《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 24 - Unresolved Emotions


After Annabeths exit from the cafeteria, I had to listen to an ear-full from both Bryan and surprisingly Colton, who seemed to have a soft spot for Anna. I just ignore both of them because they weren't really thinking about the long-term implications of me dating her. Although I knew that being with her right now would make everything ok, in the future me and anna being together was just going to be a lot of drama and could potentially put her in trouble. So I continue to ignore them both and their arguments for why I should be with her and after a certain point, I pretended like I wasn't even listening and they eventually gave up.

Right now we were hanging out at Bryan's car outside school to take off for the gym, and we were waiting for Amelie, Bryan said that he needed to see Amelie, I have no clue what for. I was leaning against the car messaging James and fixing up a time to go see him later tonight. I knew I couldn't and shouldn't avoid him and I just wanted to get this over with. I hear Amelie's voice but I don't look up because the last thing I want is for my eyes to be assaulted by Bryan and Amelie's cuddles and kisses. Feeling a shadow fall over me, I glance up only to be taken aback.

There was Anna in front of me in a short tight top which I think are called crop tops and although it wasn't enough that the top was short she had on an equally if not worse short and skimpy skirt. Her entire midriff on the show with her long glossy legs on display. If I thought the dress she wore to the party was pushing it, this was just ... just I couldn't find the words to describe it.

What made it worse is that she looked like a goddess. She had a perfectly toned abdomen and beautiful long legs and to say that all this skin on display was turning me on was an understatement.

I snap out of it when I see Colton with his fucking mouth open and I am possessed by rage. What pisses me off more is the fact that Anna gives me a look like I don't matter and turns her focus to Colton, before I can control myself the words are out of my mouth "What the fuck are you wearing?" I stalk up close to her my right hand gripping my phone so tightly that I thought it would crumble at any point.


She turns her perfect little face and looks at me all innocent " Why, Ryder I thought you would recognize the school cheerleading outfit, considering you've probably been with the entire cheerleading squad" she smiles condescendingly and turns back to Colton

I turn my glare at Colton " Colton, shut your mouth and turn away" I grunt out to him at which point he blushes a deep red and slides off the car, and goes to Bryan and Amelie leaving me and this minx alone.

"I know that this is a fucking cheerleading costume, my question is why the fuck are you wearing it and why does it look... look... like that on you" I scan the area to see if there were any other guys in the vicinity who could see her like this.

Anna looks at me innocently " Why would anyone wear a cheerleading outfit unless they are a part of a cheerleading squad." She rolls her eyes " I start today Ryder... plus I think this outfit fits me rather well, don't you think" she does a little twirl which pisses me off.

I lean forward and grab her by her upper arm and pull her towards my chest "You will not fucking parade yourself like this around boys, this is too much " I grit out of clenched teeth

She places her perfect little palm on my chest and tries to wrench her arm out of my grip but I don't let her, the calm facade that she has on her face does not change even though she failed to get her arm out. She leans her face closer to mine, at which point my eyes drop automatically to her plump red lips.

She smiles at me "I will wear whatever I want and parade wherever I want, you have no right to fucking tell me what to do and what not to do so leave my arm and fuck off Ryder"

She gives her arm a final yank and pulls it out and steps back. I run my hand through my hair impatiently, I was really annoyed now "Is this how desperate you are Anna, to get my attention.... you dress like a slut and you come around" I smirk "God I did think you had more class than this but oh well I guess you really are desperate" I see Amelie in the background struggling to come at me and Bryan holding her back by the waist. I knew I was mean but I was desperate for her to change out of this outfit, that I was ok for her to think the worst of me.


Anna's face flinches for a microsecond but it was too quick for me to know for certain if she had flinched or now. She continues to look at me for a few seconds and then she shakes her head and laughs. She fucking laughs. " You think this is for you Ryder, look let me be honest, I already know that we are not going to be together and yea I will admit I was a little upset about it but you know what.." she steps closer to me, so close that if I leaned down a bit our lips would meet. She stares at me those beautiful blue eyes filled with anger "I realized that there are other fish in the pond and those fish will most probably appreciate this, so no this is not for you.. sorry" she goes back a few steps and points at herself and she turns around to walk away.

I stalk up to behind her and wraps my hands around her waist and pull her back into me, my palms splayed onto her bare waist, feeling the softness and warmth of it against my cold hands. I almost groan at how she was turning me on but I manage to swallow it.

I lean down and whisper in her ear "You know that no one can make you feel the way I do, I can feel your heartbeat and I can feel the goosebumps you're getting because of the way I make you feel.. so sweetheart drop the act and admit that this is for me... and only me..."

I release one hand from her waist and run it up her arm, feeling goosebumps erupting everywhere that I touch her. "And now that the show is over, I need you to run over like a good girl and change into something more appropriate because I am going to go now".

She stretches herself against my body and leans her head up against me her nose brushing my cheek as she whispers back " And no one can deny the way I make you feel considering the little situation you have going down there...but don't worry there will be other guys out there as well, so I am not going to change, feel free to leave Ryder"

She pulls away from me and stomps off leaving me with my mouth open hands clenched, mad as fuck. I watch as Amelie smirks at me before walking off with her and I turn to Colton and Bryan to see them both give me a look. Colton shakes his head tiredly " You just got owned by that girl Ryder" Bryan comes up to me "What are we going to do because I am pretty sure that we're not going training especially coz from what I remember both the cheerleading and football practise happens at the same time on the same ground... "

And that's how ladies and gentlemen I end up sitting on the bleachers watching Anna bounce around with pom-poms while half the football team seem to be drooling whenever given a chance. I keep glaring at them but they didn't know she was off-limits. The only saving grace as much as I hated to admit it was that they knew that Dylan liked her so they were staying away from her. Claire kept giving me flirty looks which made it even worse. I sigh and put my head in my hands

"Is this going to be a regular occurrence because cheerleading happens very often...so we might have to check their schedule if we have to be here every time" Colton jabs my side. I groan and don't answer to which Bryan mutters from behind " Or maybe we can go on a stealth mission and find her cheerleading outfits and burn them all" I lift my head to glare at Bryan and then put my head back down. Bryan snorts " You don't like Plan A, alright what about Plan B ... we might as well get those uniforms and pom-poms and join the cheerleading squad if we are going to be here with them all the time''

I raise my head once again and look at him annoyed. Bryan shrugs his shoulders " Na man, just saying... oh shit" his eyes wander down to the field and he goes pale.

I look down and see Dylan hugging Annabeth in that outfit. All I see is red. I stand up ready to beat him to a pulp when Colton grabs my hand. "Interfere only if you're going to be with her, or else you're just going to make a scene and make life miserable for her''.

I stop knowing that what he said was right. If I interfered everyone would think there was something going on between us and since I can't date her they will think the worst of her. I couldn't do that to her reputation.

I grit my teeth and stand up. "Let's go, I need to meet James"

Bryan stands up worriedly " I thought we weren't taking up any fights for two weeks... " he stops seeing the look on my face.

"Right, let's go" he nods his head in agreement

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