《HER ALEXEI (Her Volkovs Book 2)》Chapter 15. The First Daughter.
Nikolai is inching closer to me. I just stood and continued squeezing the flour mixture. My sweat is dripping down my neck and chest.
"Baby.." Said Nikolai while drawing close to me.
The chef and the other woman quickly went near the oven and turned their backs on us. Yuri and Boris are standing on the entrance of the kitchen.
I on the other hand did not say a single word. I just continued with what im doing.
"Im not going to apologize for what I did last night. I have all the right to react that way. You gave me no choice."
Why am I not surprise by this? He sounds like the other Boss I know.
Nikolai stood right next to me. I can already smell his icy cologne.
I added another handful of flour to the mixture. Nikolai slowly slid the bouquet of red daisies in front of me.
I rolled my eyes and instantly took the flowers and fed it to goatie.
"Here buddy.." Goatie chewed the flowers. "Good boy."
"Meeeh." Said goatie.
"You know goatie, you talk more sense than someone I know."
I heard Alexei snort like he's holding back his laughter.
"Im gonna shoot that animal down if you wont talk to me." Said Nikolai all too seriously.
I shot a glare at him. Oh god, he looks like he's not kidding at all.
I went back to my position on the center island and continued mashing and squeezing. One thing I know about my future husband is that, he cant stand not to touch me, and what better way to punish him than depriving him of that touch.
"Don't you dare touch me Nikolai."
"Youre mine, I will touch you whenever I want to touch you."
"Oh, just like Yrina? You go to her whenever you want to go to her like I just dont exist?" I looked at Nikolai sternly.
He then gestured everyone except for Alexei to exit the kitchen. After everyone exited, Alexei also followed, leaving me and Nikolai.
"She's just a business partner."
"A business partner who touches your chest and looks at you like she's obsessed with you?"
A smile is slowly forming on Nikolai's face. Unbelievable! At this point, the anger inside me is starting to boil up. I inhaled deep and sighed hoping to calm myself down. I then turned my back and went to the sink to wash my hands.
"Youre jealous." Is this man being serious? Ya think Nikolai?
"It's nice that you are very happy Nikolai. If she makes you this happy why dont you marry her? Here, give this ring to her instead. I think she'll be more than happy to give you babies you have been wanting."
I then tried to take the ring from my finger but Nikolai grabbed my hand.
"Don't you ever take this ring from you Mary Arabella Volkov."
"Im not yet a Volkov, so stop calling me a Volkov." I flicked his hand from me.
"You are still not a Volkov because you dont want to fucking marry me!"
I parted my lips in disbelief. Oh my god. I cant believe Nikolai can be this unreasonable. He then inched too close to me and meets me in the eyes.
"Why baby? Do you prefer to be called Mrs. Bogdani instead?"
How come this has become my fault now?
"How many times do I have to tell you that Artan is nothing to me!"
"Then why arent you believing in me when I say that Yrina is just a business partner?"
"You went to Boston without even telling me and thats besides the fact that we still have a problem that needs to be fixed. How would you feel if I do that to you Nikolai? You made me feel like I dont matter!"
Nokolai went silent. I dare not look at him in his eyes.
"I know you went to Boston the night before you told me that you played me. And Alexei covered up for you by telling me that there has been a weather disturbance that's why you wont be able to go home that night."
Nikolai extends his hand to touch me.
"Try and touch me Nikolai and I will be out of this place and your lives in an instant!"
"Youre going to leave me? Where are you going when you leave? To Artan? Huh?! So you can be one big happy family?!" He held my right arm so tight while yanking me. Nikolai is already drowned in jealousy.
At this point my tears are threatening to fall.
"Nikolai how many times do I have to tell you that you and Alexei are the love of my life! I have given everything that I could possibly offer! My world revolves around you and Alexei! I said yes when you asked me to marry you. What else do you want me to do?!"
Nikolai clenched his jaw. I can see his adam's apple move while looking like I have slapped him in the face.
Nikolai lets go of me and runs his hand through his hair. My heart jumped from my chest when he snarled and swipes everything from the platform near the sink. The coffee maker and some plates fell down and broke into pieces.
"Fuck!" Yelled Nikolai.
I stormed out of the kitchen leaving Nikolai behind. I see Yuri and Boris standing outside the entrance of the kitchen. They just stood while sporting their usual poker faces. I then went upstairs to Yelena's room and took a white cardigan. I went back downstairs hoping to leave but Nikolai is already standing at the bottom of the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Siad Nikolai as he looks at me instensely.
I just continued stepping down. Nikolai is already fisting his hand in anger.
"Go back to our room Belle!"
I took another few more steps towards him.
"Did you not hear me? Go back to our room now!" Said Nikolai while raising his arms pointing upstairs.
"No! I want to get out of this suffocating place! Go back to Boston if you want! Its not like you still need my permission, because apparently my opinion doesnt matter in this house!"
