《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 23 - Revenge is best served hot!


I was hiding by the bleacher's tears streaming down my face thinking about how Ryder was taking out some other girl tonight. For the last four days, all I have been doing is thinking about him and I haven't been able to bring myself to move on . Amelie had told me to just act cold and indifferent towards him and I had been playing along hoping that she was right and that he would realise he wanted to be with me, but apart from the stolen glances that he kept giving me he didn't even approach me or make an attempt to talk to me.

To top it all he was going out on a date tonight, and knowing Ryder's reputation I knew that only meant one thing. That he was going to have sex with this girl tonight. The mere thought of him being with another girl made my heart hurt. I look up to see Amelie standing by me swearing about how she was going to decapitate Ryder and Bryan along with him. She was going into minute details about how she was going to torture them before said decapitation and I couldn't help but laugh. She cared about me and I was blessed to have a friend who cared so deeply. At that moment I decided that I was going to be ok. I should be grateful that I have someone as wonderful as Amelie in my life.

Amelie looks at me like I am crazy " Ok are you crying and laughing, that's the first sign of a full-blown mental breakdown"

She sits down on the grass next to me and she takes out some wipes from her bag and gently cleans my face.

"Much better" she smiles at me once she is done. " Look Anna" she looks at me sadly "I know you like Ryder a lot, but no guy is worth this, imagine if it's so painful before you guys even get together, how dramatic and painful it's going to be after you guys get into a relationship" Her tone softens "You are the most amazing, intelligent beautiful and gorgeous person both on the inside and the outside and he's not worth you"

I take a huge breath, expel it and then lean in and hug her "I agree" I whisper while hugging her "He's not worth it, I am just going to get over this phase and move on with my life. As of this moment, I am going to just stop hoping for anything to happen between us and I am going to focus on the healing and moving on phase"


Amelie releases me out of her hug and smiles at me " That's my girl, I'll be there..." she is interrupted by her phone ringing and she looks at it her face contorting with rage. " Give me a second, it's Bryan I am going to give him a piece of my mind. She moves to stand up and I grab her hand shaking my head " No, don't, it's not his fault. Ryder is not a child, he must have told Bryan to do it, plus maybe it happened for the best, now I don't have even an ounce of hope left that something could happen between Ryder and me so technically he has done me a favor" I smile at her.

Amelie shakes her head and answers her phone and walks out of the bleachers to take it. I sit there for a while longer. I open my bag and take out my compact and check my face. I look like a mess. I slowly fix my face so that no one can tell that I have been crying.

I look at the time on my phone and realize that I had my first cheerleading practice in fifteen minutes. Claire was impressed with my tryouts a few days ago and today was the day when I officially start cheerleading. I was glad I had something to look forward to, even though I wasn't a huge cheerleading fan right now I was grateful for anything that would keep me distracted from the way I was feeling.

I stand up dusting my back and walk out from under the bleachers to see Amelie saying her goodbyes to Bryan " Ok honeybee, are you guys going to be there a while" She listens to the response and then says "K done bye" and hangs up.

She turns around and looks at me her eyes blazing " That asshole was worried that you didn't care enough so Bryan made up the whole Betsy thing to make him realize that you were hurting, and Ryder that asswipe was happy that you weren't over him, he is such a prick..." She looks at me "Bryan was hoping that it would make him realize you guys were meant to be together but...I am sorry Anna"

I smile softly at Amelie " No worries Ames, I'm all good. I just need to get to the changing rooms quickly to change into this skimpy outfit that Claire calls a cheerleading costume. I don't want to be late for my first day especially since Claire gave me this spot ...." I stop looking at Amelie's face scrunched up in thought " What?"


Amelie smiled her trademark evil smile " If Ryder thinks he can play around with your feelings and get away with it he's got another one coming his way, two can play this game"

I sigh collecting my blonde hair into a ponytail "Ames I really don't wanna play any.."

Amelie covers my mouth with his hand " Shush, come with me, I am making this right. I don't want you to ever get with him but I need him to learn a lesson"

She drags me running to the changing room and waits for me to change into the cheerleading outfit. When I come out of the stall she whistles.

I groan, it was a dark orange outfit, the color of which was fine, but it was a tight crop top which was too short so my entire midriff was on view and the skirt was again too short and up my thighs that even the shorts I had underneath to protect my modesty were just about covered. Claire really took this to another level. I walked to the mirror and groan at my reflection, while Amelie continues to clap her hands. She quickly helps me with my makeup and ties a yellow bow across my ponytail. I slip my sneakers on and stand with my hands on my hips " Do I look naked to you?" I giggle thinking about how ridiculous this outfit was. "I am definitely going to go get my own set by this weekend, I cannot walk around in this" I cover my face and sigh.

Amelie smiles at me again " Yes, you will, now come on I am going to come see you cheer and then I'll drop you home" I looked at Amelie in surprise "Wait .. Wha... I thought you had a date with Bryan?"

"Na I told him ill catch him later, speaking of which we need to quickly go see him, I need to give him something since I won't be seeing him today" she drags me by the hand.

I stop and yank her to a standstill "Ames, please go on your date, I'll be ok" I smile at her reassuringly. She rolls her eyes " Stop, I need to see you at practice, plus the football teams going to be practicing at the same time and god know I need to be there to kick some ass if some sweaty horny boys decide to make a pass on my best friend " she smiles at me

'Now cmon we need to see Bryan before we get there" she walks ahead with me trailing after her.

I follow Amelie and we make it to the front of the school, where I see Bryan's car parked with the front facing the entrance and Colton sitting on the hood chatting to Bryan who was standing next to him. I follow Amelie as we make our way closer and then my eyes fall on Ryder leaning casually onto the side of the car on his phone.

He hadn't seen me yet so I stop and Amelie turns around to look at me, while I start panicking "Oh my god he's there I'm going to go back and stand..stand inside...I can't...can't..see him.."

I stop mumbling when I see Amelie's guilty face. I narrow my eyes at her and whisper" You.. you... knew this.. you set me up" I glare at her. Amelie pulls me ahead all the while whispering to me " We need to rub it in his face, like I told you we don't want him for you but I am mad at him, and I want him to have a taste of his own medicine" I look straight to see Bryan and Colton staring at me, with Colton's mouth wide open as he looks at me from head to toe.

No one is saying anything and Amelie and I get to the guys. Amelie goes to Bryan and hugs him while I make my way closer to Colton into Ryder's line of sight. I see Ryder lift his face and look up and then he takes a double look and he immediately pushes himself off the car and stands straight just staring at me in shock. His eyes travel from my toes up to my face and his eyes first fill with lust as he examines me and then it goes into complete rage mode. I feel satisfied for some reason so I give him a blank look and then turn to smile at Colton whose mouth was still open. I could hear Bryan and Amelie whispering in the corner and I open my mouth to start a conversation with Colton, but before I could say anything I hear an angry scream which honestly punctured my eardrums " What the fuck are you wearing?" I grimace and slowly turn my face to look at Ryder innocently

" Game on Bad Boy," I think while I act all innocent.

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