
His green eyes darkened and his lips parted slightly in appreciation.
I smiled slowly before turning around to face him.
My ball gown was a deep blue-green satin creation with a strapless, heart-shaped neckline and a full skirt that was half-covered with several dozen shimmering faux peacock feathers that gathered more heavily at the hem.
My hair was gathered into a low bun, accessorized by a small, intricate fascinator made of glitter covered wires and a few pieces of iridescent plumes. The only jewelry I wore was the emerald necklace. My face wore very light make up, my eyelids swept with a shimmery soft gold shade and my cheeks dusted with a bit of bronzer to highlight the symmetry of my cheekbones.
“Do you like it?” I asked shyly, smoothing down the front of the skirt that wasn’t covered in feathers. “This was an old gown Lexie had. We had to make some adjustments to it but I think it fits me well.”
Sebastian took a few steps forward until I had to look up to meet his eyes.
“You’re breathtaking,” he murmured before lowering his head to kiss me softly on the lips.
I smiled against his lips before pulling back to look at him. “Thank you. And what exactly are you dressed as?”
He was dressed in an elegantly tailored black trousers and tailcoat with a white waistcoat over a white silk shirt and an old-fashioned white cravat. The chain of the gold pocket watch I gave him was also shown off as part of the outfit. He was clean shaven, his hair swept back except for an unruly lock that fell across his forehead. Whatever he was, he was devastating.
He smiled and held up a black satin covered half mask while he strapped it in place.
“I’m a slightly modernized English gentleman,” he answered with an unmistakable British drawl that highlighted his accent. “Off to a masquerade ball with an ethereally beautiful lady.”
I grinned as he offered his arm and picked up my own silver gray half mask.
The ball was held at Thaxley Hall which was practically a vast ballroom with a high domed ceiling, large, arched windows that nearly filled the walls, ornate chandeliers and old-fashioned but elegant furnishings that spoke of nothing but grandeur and wealth.
I grew uneasy as Sebastian and I entered the front lobby where a long red carpet drew the path to the French doors that opened into the ballroom. There were formally dressed greeters at the start of the red carpet who handed us programs and some other sheets in a pretty gold sleeved card—I assumed it was for the guests who were expected to write big, fat cheques for donation to the cause—women in crisis, this year.
“Relax, baby,” Sebastian murmured into my ear when I clutched his arm as we walked down along the red carpet where the press was waiting to snap pictures of us from the other side of the velvet ropes.
The press wasn’t specifically allowed to interview the guests but should they throw a question out and the guest decides to answer, they were not going to be kicked out for it—this was what Sebastian told me.
He stood to face them, his arm wrapped around my waist as I summoned all the confidence I could find in me despite the fact that I could barely see anyone’s faces past the blinding flashes of the cameras.
“Mr. Vice, what do you think of this year’s cause?” one reporter asked, thrusting a microphone in our direction.
“It’s certainly a worthy one,” he answered affably, gracing the crowd of reporters a rare broad smile. “We should all do our best to ensure the welfare of not just women, but anyone who is in need. I can always count on Jack Cartwright to bring to light something that is worth the pledge.”
“How long have you known Ms. Collins?”
“Ms. C, who are you wearing?”
“Is it true that you’re secretly engaged?”
“Some say you were dating car racer Marcus Aldridge? Is this an upgrade, Ms. Collins?”
“What’s so special about her, Mr. Vice?”
I winced at the sudden stream of questions that had Sebastian stiffen and step in front of me as if to shield me.
“If you know better, you won’t cross the line,” was Sebastian’s low, gruff warning just as a couple of guards started to make their way towards the reporters. He knew my concern about stepping out with him into what I kept calling his world and he swore to me repeatedly that he was going to make sure I would do just fine.
Taking a deep breath, I squeezed Sebastian’s arm as I stepped out from behind him and smiled at the reporters who happily snapped away with their cameras.
“Thank you all for your interest but our presence here tonight is to help a very worthy cause,” I spoke slowly but firmly. “We count on you to do your part and ensure that this annual ball maintains its prestige and success so that it may continue to attract benefactors whose generosity could be put to good use.”
I turned to Sebastian who was staring at me with a fascinated smile on his face and slipped my arm through his before glancing back to the press and gracing them another smile. “Enjoy your evening. Please excuse us as we endeavor to do the same.”
As Sebastian and I continued down the red carpet towards the doors, he leaned over and pressed a kiss on my temple.
“And here I thought I’d need to protect you on your first time out in a highly public event with me,” he murmured with a husky laughter. “But all you did was flash them your lethal smile and put them in their place with a few polite yet firm words.”
“I always attempt to be civil first,” I murmured back to him, grinning. “Wars could be won without bloodshed.”
His arm tightened around me. “Which is another reason you’re perfect for me. You know, Cassandra Collins, you’re not just going to make it in my world. You’re going to blow it away.”
I couldn’t help a foolishly happy smile which put a spring in my step as we walked into the grand ballroom.
It felt like I walked into a fantasy world with the sea of men and women in the most creative, outrageous and lavishly beautiful costumes of all kinds. It was technically a masquerade but most people were identifiable.