"Guard and lock the door! Nobody let's her out of this place or I will personally make sure that everyone gets punished!" Said Nikolai angrily making sure his men hears him.
I then stepped to the side and pushed Nikolai away but he did not move even an inch. He then held me on my arms very tight.
"Let go of me Nikolai! You dont have the right to touch me!"
Im trying to break free from Nikolai's tight grip but he doesnt let go of me. Nikolai's furious green eyes are looking at me madly. I however am not surprised by this kind of Nikolai. His reactions are always like this whenever Artan is between us, or any other man for that matter.
My tears are now starting to fall. My heart is beating so fast. I feel exhausted. I feel betrayed. I feel worthless.
Nikolai lets go of my arms and grabs me by my waist.
"I'm sorry baby. Please dont cry."
"I hate you Nikolai." I said as I wipe a tear falling down my face.
"I know. I'm sorry."
I did not answer him. Nikolai reaches for my face and wipes the tears off of my cheek.
"I miss you... Im sorry for going to Boston without letting you know. Please just stop crying." Nikolai is already pleading to me. He's looking at me all remorseful.
"Let go of me Nikolai."
"No. I will never let go."
"I accepted everything and took everything that happened between the two of us but one thing I could not accept is if your cheating on me. Cheating is my breaking point Nikolai." I said all defeated.
I have seen many relationships ruined by unfaithfulness and I swore to myself that I will never let that happen to me. Almost everyone from my father and mother's side are broken families, and it's all because of cheating.
"Im not cheating on you. I just need to do something for my father."
"What do you need to do? Tell me so I would understand!"
"You will know in time. Please trust me on this?"
"Trust you? So in the meantime I should accept that your seeing that woman? Is that it Nikolai?"
Nikolai's embrace tightened. He is burrying his head on my chest.
Oh god. I feel like my heart is being stabbed many times. What is it that Nikolai is not telling me?
"Let go Nikolai, I want to go to bed. Im exhausted."
Nikolai slowly lets go of me and looks me in the eyes.
I turn my back on him and walk upstairs. I went inside our room and slid my body under the covers.
A few seconds later I felt Nikolai next to me. He spoons me and burries his face on my nape.
"Dont give up on me." Nikolai whispered.
I feel like my heart is being crushed into pieces. I dont know what to do. Im confused. Im mad. Im hurt.
Do I follow what Matushka said about standing my ground and owning my place? I know myself too well, Im not as tough as Matushka. I could not bear the fact that Nikolai is probably having an affair with that woman.
When I woke up, Im already in between Nikolai and Alexei. Im facing Nikolai while Alexei is spooning me, his face is burried on my nape.
Nikolai is already awake and he is looking at my face. Geee how long has this man been awake? I slowly remove myself from him. Alexei moved and laid on his back right next to me.
"Baby...." Said Nikolai.
He tried to hold my hand but I instantly remove my hand from his. To be perfectly honest. Im disgusted by Nikolai right now. God knows what he must have done in Boston with that woman. And the fact that she and Nikolai look perfect for each other on the picture, adds to this anger im feeling inside. Yrina and Nikolai look like they are meant for each other. She's beautiful, elegant and she doesnt look like she has a pint of fat on her body. Me on the other hand is just a fat girl from a third world country.
I faced Alexei and kiss him on his lips.
"Morning Alexei."
"Morning princess." Alexei glanced at Nikolai as he greets me back.
"Can I borrow your phone Alexei?"
Alexei took his phone from the side table and handed it to me. Im on my stomach on top of Alexei as I text Amy.
"Ill have Yuri get you another phone." Said Nikolai butting in.
"No need. Ill buy one on my own so you wont feel entitled to break it into pieces again." I said coldly without looking at Nikolai who is now sitting while facing us.
"Whether you buy it on your own or not, I will still destroy it if I want to." Said Nikolai. Alexei looks at Nikolai like he's telling him something. Alexei closed his eyes and places his palm on his forehead in frustration.
"Do whatever you want Nikolai." I said. There's no point in arguing with him. This is Nikolai, being Nikolai.
I walked in the bathroom while Nikolai is still talking.
"That Albanian motherfucker was calling you! Did you just expect me to stand around while that bastard is trying to snatch you from me? From Volkov?"
"So you conveniently went to Boston without telling me because of that? Its your own way of getting back at me?"
"I told you, I went there for business and for my father!"
"I dont want to talk about it anymore Nikolai. Im done talking about it." I said while raising my hand as I walk my way to the bathroom.
"Fuck!" Yelled Nikolai again.
Alexei looking at Nikolai while shaking his head.
Youre burrying yourself in deeper shit brother. I thought you have a plan?
She's driving me mad.
Alexei sighs.
I feel you brother.
Nikolai signalled Yuri to come over.
Buy all the flowers at the flowershop across the street. Have them delivered at once. Tell the chef to cook her favorite food and make sure he takes note of her allergies. Prepare the private jet. Tell the pilot we are going across the pacific.
