《God Forge: Forge of the Mind (book 1) [draft 2]》Component 10 - Giant Issues


Component 10: GIANT ISSUES

"Watch out!" the Elf cried to his half-elf companion.

Lavina held up her hands and spit out the magical words of a spell. Angon was surprised to see the girl sink vanish like a ghost, straight into the ground. A split-second later a large boulder crashed through the area where she had just been standing.

Gavin and Angon both turned to face the oncoming Plains Giant. The Sol Elf drew his bow and nocked an arrow as the Forge looked around for a weapon. Sure there were now boulders scattered about, but none were small enough for him to lift.

"How do I fight?" Angon asked Gavin.

The Elf fired an arrow. The small missile flew towards the Plains Giant and sunk into its arm. It hardly seemed to notice the pinprick of an attack.

"Fetter!" Gavin cursed, "These won't be useful."

"But how do I fight!?" Angon asked again.

"Just stay out of the way!" Gavin snapped at the machine as he threw down his bow and drew his dagger—a puny thing, and one that would force him to close.

"Let me fight!" Angon pleaded, throwing down his arms.

Lavina popped out of the ground just then, and held her light metal rod before her.

"Fire Bolt!" she cried.

A beam of flame shot through the air and zapped straight into the hideously disfigured Giant burning a coin-sized hole in his shoulder. The arrow had little effect, but the powerful spell of a sorceress, even one in training, was painful indeed. The Giant roared and dropped the boulder he was holding. The trio of goodly races felt the ground tremble as that heavy rock bounced and rolled towards them.

Gavin reached into his pack and pulled out a long white cloth, then began tying it around the arrow. Angon looked at Gavin then back at the Giant—this was taking too long, the Giant was recovering and already reaching into its humongous bag and retrieving another two ton missile.

"I'm going to fight!" Angon said with determination and took off right at the giant.

"No, Angon!" Lavina cried, "You'll get hurt!"

The pretty half-elf's words could not deter him this time. He needed to help. The giant tilted its face down to look at the Forge that was jogging toward him. Giant's weren't smart creatures typically, and especially not Plains Giants—they were the dumbest of the bunch. So it was completely surprised to see a man in what it deemed armor running up to face him. The ghastly humanoid smiled with that crooked mouth and reached for Angon as if he would run right into his palm.

Giants were dumb, but Angon was smart. There was no way he was going to just get snatched up so easily. Instead Angon jumped into the air and landed on the Giant's arm, and kept on running. He went right up onto its shoulder, pulled back his fist and launched it into the ugly thing's temple.

The Plains Giant roared and grabbed for Angon, who easily leapt onto the other shoulder and punched it in the temple again.

Lavina and Gavin saw this spectacle and ran for the giant as well.

"Lavina, fire my dear!" Gavin called out.

The girl who ran alongside Gavin pointed her finger and shouted, "Fire Bolt!"

A small beam of fire shot into the Archer's tied up arrow, lighting it aflame. Then Gavin fired the lit arrow at the Giant's chest. The shot was true and it hit dead center in their enemy's chest. Giant's did not like fire, and the rags it wore were extremely flammable, as they were made from the hides of Wool-Bears—so when the fire arrow struck the makeshift loincloth, it burst into flames instantly. The Giant began smacking itself in the loin, trying to get the fire out. This gave Angon the opportunity to leap unleash punch after punch into the distracted monstrosity.


The Plains Giant had to choose which to stop, the fire or Angon, and it didn't like being punched, so it snapped its hand up and grabbed Angon, then began shaking him around like a rag doll, Angon cried out as he was felt like every gear inside of him was about to come loose.


"Nice try, Dwarf," Gonzeelda smiled as she leaped into a backflip, dodging the crushing Hellsmasher by mere inches.

The strong Dwarf's hammer hit the ground with such force, rock and dirt flew up into the air. When the dust cleared, a crater remained where the attack had landed.

Buster was confused—how had he missed the Orc Woman? She should have been splattered! He had little time to contemplate this as a new revelation came to him; a blade was held to his neck and a hot drop of blood was rolling down onto his chest.

"Ye, bitch," Buster muttered, but even that caused the knife to deepen its cut.

"Un, uh, uh," Gonzeelda said, putting her lips to Buster's ear, "You move and you die."

Buster held still, for he knew it was true. This Orc was smart and fast. He cursed in his mind—if only he had saved his one and only Diamond Body spell for this one he would not have to worry! Instead he had wasted it on her two minions who were now floating unconscious in the lake.

The dwarf clenched his jaw—how badly he wanted to just take the cut and land on Orc and tear our her throat with his teeth.

"Now what should I do with you?" Gonzeelda said in a whimsical tone, "Should I keep you as a toy? Maybe a bed time play thing?"

Buster winced at that thought. Mating with an Orc would be worse than being dead. If she truly meant to do that he would dive into her dagger and cut his own throat.

"No," she said, "Not just yet. I should at least get to know you a bit better first."

The Dwarf thanked Sheeva that she had changed her mind for the time being.

