《Dave And Bambi ¦ Best Friends..? (DISCONTINUED)》~?Truth OR Dare?~


Now its dave x bambi time if u hate this ship don't Read this Book i Just make this for nothing Just for fun i think

Tristan's going to say some really bad things in this episode 😏 Okay lets get start djanhdjwbf

Dave, bambi and tristan sit on the floor

And bambi flips the bottle

Tristan's going to ask Dave a question.

Tristan: truth or Dare dad?

Dave: truth

Tristan: Do you use your feet like a knife or do you hurt anyone with them?

Dave: Actually- yeah

Tristan: woah my dad is murderer!

Dave: tristan Just shut up-

Tristan: Fine...

Bambi: Okay I'm Turning the Bottle

This time tristan asks Bambi

Tristan: truth or Dare?

Bambi: Dare

Tristan mind: its my time rn hhehehehe

Tristan: i Dare you to Kiss my dad!!

Dave was eating his corn when he heard tristan's word and started choking.

Dave: *cough* TRISTAN WHAT-

Bambi: zamnn tristan What's my punishment if I don't do this?

Tristan: You won't see your corns for 3 years


Tristan: then do it

Dave: I'm going to kill you, tristan.

Bambi: I'll kiss you on the cheek, but it won't be that ba-

Tristan: No, you're going to kiss on the lip

Bambi: YOU B1T©-

Dave: shhh Don't swear. there is no swearing in a book.

Bambi: you right.. BUT I DONT WANT THIS

Tristan: Come on, time's running out.

Bambi: finee

Bambi approaches Dave and looks at him face

Tristan: You'll kiss for 5 minutes😏👌

Bambi: I'm not going to let you live anymore.

Tristan: yeah yeah whatever Just start

Bambi approaches Dave's lip and kisses him

Tristan: i have 2 dad now ahh thats cool🤧🤧❤️

Dave mind: I actually liked it, he's a good friend of mine, but I feel something else for him.


Bambi mind: It's going to be a shame to do this for five minutes, but I actually like it.

Triatan: 3 minutes to go

Bambi mind: what 3 min!?!? There's a lot of time.... Time goes by so slowly

Dave mind: holy geo.. 3 minutes is too much..

*After 3 minutes*

Tristan: donee!!

Bambi: I feel so bad.

Dave: m-me too

Tristan: Heheh, okay, I'm don-

Bambi holds the tristan hard

Bambi & dave: Where are you going!?

Tristan: eh m-my r-room? Eheheh?

Then they start beating the tristan and the ENDD (not end for book lol)


Okay im really done rn Actually, I was going to throw out the new episode tomorrow, but I got bored, so I decided to do it today.

Anyway, I'll see you.!!

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