《Adeena Cole and the Dead Man's Chest》Chapter Four
I watched miserably as Jack was raised on a stick over the fire. It was culture to cook the male first, apparently.
"Ahh! Fi-fi!" The man with the torch screamed.
"Fi-fi!" The tribe bellowed back. The chanting and drums resumed. I remembered, when we had saved Jack from the noose, there had been drums that time, too.
He gave me a reassuring smile and then looked downward nervously, into the pile of wood.
Suddenly, we were interrupted by frantic yelling from one side of the camp. There was a little boy, painted with green and yellow stripes, holding a spear and pointing behind him.
I couldn't understand a single thing he said, of course, but Jack could. "Well, go on!" He shouted. "Get them!"
The cannibals yelled something and charged away. There was an awkward silence without the drums and natives. I watched fearfully as the torch fell from the native's hand and lit the wood on fire. Jack began to blow furiously on it. You don't blow on a fire, Jack, you idiot!
I rushed to free myself of my bonds, glancing at Jack from time to time. He was bouncing the stick, trying to get free. He did, finally, and kicked his legs out of the ropes.
"Let's go," He said, and ran away, hunched over due to the stick on his back. I laughed with amusement and cursed just for the fun of it. We ran the way we had before, hampered a bit by Jack's 'condition'.
We stopped again by the weapons tent due to a little cannibal kid, holding a knife and fork, looking at us questioningly.
Jack stared at the cannibal. The cannibal stared at Jack.
Jack snatched the eating utensils from the kid and began to saw at his ropes. The native bolted away, presumably to tell his fellow tribe members that we were escaping. I straightened up, grinning triumphantly; we would be free soon, I would not be eaten, Jack wouldn't be eaten, we would be alive for a little while longer. My grin faded as I gazed forward.
"Jack..." I tapped his shoulder and he looked up.
Two more females were staring daggers at us.
Jack took one look and started screaming. I stared as he ran forward panic-like, looking ridiculous, and collided with a pile of coconuts. His bamboo rod stuck to one, and he swung around, the fruit shooting off the end and toward one of the cannibals.
It shot past my face and into the hands of the native. She lowered her hands, growling as a bit of coconut milk dropped down her nose.
Suddenly, they were throwing fruit at us. Jack stabbed at the air with the knife, trying to hit the papayas and oranges, and I cowered behind him, avoiding a tomato that nearly bulls-eyed me.
Jack and I looked up, startled, as a series of tropical fruits were impaled on his pole. He looked like a human shoosh-cabob.
"Stop it!" He yelled suddenly, holding his hands up.
The two angry females ceased fire and gazed at him questioningly. Whether or not he had thrown a coconut at them, he was the chief.
Jack ran out of the cross fire, screaming, me following. He hit the pile of coconuts again, but this time, his momentum caused him to fly through the air and to the other side of the cliff.
I was distracted by his luck, and I fell off the cliff.
I screamed and flailed my limbs, watching the ground get closer and closer. I crashed through bridges, startling some natives, and I faintly heard Jack yelling as well. I screamed some Czech cusses, and prepared to hit the ground.
I landed on my back and abruptly shut up. I closed my eyes and tried to drone out the complains from my body, but to no avail. I rolled over just as Jack hit the ground next to me.
He groaned and looked alarmed as his pole fell from the sky and harpooned itself in the ground next to him. The fruit rained down afterward, one hitting my chest. I groaned and sat up.
"I'm gonna kill you," I said to him, "For putting me through this."
He smiled weakly and sat up as well. "I'll make it up to you later." He winked, and leaned forward to press his lips to mine.
I felt the familiar fluttering in my stomach as he pulled away far too soon. "You'd better," I said, and helped him stand.
We ran as fast as we could, as we could hear the natives yelling as they caught up.
Jack and I cleared the corner and ran across the beach. Seeing his crew at the Pearl preparing to leave without him sped Jack up even more.
"Oi!" He called, running ahead of me.
They stopped and turned. As soon as they saw the clot of natives behind us they spun back around and began to board the ship.
I cursed at them, glanced behind me and screamed, following Jack's lead.
Some sort of instinct took hold. I spun around, yelling for Jack to cover his ears, and screamed.
The natives looked shocked, then crumpled to the ground, covering their ears. They rolled around as I screeched, then I shut up, and spun around, suddenly tired, as if my yelling had exerted me. I followed Jack, who looked remarkably stupid with his arms on his ears and still managing to pull off his swaggering gait.