"I can keep you as a personal slave instead," she mused, "You can attend to my nails; finger and toes, oh—and massages, yes that would be pleasant."

"I'd rather die," Buster dared to say, causing more blood to trickle from the now deeper cut.

"Oh, aren't you brave?" the Orcess asked in a seductive tone, running her fingertips down Buster's back, until she had reached his behind where she gave a quick squeeze.

Buster had had enough.

"Sacred Mist," Buster whispered.

The blue-bearded Dwarf's skin turned icy and pale, then Gonzeelda suddenly fell through him as if he were a ghost. She landed on her knees and looks around confused.

A thick mist blinded even the Orcess' sight. She climbed to one knee and held her dagger out in defense and suddenly regretted leaving her Beauty by the rocks. The Dwarf was going for the scythe--- she knew it.

Gonzeelda scrambled for her new weapon Beauty.

"You won't have it!" she hissed, snapping her hand out for it.

But suddenly the mist was around it and she could no longer see again. Gasping, Gonzeelda grabbed in a blind manner. She wanted her scythe! She grabbed and clawed; breaking perfectly manicured nails a rock.

"Arrrgh!" Gonzeelda screamed, "My Beauty! My Beauty where are you!?"

Then as the foggy mist dissipated, she slowly turned around. A new nightmare was realized as she found Buster standing a dozen feet away. Her eyes trailed up from his heavy boots, up his robes and down his arm to find her Beauty in his hands. Electricity crackled out fro, his fingertips, lighting up the cave.


"Give me back my Beauty," Gonzeelda whispered.

"Ye'd like that wouldn't ye?" Buster whispered, "Ye'd like if ye could kill me with it, right?"

"I will kill you!" The Orc snarled, distorting her beautiful features.

The Orcess hurled her dagger right at the brave Dwarf. It flew through the air and stopped short, stopping and turning around to face the woman. Her eyes flew wide as the weapon shot back towards her. She had no time to dodge! With all of her speed and agility, she couldn't avoid the dagger as it sank deep into her heart.


"Angon!" Lavina cried, "I'm coming!"

Her auburn hair blew around her shoulders as she held a hand out to the side and began to whisper an evocation. A small spark appeared in her palm, and then it began to grow. The girl whispered faster and faster and the electricity orb grew into the size of her head. Then, satisfied, she brought back her hand and thrust it forward, rolling the ball along the ground in a straight line for the Plains Giant.

The Giant stopped shaking Angon as it noticed the ball of power coming for him. The stupid thing didn't understand what exactly that ball would do, so it tossed Angon to the side and watched thinking to grab it and throw it back. The Giant, who hadn't even put out his burning loincloth, grabbed for the lightning boulder. The electricity hit the Giant and KABOOM. Bolts of lightning shot out in every direction as the giant's body thrashed about and flailed crazily. It roared and shook its head.

Angon leaned up and looked up to see the Giant's death. There was a strange beauty to Lavina's power despite the creature within about to die. Sparks flew and the Giant's skin blackened, smoke rising into the air.

Finally, after several long seconds the lightning faded and there remained nothing but ash.

"Whoa," Angon whispered.

A gust of wind blew and the ashes spread into the sky, carried along, never to be reunited again.

Lavina made her way up to Angon and kneeled next to him.

"Are you okay?" Lavina whispered.

She ran her hands up and down Angon, looking for any missing part, any scratches, any broken gears.

"Lavina," Angon said, feeling his inner workings getting warm, for if he could blush, he certainly would have been, "I'm alright."

Her hands landed on his crotch in her search, and she quickly pulled them back, and she blushed for the both of them.

"You foolish Forge!" Gavin shouted as he caught up to the pair.

"I'm sorry," Angon said—but Lavina held up her finger to his mouth, then turned on Gavin.

"Did you just call him a Forge?" she asked, a cattish look on her face.

"I-I..." Gavin said, then coughed and looked off to the side.

"Yay!" Lavina cheered, "Did you hear that Angon? You're a Forge!"

Angon smiled as the girl wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. He watched Gavin turn and shrug, "Maybe he is a Forge after all."

"Aren't you happy Angon?" Lavina cried, rocking back and forth holding onto the smiling machine.

The compass stone bounced out of her pack just then and rolled to the ground by Angon's hand. His fingers moved along the ground and then grasped the stone. The blue beam of light shot out to the southwest and it felt warmer than ever before.

"Yes," Angon said, his eyes following the beam all the way into the distance, "I'm happy."

Gavin smirked and closed his eyes, Angon was proving to be a little useful after all.

Lavina, still hugging Angon, let her eyes follow the beam as well. She knew what was in that direction; The Cliffs of Malgar, the deadliest cliffs of Helopia—if she and her friends had to climb down them, they would have to be very careful, because one wrong step and it was more than two hundred feet down into the ocean.


Gonzeela's eyes were closed. She didn't want to see her own death, she couldn't handle it. She was too young! Just 32 winters! She had so much pleasure to experience, so many riches to acquire! So many decadent foods to sample! But as her thoughts raced about her fears, she began to realize she didn't feel the pain of the dagger—AND she was still alive.

