《War》Enough Talking. Time for some screaming


"Wakey wakey, love! I want you to meet someone" Nik whispered in his wife's ear, making the goddess stir in her sleep, slowly blinking her eyes open.

"Hm?" Ares muttered still groggily from the tiredness, crawling closer to the warm body of Niklaus as he passed his fingers through her tameless red locks.

"Since Mikael is dead, I want to wake up my siblings and I think you'll like to meet my little brother" Klaus explained, making Ares' eyes snap open, showing him those dark red orbs that were looking at him with mischief.

"Oh oh oh! Am I finally meeting Kol?" Ares asked excitedly, jumping from their bed and quickly putting some dark pants, a burgundy tank top and high heeled combat boots.

Niklaus laughed softly at her excitement, since they had been together he had told her that Kol would be her partner in crime if they met.

Ares was obviously curious about the Mikaelson since Nik had always said that she wouldn't like any of his siblings, with the exception of Kol, so maybe his little brother would be someone she would get along just fine, 207 years ago she had already written a list of tortures for their bonding time and have been updating it since then.

"Yes, love, you're finally meeting Kol" Niklaus answered, walking alongside her and taking her hand in his.

"Shall we, hot stuff?" Ares teased, winking at him with a smirk on her face, ready to go back to earth.

"Oh I'm already starting to regret it... yes, we shall, my love" Klaus taunted, kissing her lips once he saw her pouting at him.

They instantly appeared in front of a truck, but something wasn't right, Ares could feel that something wasn't right about it, she just didn't know what exactly.


Her eyes analyzed the place rapidly, trying to spot any evidence of a presence, but her eyes widened and she quickly shielded Niklaus once she heard the quiet sound of a trigger as he pulled the door open, making the truck explode as small pieces of wood stabbed Ares' back.

"Holy shit, that hurt!" Ares cursed, kneeling on the ground as she made a dagger appear on her hand and gave it to her husband.

"I need you to make a slash on my back, darling" Ares oriented him, giving the man a small smile when she noticed his frowning figure.

Niklaus slowly kneeled behind her and carefully made a big cut on her back, his eyes confusedly looking back at the truck wreckage in disbelief.

"How? I had a witch put a protection spell on it" The hybrid whispered, lost in thoughts, before his bright eyes traveled back to his wife's back, seeing the wounds closing.

Taking a piece of wood from the ground, his frown deepened, quickly standing up in a startle as he took Ares in his arms.

"Love, something isn't right, these are from the white oak tree" Klaus told her quietly, looking around with his golden irises as he started to tremble in anticipation.

"I see... listen baby, can you do me a favor? I need you to check if there is any familiar scent around here" Ares spoke monotonous, standing on her feet as she looked at the sky with an emotionless face, while Klaus concentrated on the task given to him.

"Stefan Salvatore and... I don't know who is the other one... it's light, flowery, like freshly cut grass when it's raining, clean, but not too overpowering. It's a very beautiful scent" Klaus stopped describing the scent once he heard a low growl from the goddess of war.


He was about to ask her what was wrong, when they heard a mocking laughter, followed by the piercing sound of twin blades cutting the air, which Ares immediately stopped with her bare hands.

"If I were you, I'd stop describing that scent, blondie! Ares might cut your tongue off if she thinks you like Athena's scent that much" Niklaus was looking at the duo in confusion, specially when he noticed that Ares wasn't trying to cut the woman's head off, but was actually smiling at her.

The ichor flowed down her hands towards the ground, but she was too busy smiling at her best friend to care about the blades that had almost amputated her hands.

"Greetings, my Queen! Missed me?" Eris spoke with a teasing smirk on her face, making Ares shake her head with a malicious grin playing on her lips.

"I was wondering when you'd appear, Ace" Ares replied, letting go of the blades and watching as Eris placed her palms over them, watching as the black poison flowed out of the wounds, allowing them to close.

Niklaus cleared his throat, taking a few steps closer to the goddesses as he looked between them with his eyebrow raised.

"Can someone explain to me what the bloody hell is going on?" The Mikaelson finally asked, taking Eris' eyes off Ares and making her analyze him from head to toe.

"Ah yes, hottie! Ares' sister Athena seems to have partnered up with your little vampire buddy, Stefan Salvatore, and they seem to have taken your siblings with them" Eris explained while circling the hybrid, looking like a predator looking at its prey, making Ares roll her eyes, but the corner of her lips twitched into a half smile.

"I like this one, where did you get him, Queen?" Eris asked, looking at her best friend over the hybrid's shoulder.

"Aphrodite's store, you have to check it! There are many Mikaelson's there for you, Ace" Ares answered sarcastically, making the goddess of strife laugh, skipping to stand on the warrior's right side like the usual.

Niklaus smirked at their interaction, but decided to get back to the topic, his siblings could be in danger after all and while he had put them to sleep for some time, he wasn't too comfortable in having them with Ares' nemesis.

"So what's the plan to get them back?" The goddesses shared a smirk as they looked back the hybrid and answered in unison.

"We're starting a war, hot stuff!"

Heya, my lovelies! First chapter of 2021, did you like it? Hehehe I actually wanted to ask y'all something, I'm writing another fanfiction about TVD, it's about a retired marine sniper.

Would you prefer if I made it a Damon Salvatore fanfic or if I create a twin brother to Nik (Possibly Ryan Phillippe or Jensen Ackles)?

Please please please, let me know! I want your opinion before I continue writing it, have a happy new year y'all!

Love ya, cupcakes!

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