《HER ALEXEI (Her Volkovs Book 2)》Chapter 20. Lacking a Screw.
We are on our way to Amy's. Nikolai and Alexei are looking ahead, not saying a single word. My mind is still dazed. I dont know what to think. Im stupefied.
Moments later Nikolai's phone buzzed. He taps his phone and answered the call. "Wait for me in my office. Yes."
The SUV pulled over in front of Dylan's house while Nikolai is still on his phone.
Alexei went down to give way to me. I was about to walk away when suddenly Alexei grabs my hand making my body collide against his. He then wraps his arms around me while clasping my hair.
"You mean the world to me princess." Said Alexei gently. The look of uncertainty is painted all over Alexei's beautiful hazel eyes.
I slowly remove myself from Alexei because I can feel that my guards are slowly crumbling down. I love him. I love Alexei with all my heart and soul. I just needed time to think away from them. I turned my back from Alexei and walked towards the house. I took the keys from our secret spot and opened the door. I can feel that Nikolai and Alexei's SUVs are still there. I closed the door behind me and rested my back on it.
Several seconds later, Dylan appeared from the kitchen. He's on his usual rugged jeans without a shirt on. His perfectly chiseled arms and torso are very prominent. His hair is brushed to the back.
Dylan is holding a small bowl of food in his hand. Its obvious that he was not expecting to see me. I tried to act normal but deep inside me wants to scream and sob.
"Belle?" Dylan crinkled his eyebrows while looking at me
"Dy." I offered him a smile.
Dylan quickly placed the bowl on the small table next to the couch and paced towards me. I know what he is about to do so I quickly interrupt him. I dont want to break down in front of Dylan.
"Is Amy here?" Dylan instantly halted and looked at me in the eyes.
"Belle, it's almost eight pm, she has night shift remember?"
Of course. Amy's on night shift.
"Oh right. I completely forgot Dy. I dont have a phone thats why I wasnt able to call before coming here."
"Huh, youre just here to see me. Cmon Belle, you didnt have to do this. Just admit that you miss me." Said Dylan arrogantly trying to lighten up the conversation.
"Ah, I'm busted." I said while offering the best smile I could let out considering my circumstance. "So can I stay here for a while?"
"Are you kidding me? This is your home Belle. We are family. You are always welcome here."
"Thanks Dy."
"Ill just stay at Amy's room." I said while walking past him.
"Hey, are you okay?" Said Dylan while grabbing me by my arm.
"Yah." I held his hand and squeezed it tight. "I guess Im just tired."
Dylan looks like he's not buying my words. I turned my back on him and quickly paced towards Amy's room and closed the door.
I switched on Amy's music player and pumped up the volume so no one can hear me cry. I then ran to the bathroom, turn on the shower and sob.
Images of the illegal activities of the Russian Mafia keep on coming back in my head. Those sex clubs disgust me to the bone. It's like a hotbed of infidelity and unfaithfulness. Those men and women engage in sex with other people like it's just nothing and they are doing it while many are watching like an orgy or something. And the thought that my Nikolai and Alexei most probably might have joined and engaged in those kinds of activities makes my stomach turn.
The drugs that the Russian Mafia deals affect many lives, including lives of children and their families. I know for a fact that Stephanie was rescued from a den where her parents took drugs. They were drug addicts and they brought Stephanie with them in a place no normal thinking parents would bring their child in. The same is the case with some of the children from St. Mary's. They were abandoned because of the involvement of their parents in drugs, either by dealing or using.
And the killings, those men who look like they have been beaten so bad before having been slit on the throat and shot in the head. Not to mention their fingers and tongues being cut and sliced just like that. It was merciless and brutal.
The fact that what I have seen were just few of the Mafia's illegal ventures makes me think about my future with Nikolai and Alexei. Seeing the reality is much worse than being told by words. That was by far the worst and most horrifying sight I have seen in my entire life. It's like all the vileness that humankind can think of is being done on a regular basis by the Russian Mafia.
I sat on the floor while I let the warm water run down my body.
Can I live like this with Nikolai and Alexei forever? What if I get pregnant and have babies? Will my babies do the same thing as their fathers? Can I stand watching them grow up in their father's world? The Russian Mafia's world? Can I bear the fact that my babies will surely be like their cold blooded criminal fathers? Amy was right. What's next if I get married to Nikolai? What's next if I get pregnant bearing the child of the Russian Mafia Boss?
Another sob escaped my mouth. I curled my knees to my chest and lock my legs in place with my hands wrapped around. The tears are now flowing along with the drops of water from the shower.
