《War》We are a team. Watch us build an empire together.


The family of three returned to Ares' kingdom not long after, the previous events had been emotionally draining. They had killed all of the huntresses of Artemis, but the goddess wasn't among them.

Ares worried it had been a distraction, but to what gain? What could they possibly have against her? The people she cared about was right there with her and she doubted anyone would take a step near the underworld, so the rest of her family was safe as well.

For Aphrodite... that was another case, they weren't on speaking terms at the moment, but even if something did happen with the goddess of love, Ares would feel it, she always did.

Niklaus was awfully quiet, he had accompanied her and Damon, they had walked the vampire to his room and he watched as Ares gave him a kiss on the forehead while tugging him on his bed.

Klaus put a small smile on his face and messed with Damon' hair, muttering a quiet 'good night' before the couple left to their room.

"I'm just going to take a shower, love... be right back" Nik whispered, pulling a strand of Ares' red locks behind her ear, and looking at her with an unknown emotion on his stormy eyes, making Ares look up at him in concern, placing her hand on his and pulling it to her lips, kissing his palm.

Niklaus smiled at the affection, sighing deeply before he pulled her in a hug, his hand wrapped around the back of her neck while his forehead rested on the top of her head.

They stood there for some minutes, not moving, not talking, just appreciating each other's company. The hybrid reluctantly let go of her and went to the bathroom.

Ares could hear the water filling up the bathtub, her eyes looking fixedly at the strip of light that seemed to escape the empty space between the floor and the door.


She had sat on their bed, elbows supported on her knees, counting the seconds that he was inside the place. 5, 10, 15 minutes later and she still heard no movement, it seemed like he had entered the bathtub and then nothing.

It was driving her insane, she was waiting, not so patiently, for a reaction, the lack of it was worse because she didn't understand what he was feeling, she didn't know what she was supposed to do, would she be invading his privacy if she entered the bathroom to check on him? Possibly, did she care? Not at the moment.

So when she heard a muffled sob, she didn't hesitate to run inside the bathroom and enter the bathtub fully clothed. The goddess of war sat down behind him, pulling his head to lay on her chest instead of his knees.

His muffled sobs became louder, more evident, making a panicked expression cross the ginger's face as she rocked him lightly on her chest, like she'd do to a crying baby.

"Shh... Shh.. it's okay, baby... you're safe, you're okay" Ares whispered in his hair, her arms wrapped tightly around him, not daring to look down at his broken face.

"I hate him! I hate him!" Niklaus hissed through his sobs, hiding his face on the crook of her neck. His whole body was shaking, the goddess didn't know if it was from the crying, from anger or both.

"I know, baby... I know... but he won't hurt you anymore, okay? I'm here with you" Ares whispered in a soothing voice, playing with his hair and humming a very old tune, making Niklaus close his eyes, taking deep breaths.

"I always tried to make him proud, acting as someone else to see if he'd acknowledge me... it never worked" Klaus confessed, opening his eyes to look at the water that was now red from the blood that covered their bodies.


"It wasn't your fault, baby... he just couldn't accept you because you were always better than him, he didn't accept you because you were different, but little did he know how much better it made you... you don't need him, okay? You don't need to change or do things you don't want, just be yourself, I'll love you either way" Ares told him seriously, turning his face so he was looking in her eyes while she spoke, making his eyes glass over.

"... this tune is familiar" Nik whispered after he calmed down, making Ares freeze, her mouth parting and closing as she thought of what to say.

The goddess of war cleared her throat, avoiding his suspicious eyes, and pursing her lips together.

"Considering that I remember every single moment we shared, I'm pretty sure I've never heard you humming it, so why is it familiar, love?" Niklaus tried once again, making the goddess groan.

"Let's just say, we met a long time ago, but something happened that affected your memories... I'll tell you more when the time is right, I promise" Ares told him tensely, receiving a frown from the hybrid.

"I trust you" Nik whispered after some time, making her smirk at him as she teased "That's a good thing, I'd be worried if you were in a relationship with me for centuries and you still didn't trust me"

Niklaus gave her a hoarse laugh with his dimples showing, making a wide smile appear on her face before she stood up from the bathtub, her clothes heavy from the water.

"Come here, hottie... let's get you warm and under the covers, I've read that hot chocolate may help humans when they feel bad, do you want me to make you some? I'm not an expert in the kitchen though, you should know that already" Ares rambled, taking two black towels and wrapping one around his body once he stood up while she tried, not so softly, to dry his hair with the other.

"Love, you'll snap my neck if you keep doing this" Niklaus murmured with a smirk, making her pale cheeks turn a bright red color, matching her eyes and hair, which only resulted in his smirk widening.

"Go on, take a shower now, I'll make those hot chocolates you proposed, do you think Damon will want some too?" The hybrid asked, taking the towel from his head and placing it around her neck while bringing her closer.

"Sure will, that kid really has a sweet tooth" Ares whispered with a small smile, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Nik smiled down at her, carefully caressing her cheek before leaning down to kiss her lips softly, making her growl, pulling his lower lip between her teeth.

Niklaus chuckled at this deepening the kiss and wrapping her legs around his waist as she moaned on his lips, making him smirk. He started to walk them backwards, until he abruptly stopped kissing her and dropped her body on the full bathtub.

"Time to shower, love. We can continue this later" and with this, the hybrid used his supernatural speed to leave the fuming goddess before she assassinated him right there, while his laughter echoed through the castle.

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