We passed the prison dog. I only allowed myself one second to wonder how the hell he was here before running to catch up to Jack.
"Good doggy," Jack patted his head as he ran by. "Good dog--ahhhh!" Despite my effective diversion, we were still being chased by a large amount of unhappy cannibals.
We reached the ship and were offered lines; I took mine immediately and waited for Jack to move so we could get on the Pearl. But Jack being Jack...
"Alas, my children!" He shouted to the upset cannibals, who were crying and begging us to come back. "This is the day you will always remember as the day that you almost--"
He was cut off as a huge wave crashed over our heads and drenched us head to toe. "...Captain Jack Sparrow..." He finished half heartedly. I groaned.
I didn't mind the water. It seemed to renew my strength, oddly.
We all watched the cannibals. They had turned at the bark of the prison dog.
Us and the observing crew breathed a sigh of relief as they ran after the dog instead of us.
Jack climbed up the side of the ship and was greeted by Mr. Gibbs. "Let's put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea!" He declared, as Pintel and Ragetti draped Jack's coat over his shoulders. I wondered why the hell they were here but Jack interrupted my thoughts as I climbed over the railing, careful to not the inside of my skirt.
"Yes to the first and yes to the second but only so much as we keep to the shallows as much as possible," Jack replied, glancing over his shoulder at Pintel, who had his hand up in a Naval salute.
Gibbs's brow furrowed. "That seems a bit contradictory, Captain," He said warily.
Jack waved him off and headed to the helm, his paint smearing. "I have every faith in your excellent navigational skills, Mr. Gibbs. Now where is that monkey, I want to shoot something..."
He was handed his pistol and Jack searched the deck boredly for the undead primate.
"Jack," Will appeared before us. I wondered why he didn't say hi to me, as he only gave me a cold glance. Then I remembered the paint and outfit.
Jack brushed Will off. "What did you want?"
Will followed him up the steps. I padded along behind, shivering a bit. I was cold, suddenly, what with the water.
"Elizabeth is in danger!" Will exclaimed.
Jack cocked his gun and viewed the deck. "Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on her? Maybe lock her up somewhere?"
"She is locked up! She faces the gallows; she is to be hung for helping you!"
Jack aimed and shot; the monkey squealed and shot up to the crow's nest. "There comes a time in everyone's life when they must reflect upon their mistakes."
Will pulled a sword from a unassuming crew member and pointed it at Jack. "I need your compass, Jack." I pulled out my own cutlass and rested it in Will's chest. He didn't glance at me. "I must trade it for her freedom."
Jack sighed and pushed the cutlass out of his face. "Adeena, I can handle the eunuch. Savvy?"
I grinned and sheathed my blade. Will trained his eyes on me, his pupils widening in recognition. "Adeena! I--"
I rolled my eyes and went to stand beside Jack. He weaved an arm around my waist. "It's fine, Will."
Jack smiled and pulled the cloth from his pocket, the one with the key. "William, I shall help you to find the compass if you will help me to locate this."
Will studied the chalky drawing. "This? You want to find this?"
I sensed a long and confusing speech was in the making. "No," Jack said, "You want you to find this. Because the finding and or locating of this finds you finding a way to save your dolly bell 'ol what's her face from her grim fate. Savvy?" He grinned. I rested my forehead on his shoulder and smiled.
Will looked disbelievingly at the key. "This is going to save Elizabeth?"
Jack lowered his voice and leaned closer to Will. "How much do you know about Davy Jones?"
Will thought for a moment. "Not much." He shrugged.
Jack leaned back, his body relaxing. "Yep, it's gonna save Elizabeth."
Will rolled his eyes and turned away, obviously untrusting of Jack. "What's your plan?" I whispered.
He smiled innocently and turned to me. "What plan?"
I rolled my eyes and shivered as a breeze blew past. Jack noticed and switched his coat to my shoulders. "Your devious I'm-going-to-betray-Will plan."
He grinned. "You know me far too well, darling. But," He sobered a bit. "The, plug your ears, you idiot boy! What was that about?"
I blushed. "I...screamed." I said slowly. His brow furrowed. "I screamed," I repeated, looking confused myself. "As soon as you had covered your delicate ears, I screamed at the Pelegosto. It worked. The majority of them was on the ground."
He looked puzzled for a moment, then shrugged and led me toward Mr. Gibbs, who was at the helm. "Mr. Gibbs!" He announced. "I find that we have a need to travel upriver."
Gibbs gulped. "By need do you mean a trifling, fleeting, perhaps passing fancy?"