Dylan enters the bathroom and slowly sat beside me. He is now getting wet while still in his jeans. He rested his back on the wall and placed his forearms on top of his knees allowing me to rest my head on his ripped left arm.
"I knew something was wrong. You can tell me while your first bestfriend is still at work."
I can see on Dylan's middle finger a ring similar to Artan and his men. Oh my god, Dylan joined the Albanian mob already.
"Dy, are you working for Artan now?"
Dylan just nodded and pulls his ring up and revolves it around his finger.
"Dy, you can still back out. I can talk to your Boss. Artan listens to me. You dont belong in their world. Im sorry if I didnt tell you this earlier when you asked my opinion but Im telling you now, you can still walk away from them."
Dylan looks at me like I just said the most ironic thing in the world.
Right. Who am I to tell Dylan to get away from the Albanian Mob if I myself am in bed with not only the Boss but also the Underboss of the Russian Mafia.
"Dy, my point is you can still walk away before you..."
"Belle, I made a choice." Said Dylan interrupting me.
"You dont understand Dylan! Please hear me out. I just saw two men brutally killed under the orders of Nikolai and Alexei. And Im sure the Albanian Mob does the same thing. You dont belong in the Mafia Dy." Im already on my knees facing Dylan's side.
"Belle, it is you who dont undersand. You might not know this but I have lived in the underground world for almost half of my life. Hell, Im fighting underground Belle. It's was just a matter of time before it becomes official."
I rested my back on the wall as I sit on the floor all defeated. Dylan looks like he has made up his mind. This is all my fault. If not for me, Dylan would not be introduced to the Albanian Mob.
"I'm sorry Dy."
"There is nothing to apologize for, Belle. I told you this was a choice I freely made."
I rested back my head on Dylan's arm.
"Are you okay? Is there anything that I can do?" Said Dylan without looking at me.
"I'm just confused Dy."
There's this moment of silence after I said that.
"Wow, I never thought that youre a lesbian. Damn that makes you even hotter Belle." I looked at Dylan while crinkling my eyebrows. What in the world is this man talking about?
Dylan snorts and softly chuckled at me. I held Dylan's arm with both of my hands in response while my head is still resting on him.
Dylan moved to face me. He then placed me in between his legs. I'm still holding my legs together while pressed on my chest. He wipes the water and tears from my face.
"You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, Belle. You have a good heart. And you are stronger than you think you are." Dylan's brown eyes are looking at me intently with a pint of gentleness.
"You think?" I blinked a couple of times as Dylan runs his fingers under my eyes.
Dylan lets out this charming smile which I must say can make any woman's panties drop. Im betting this is the smile he uses to pick up his women. I cant help but giggle inside.
"Hell yeah! Do you want to know what the underground world thinks of you?"
"The underground world has opinion on me?"
Dylan lets out a genuine laugh from his stomach.
"Yes Belle, they say that you are this woman who was able to tame the Russian wolves."
That's not even close to the truth. Nikolai and Alexei will never be tamed. I just have to accept that.
"Is she alright?"
"I dont think so. She's looking for you and she's been crying."
"Ill be there."
"How about work?"
"To hell with work, my bestfriend needs me. They can fire me for all I effin care. Be there in a bit."
Oh goodness, Im pretty sure her Russian lovers are the reason why she's been crying again. My brother just called and he thinks that B has a problem.
"Hey Josh, can you cover for me tonight? Family emergency."
Joshua is eating his sandwich in the Nurses Station. He's a five foot seven inches husky gay man who worked in the hospital for many months before I was hired. He looks at me like I just said the most ridiculous statement ever.
"Yah Josh, I do have a family here."
"That's not what I meant. You know I cant do that. The head nurse will find out that youre not here, you havent even had your rounds yet!" Josh yells at me as I turn my back on him.
I was about to storm out and get my things from our locker room but my most hated person in the whole effin state of New York blocked my way. Her very tall figure and that disgusting mole on top of her nose accentuate her overall witchy bitch look. If only thoughts could kill, she would have been dead the first time she called me a pleasant in the eyes with no talent what so ever kind of nurse. How dare she? And what does that even mean? Talent? Did she expect me to sing or dance during my shift? As far as I can remember, we were taught to care for our patients and I know that I'm damn good at it. Since I began working here, this frog's single purpose in life is to ruin my day.
She handed me the information sheet of a patient from the maternity ward by forcing it in my hand.
"Rounds." Said the witch frog. Her eyes rolled and she lets out a sigh of boredom. "The patients will not be pushing and rolling their beds towards you will they?"
"No. But you will do the rounds tonight because I'm leaving."