About damn time brother.
Nikolai took a sip from his cup.
Did you see how mad she was to you bro?
Yes. (Nikolai recalls the time when Belle was glistening with sweat and flushing because of anger. Her nipples mark from her shirt. Her boobs are bouncing up and down as she mashes the flour dough.)
I know what youre thinking brother. (Alexei recalls Belle's beautiful face. Several strands of her hair are on her face while glistening with sweat. Her boobs are bouncing, her ass is wiggling as she smashes the dough and would occasionally bend giving him a full view of her bountiful ass.)
"Fuck." Alexei and Nikolai said in unison.
Yuri cleared his throat snapping Nikolai and Alexei from their thoughts.
Is that all Boss?
Nikolai adjusts his tie.
Bring high grade guns from the warehouse. Her father collects guns. Call matushka about her gift to Belle's mom. What else do we know about her family?
Her father is the former governor general during the military regime in their country. He stepped down from his rule when the people established a civilian government. Madamme Volkov was the first daughter.
Well shit. (Alexei snorts while lookong at Nikolai)
Why have I not been informed about this?
Governor General Galves hid his family from the media and from the public. I knew about the information that the former Governor General Galves and Madamme's father are one and the same, just a few days ago. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier Boss.
What else are you not telling me Yuri?
Nikolai looks at Yuri sternly.
Im sorry Boss.
I think I know exacty the person to ask about our Belle.
Alexei and Nikolai looked at each other as if knowing who Alexei is talking about.
Call her and have Boris pick her up.
"Meeeeeh".... (Gaotie enters the dining room)
Nikolai snorts.
She stole that fucking animal?
Hahaha! Yes. You should have seen her, you would have been really proud. She's a natural bro. She really belongs to us.
Nikolai pushes the goat with his foot when goatie tried to munch on his trouser.
This animal has a problem with me.
Haha, dont touch it bro or she will punish us.
Ill feed that damn animal to Petrushka and Valkir
Alexei shakes his head in amusement.
Have you visited them?
Yes. They are doing good although I heard they tried to eat one of the worker's limbs.
(Nikolai snorts.) Will the renovations finish on time?
Yes. They better finish it on time.
I went to school without eating breakfast because for one, I dont want to see Nikolai's face, and two I feel like not eating at all. Im at my desk, my kids are having a coloring activity. Ivan and Vasily are just outside waiting for me and making sure Im safe from my serial killer kids. Ugh! I swear, sometimes, wait wait...most of the time, Nikolai can be very unreasonable.
I paced towards the door and faced Vasily.
"Vasily can I borrow your phone?"
He instantly took his phone from his jacket but doesnt look me in the eyes. He looked straight ahead without even glancing at me.
"Thanks." I said.
Geee what is up with him? He's acting weird as of late.
I tried to call Amy a while ago but her phone was busy. I am dialling her now but she's not answering my call. I wonder what she's up to. Im pretty sure she doesnt have work today.
I decided to call Dylan.
"Dy? Its Belle."
"Belle? Whats up? New number?"
"Uh nope, I borrowed Vasily's phone. Are you at home? Is Amy there?"
"Im not home Belle, have you tried calling her?"
"Yes, but she's not answering. Anyway, she must be busy with something."
"Maybe, hey its nice that you called. I need to tell you something."
"Oh, what about Dy?"
"About Artan."
My heart jumps by just a mention of Artan's name. I crinkled my eyebrows.
"What about him?"
"We talked the other night at the auction. He offered me to work for him."
"Oh, but you know who Artan is right?"
"Yes, but if you dont want me to work for him...."
"No Dy, its just that...."
"The Russians and the Albanians hate each other." Said Dylan.
I let out a soft chuckle. "Kind of, although they have been friends for many years."
"He wants my answer today Belle."
"Dylan, dont let me decide for you. Whatever your decision is, I will always be here for you."
"I know my Belle."
"Just take care Dy and if you need me you can count on me."
"Even if you get into trouble with that big headed Alexei?" Dylan said with disgust as he mentions Alexei's name.
"Dy, both of you are important to me."
"Im not as important to you.."
"I have to go Belle. I love you."
"Love you Dy, take care."
After the call I returned Vasily's phone.
"Here, thanks Vasily."
He did not answer me, he just nods and ignored me again.
Several minutes before the end of our class, I suddenly heard a small bell sound. My kids were able to hear it as well. They instantly looked at the door's direction. Their eyes widened and lips parted as if seeing something really interesting. They then stood from their seats and ran towards whatever it is at the back. When I turned to face my kids, I realized they are surrounding Goatie. He looks really clean. It has a pink ribbon wrapped around its neck with a small bell on it and a note.
"Awwww...." My kids said in unison while surrounding Goatie and touching it.
How did goatie reach here?
I excused myself and squatted to face goatie. I then took the note from his neck.
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