Many people stopped us to meet me and chat with Sebastian—anyone from a fellow businessman/woman to a politician to some type of celebrity. The women were very grandly attired and I didn’t miss the usual assessing look I got from anyone who wondered how I managed to snag myself a catch like Sebastian Vice.
A pair of tall men headed our way, broadly grinning at Sebastian while one of them clapped him on the shoulder in greeting.
One had a sharp crew cut and an angular face and he was dressed as a pirate with one eye covered in an eye patch and a wicked grin on his face. The other was dressed as a Greek god swathed in white flowing robes, his light, reddish-brown hair tucked under a thin band of gold leaves that wrapped around his head. He seemed wise and all-knowing too, his smile warm and open.
“Good to see you, Seb,” the pirate greeted in the nickname that according to Sebastian, only people close to him ever used. “And here I thought old Jack was going to bore me to tears again this year.”
The Greek god elbowed his friend on the rib. “Watch it, Oliver. Dad almost didn’t invite you here tonight after last year’s fiasco.”
Sebastian surprised me by chuckling. “I will never look at the fountain the same way again after that.”
The Greek god glanced and smiled at me in greeting. “Hello, how are you?”
I couldn’t help but smile back just as the pirate named Oliver turned his attention to me and overtly appraised me with satisfaction. “Damn, Seb. Who have you got here?”
“Behave, Oliver,” Sebastian chided without heat as he pulled me close to him. “This is Cassandra Collins. Sweet, these two are unfortunately my friends—Oliver Yates and Stellan Cartwright.”
“Cassandra?” Oliver repeated as he shook my hand right after Stellan. “The Cassandra? The one you were yakking about that one time you got really drunk at a new year’s eve party a couple years ago?”
I blushed in embarrassment but Sebastian just laughed to my amazement.
I knew Sebastian didn’t have very many friends but I’ve never met the selected few he had before tonight. I suspected these were the same men I’ve seen with him in photos before—the infamous Cobalt Bay Billionaires minus one.
“He only said great things about you, don’t worry,” Stellan assured me with an amused smile. “It’s nice to finally meet you, though. We got really curious. Cassandra is a very special name.”
“Too bad, Max isn’t here tonight,” Oliver said. “He would’ve liked to meet you. He’s always ribbing Seb about this girl he only ever talks about when he couldn’t escape us fast enough and get drunk.”
“Well, you know what they say,” I said with a grin. “A drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts.”
The three men laughed and a sense of satisfaction settled over me.
Despite his complexities, here was proof that Sebastian could be just like a regular guy. How he was friends with them wasn’t going to be a simple story but the fact that he was reassured me that he hadn’t been completely on his own all these years.
“We should get together when we can all find time, Seb,” Stellan said. “We’ll just have to pin down Max in town long enough to drag him to dinner or something.”
Oliver snorted. “Oh, he’s in town. Just not in his usual jaunts. You’ll see.”
“Let me know when,” Sebastian answered. “Make sure to bring Vivienne. I’m sure she and Cassandra will get along famously. She’ll want to come anyway.”
“And she always gets her way,” Oliver muttered with a shake of his head. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll organize something. Make sure to join us, Cassandra.”
I smiled. “I’d love to. It was great to meet you both tonight.”
“It’s her first public night out with me so she’s got plenty other people to meet,” Sebastian said, squeezing me against him a little. “We’ll find you two later.”
They waved us goodbye before heading off across the room.
“You never specifically mentioned them before,” I told Sebastian as we continued on with our rounds. “You seemed to be all good friends.”
“I spent most of my summers here in Cobalt Bay with them and Max, whom you’ll meet some other time,” he said with a small smile as if reminiscing memories. “The three of them all went to the same school but Stellan took me into the group when we first met at his third birthday party one summer. I didn’t see them much after I moved around a bit after my mother died but when we did see each other, they always treated me as if we were still all good friends. They’re all busy running their own businesses now that we hardly get together anymore but I could always count on them showing up if I ever needed some company.”
“I’m very glad to meet them,” I told him with a soft smile. “They seemed important to you.”
He shrugged. “They’re my friend when it matters, even after I kept my distance from them for a bit. They never asked questions or pressured me into anything. It’s great for someone like me who likes to keep to himself a lot. I knew they were going to be here tonight so I thought it would be a good chance for them to meet you. Oliver was at that fourth of July party I threw four years ago but I didn’t introduce you in case he wanted you for himself.”
I snorted at the idea.
“Are you really all members of the infamous Cobalt Bay Billionaires?” I asked with a teasing laugh. “Apparently, you four are the most eligible bachelors of the city, if not the country. Probably because you’re all rich, powerful, young and handsome to boot.”
Sebastian groaned. “Oh, God. Someone coined that term a long time ago on some gossip piece and the name stuck. It’s silly and shallow if you ask me.”
“As long as you’re stamped not available out of the four of you, I’m good with that.”
He wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned down to murmur in my ear. “I’m branded with that, darling. You’ve ruined me for other women.”
I raised on myself on my toes to press a quick kiss on his lips, grateful for every little thing about him that he was learning to entrust me with.