"H-how?" she whispered, then popped one eye open and looked down at her chest.

There was no sign of any dagger, and the strange, chilly mist still surrounded her.

"Ye wouldn't like to die, would ye?" The Dwarf's voice echoed around the cave.

She looked around, gritting her teeth together. No one made a fool out of Gonzeelda Skinns! Especially not a dirty little Dwarf!

"Show yourself, you ugly little creature!" Gonzeelda snapped, spittle flying.

She sensed it coming before the blade ever reached her. The female Orc jumped high into the air, pulling her legs up underneath her—the scythe cut underneath her. The Dwarf was running in at her not, but she was too quick to fall for such a trick. She kicked out with both legs and the flat of her feet crunched into Buster's face. He stumbled backward, dropping the scythe.

"Ye dirty bitch!" Buster cried, grabbing his bleeding nose.

"You haven't seen how dirty I can be," Gonzeelda chuckled as she approached the Dwarf who was now on his back, gripping his face.

"Don't ye touch me!" he growled.

She straddled him, one leg on each side, and leaned forward putting her breasts her his face, and holding both of his arms out wide.

"You can't resist me," she said, "I'm the epitome of beauty."

"I be more beautiful than ye own self," Buster spit.

"Give in, Dwarf," she said, "Once you've had me, you'll always want more."

"No," Buster said, "No I won't."

Suddenly the Dwarf beneath her was gone.

"Fetter!" Gonzeelda growled, standing up and swinging a blind fist around, "Stop with your illusions!"

"Ye've already lost," Buster said.

"Never!" the Orc screamed.


The Dwarf held the scythe out to the side, far away from Gonzeelda and continued trying to absorb all of the knowledge contained within. The things it was showing him were intense. There was far too much information flowing in and out of his head—he couldn't hold on to almost any of it. His mental fortitude faded as his mind filled with images of the many owners of Soul Rupture, the scythe. Finally he saw a tall Minotaur with spectacles; a strange sight; Then he saw this Minotaur standing above the half-breed child; Angon.

"This scythe must be destroyed," Buster whispered, "Before it can cause any more damage."

The Belltower Dwarf watched the woman Orc swinging around, looking for him and the scythe she kept calling Beauty. He knew he couldn't let her have it back. There was only on option. He needed to disenchant it.

"Sheeva," Buster whispered, "Me dear Goddess, please take away this weapon's powers, for no mortal should bear witness to its knowledge or power."

The Goddess did not respond, nor did he feel anything but a cold chill where her presence should have once been—however the scythe stopped glowing and the knowledge flow ceased as well. Buster smiled and dropped the now mundane scythe to the ground.

"Ye'll harm no one ever again," the Dwarf said as he brought Hellsmasher into the air.

And just as Gonzeelda appeared before him, the misting having finally faded, Buster brought the mighty magical down onto the blade of the scythe, shattering it into hundreds of pieces.

"N-No!" Gonzeelda screamed, "Beauty!"

She scrambled over to the broken scythe and clawed at the ground, trying to collect every piece.

"Don't ye see," Buster said, "The weapon was too powerful. I have fulfilled my Goddess' wish."

"You're Goddess!?" Gonzeelda cried, "Don't you know all Gods want only power! They want to watch the world burn!"

"Not me Sheeva," Buster whispered, "Never me Sheeva."

"Fool," Gonzeelda said, still sitting on her knees, "You know nothing of the goings on in the Celestias."

"And you know nothing of me Goddess," the Dwarf replied, "She be right through these caves—me Goddess, Sheeva and she needs me help!"

"You think you've won, silly Dwarf?" The Orcess asked, "Just because you destroyed my Beauty?"

The Dwarf did not see the figures sneaking up on him, but Gonzeelda did. She could barely hide her smile, for she knew that she was the one who had won.

Budge and Weiggs both punched the Dwarf in the back of the head, and he fell forward to his knees, his face only inches from Gonzeelda's. The Orcess leaned forward and locked him in a passionate kiss that lasted only a few seconds before Buster fell over, unconscious.

She stood up and kicked the fallen Dwarf in the stomach, flipping him over onto his stomach, then she straddled him once again and began to play with his beard, twisting his thick mustache at its ends.

"You see, Dwarf," Gonzeelda said, "You just told me where your Goddess is—and my Beauty or not, I still have the knowledge she gave me—I'll kill your 'Sheeva' and with her power, reforge Beauty, and then, my plans will come to fruition."

Buggs and Weiggs walked up to Gonzeelda chuckling.

"Good job, boys," the Orcess said as she stood up and cracked her neck, "Gather up the pieces of my scythe, and make sure you get EVERY LAST PIECE."

"What if miss one?" Budge asked.

"Then someone will be picking up YOUR pieces," Gonzeelda said as she walked off, father into the cave, "Oh, and bring the Dwarf too. I want him to witness the death of his pathetic Goddess."

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