Her mouth opened wide. I know this will cost me my work here but Im so tired of this woman treating me like shit. If not for the resident patients that I have grown to like as my own family, I would have quit a long time ago. Like the first time this frog opened her mouth to talk to me long time ago.
"Can you say that again?" Her hand is on her side while waiting for my response.
"You heard me ribbit." I made a frog noise as I talk close to her face. From the corner of my eye, Joshua looks like he's going to have a heart attack.
"This is going down HR."
"You can go down to hell if you want. I.DONT.FUCKING.CARE."
The witch frog looked so horrified I wasnt able to hold back a ball of laughter.
"Move over bitch!" I pushed her to the side as I made my great exit.
Oh effin shit, that was so awesome. I feel so liberated. Hurray to freedom and democracy! Hurray to 'merica!
I walked my way to the locker room and gathered my things. My poor bestfriend. She has been through so much because of her stupid love over the Russian Bosses. I have told her again and again to hold it down with the love thing but obviously she's already too blinded to think rational.
While Im riding a cab on my way home, my phone rang. It's Alexei. Oh my god. What the hell is happening with my bestfriend?
"A? How's my Belle? Is she alright? Were still here waiting for her outside. She would not talk to us."
Shit!!!!! So, they dont know that Im at work. And they are outside my brother's house. Fuck fuck fuck.
"Ah..uhmm..dont worry Alexei. Ah..oh..be..ba..ri" I pretended that the signal reception is bad and ended the call.
Oh goodness! What if they find out that my bestfriend and my brother are all alone in the house? My brother although capable of defending himself will not stand a chance to the Russian Bosses. My hands are already shaking while dialing Dylan.
After a few rings he is still not answering. God!!! Answer me big brother!!!!
"Drive faster please!!!!!!" I said to the driver.
"Okay okay." Said the driver while raising his right hand.
I'm tapping my high heels on the car floor as I look outside thinking of what might happen if I arrive too late in the house.
My brother is still in love with my bestfriend which is basically all my fault. Urgh!!!! I shouldnt have meddled with those two and now everything is complicated. Even if he would not admit it, I know that Dylan joined the Albanian Mob because of my bestfriend. He thinks that he can protect her more if he joins the mob.
My bestfriend on the other hand is as usual oblivious about that fact. I sometimes think that there must be something wrong with B. I think she's lacking a screw in the head or something. She would not notice that the person is in love with her until the person slaps it to her face. She has that kind of sickness since back home. Boys woud get too friendly with her. She gets too friendly with them back. The guy confesses his love. And then B runs away all freaked out, wondering why the guy would do such a horrendous thing.
I have been trying to call my brother but the idiot is not answering. What in the world is he doing, I could just guess. With his hidden desire to my bestfriend I dont know if he can hold it together especially when she's beside him. And my beloved bestfriend who can practically buy anything and anyone she wants by just opening her pretty mouth, could not fucking spare a few dollars to buy a stupid cellphone. How do they think am I going to communicate with them, a mind reading device?
And to put icing on the cake, Alexei and Nikolai are just outside the house waiting for their queen. What's happening right now is like a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode anytime.
After several minutes, I arrived at our neighbourhood. I told the cab driver to pull over in front of the neighbour's house. My plan is to sneak in from the back and pretend that everything is a okay. Of course this will involve some trespassing in the neighour's property but what choice do I have left?
There are three SUV's parked on the street outside. There are two men standing outside the door and another two are standing next to the SUV in the middle, and Im guessing that SUV is where the Bosses are.
I am about to sneak out of the cab when all of a sudden, I saw Alexei and Nikolai exit the car and walked towards the house.
Oh. My. God. It's too late.
I ran as fast as I can towards the two to stop them. The moment they saw me, I swear I feel like they could actually kill me. They are sooo scary. I never thought good looking people could look as frightening as them.
"What the hell?" Said Alexei, scowling like a maniac.
The moment he saw me, the Ultra Boss Nikolai stormed towards the door whilst fisting his hand. I ran as fast as I can to warn my brother of what might happen. My sweat is forming like teardrops on my forehead as I try to catch my breathe.
Oh lawd Im sorry for being a naughty girl yesterday I promise to give it a rest for a week, just let this one go away.
Suddenly, I feel like Im supergirl. I was able to catch up with Ultra Boss. We entered my room side by side while Im trying to shove him away so that I can get ahead, but ultimately Ultra Boss was able to walk ahead of me. There was no one in the room but we can hear the shower from the bathroom. Oh fucking shit!!!! Uhhh!!!!
When we entered the bathroom my eyes almost jump out of my eye sockets. I think it's time to pretend to faint so I could not witness the chaos that is about to ensue.
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