Sebastian deepened the kiss slightly before pulling away with a low groan and gesturing around the crowd that we seemed to have forgotten. “We better keep going or I’ll end up taking you here in the middle of the ballroom.”
I spotted Lexie and Marcus at a distance—Lexie dressed as a sexy genie garbed in a billowy violet costume and Marcus as, well, a car racer, the lazy bum. Lexie had grumbled about that.
Sebastian and I were just heading over to them when a man in a very convincing white astronaut costume sans the bubble head, stepped forward and greeted us warmly.
“Vice, here you are! Good to have you tonight!”
Sebastian smiled at the man who, despite being much older, appeared to be still quite distinguished and handsome.
“Jack, thank you for inviting us. It looks like it’s another success for you, old man.”
Jack Cartwright chuckled and patted Sebastian’s shoulder just as we were both removing our masks like many other guests had.
From the affable grin on Sebastian’s face, it looked like the two got along really well which was surprising considering how often he held other people at arm’s length. But tonight was full of surprises. Based on the name, this would be the same man Oliver and Stellan mentioned earlier. With the same last name, Jack was Stellan’s father.
“Well, if young folks like you keep coming every year, it keeps things interesting,” he said warmly before turning to smile at me. “Why don’t you introduce me to your beautiful guest, Vice.”
Sebastian put a hand on my back and gestured to Jack. “Cassandra, this is our host for tonight and a friend of mine—Jack Cartwright. Jack, this is Cassandra Collins, my girlfriend.”
I beamed at the man and held a hand out to him. “It’s great to meet you, Mr. Cartwright. Thank you for inviting us.”
He blinked for a second, his dark brown eyes flickering with some strange emotion before he glanced down at my extended hand and shook it briefly.
I glanced at Sebastian who seemed to have noticed the slight change in the man’s demeanor.
Looking back up at our host, he now seemed to be peering at me, his eyes narrowed as if thinking deeply.
“Have we met before, Ms. Collins?” he asked, oblivious to the surprised stare Sebastian had directed him. “Cassandra, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s Cassandra and no, I don’t believe we’ve met before, Mr. Cartwright,” I answered politely. “I did live in Cobalt Bay until I was ten but I haven’t really been back for good until this year.”
“Oh, please call me Jack. Tell me, do you have family here?” he pressed and Sebastian stiffened beside me but I stayed him with a firm grip on his hand.
The man was becoming a bit too inquisitive for my liking but he was our host and seemed like a good man that I would like for us to come out of this without any harsh exchange of words.
“No, not any longer,” I said, my voice dropping a bit at the thought of my mother. “My mother passed away when I was ten. Her family took me in after that.”
A glimmer of—sorrow?—crossed the man’s face.
“It must be your mother then that I knew,” Jack said softly with a nod as if to confirm his own suspicion. “You look like her, maybe.”
I laughed. “Oh, no. Her dimples were the only thing I inherited. She always told me I look like my father. Unfortunately, I, uh, never knew him.”
The man’s eyes grew more troubled as he rubbed his chin. “She told you that, didn’t she? You don’t remember him at all?”
I blinked. I wasn’t even certain why I was responding to the man’s audacity but I couldn’t seem to stop. “I, uh...”
Sebastian put an arm around my shoulders. “Jack, just because you’re my friend doesn’t mean I’m going to let you interrogate Cassandra more than I would the paps outside. Let her enjoy your party. It’s her first masq—”
“Was your mother Gabriella Ralston?” Jack blurted out.
My eyes widened. “Yes, Ralston was her maiden name. How did you know—”
The expression on the man’s face startled me.
“Is your middle name Francesca?” he demanded urgently.
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A sixteen year-old girl was subjected to a Magic Possession Test to determine and evaluate her magic, however when the result came out as none, it became a huge problem for her. Being assaulted violently by her parents and penetrating her with hateful words by her siblings, as a matter of fact, it is unacceptable for their family to have not possess magic. The country has a unique law "An individual who does not posses magic, shall receive penalty." The penalty given to her was deportation. She had been exiled. Grieyes Mage is a magician who's capable of doing everything using magic and they posses limitless power, not like any other common ordinary mage, they need to push themselves to reach the limit of their power and strength, and transcend even more to achieve greater level. The magic in this world is controlled by those who have knowledge and can be executed through the use of Language of Magic, but in this era, local language or dialects can now be used to cast magic spell. The Language of Magic is in form of Programming Codes/Language. ------------------- Main Character: May (Female Lead) and ????? (Male Lead). PS: I am not a native english speaker, sometimes I use translator to translate words from my local language. If anything like Misspelling or Wrong Grammar, please tell me in the comment section and I'll be gladly to correct it. Critics are welcome as well.
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Welcome dear Players!Those lucky enough to hear this message will now be transported to the Chessboard. Try to survive and reach the end of the game unharmed. As a gift from the Administration, you will not have to worry about the dangers of the Game for the first two days. Remember, The System of the Ancients was not meant to be fair, so expect to find injustice.Have fun and try not to die too quickly! [before reading] -> This novel is the English version of an Italian one. Some details may have been lost in translation.
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