Jack rolled his eyes. "No, a resolute and unyielding need."
Will, who was standing nearby, perked up his ears. "Up river?"
No one answered him, so I spoke up. "I have no clue either, Will, and Jack won't shut up long enough to answer my questions." Jack glanced at me with an amused smirk, "But you and I need to catch up!"
Will nodded and I waved at Jack, who brushed me away and went to our cabin. Will and I headed below decks, where I showed him to his previous cot.
"No one will sleep in it," I told him sheepishly. "Jack told the crew that a eunuch had occupied it."
He rolled his eyes and we sat on the floor. "How's it been?" I asked him.
He frowned, and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was thinking about Elizabeth. "Well, we had to postpone the wedding..."
My brow furrowed. "Why on earth would you do that?"
Will took a deep breath, and launched into his story of how Lord Cutler Beckett had showed up and ruined the happiest day of Elizabeth and Will's lives.
I gasped. "What an asshole. He's the one who branded Jack, you know."
His gaze jerked to me. "Who?"
"Cutler Beckett. He branded Jack a pirate."
He nodded slowly. "I see..." He met my gaze, his expression unreadable.
"Adeena, love!" Jack waltzed into our view and stopped before us. "Am I...interrupting anything?"
I tore my eyes from Will's and stood up. "Nope. If you don't mind, Jack, I'm gonna go and clean up. This skirt is quite itchy."
He smiled and winked. "I'll be right there."
I turned to Will and gave him a slight wave; he grinned back and followed us above deck, as he was sort of part of the crew now. Jack trailed behind me, opening the door like a gentleman when we reached our cabin.
"You are full of it." I stated, dropping his coat then crossing the room to the dresser. I studied myself in the mirror as I wiped the paint off with the cloth Jack had handed me. He snatched it from me when I was finished and cleaned off the smeared eyes on his face. He then went to his desk, and began to shuffle around his charts and maps. I watched in the mirror as he re-tied the cloth covering the Black Spot. "I'm full of what?"
I rolled my eyes and ran a comb through my hair. "Lots of nonsense. Would you mind turning? I want to change."
"I would mind." Jack said. I turned to look at him. He had that sort of hungry look in his eyes.
I smiled, my cheeks flushing. "After I'm out of this, ok?"
He nodded reluctantly and turned around rather dramatically. I chuckled and slipped into the usual: Tan slacks, yellowing shirt, orange sash. "You're good, Jack."
He spun back around, and I immediately went to him. He pulled me closer and pressed his lips to mine; I knotted my hands in his hair as the kiss gradually deepened. I made a muffled noise as he pulled at my sash and his fingers lifted the hem of my shirt. I smiled into his kiss and felt a different, unfamiliar warmth in my gut, a need to be close to him.
"Captain!" We whirled around, breathing heavily, and stared at Gibbs. He was red and glancing between the two of us nervously. "Erm, we've arrived at the Pantano River. Captain."
I hid behind Jack, very aware of my exposed chest. He cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes. Thank you, Gibbs."
Gibbs bobbed his head and shot out of there as if he was the one being chased by the kraken. He shut the door behind him rather loudly.
Jack turned to me, and began to help me button my shirt back on. "Mind if we continue later?" I asked him, smiling.
He grinned a bit breathlessly at me. "Not at all. I should remind you, though, of our destination."
I shook my head. "You never told me in the first place. Should you find a different shirt, Jack? That one is covered in paprika." I grinned. "I was gonna help you take it off, but...
"Oh! Yeah, I'll do that." He stole a glance at my bodice. Typical Jack. "But we are visiting the one and only Tia Dalma, love."
I tilted my head, leaning against the door as I waited for him to finish. "Tia Dalma? The one who you persuaded to give you the compass?"
"Mm-hmm. This time, we're coming for help..." He glanced at his left hand as he pulled a 'clean' shirt over his head.
I frowned in sympathy and opened the door for him, this time. He donned the rest of his outfit and exited.
"How did you get her to give it to you?" I asked curiously. From what he had told me, Tia Dalma was a mystic, obeah woman, skilled in many magical arts. Not someone who you'd want to cross. I doubted Jack had stolen the precious compass.
A bit of color stained Jack's cheeks. "Erm, well..."
I rolled my eyes. "You are such a womanizer."
Will, who had already boarded one of the longboats we would apparently be riding down the Pantano, gave me a hand in. Jack climbed into the other after giving me and Will a glance that I couldn't read and we were off, to see Tia Dalma.
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