《A Silent Lover》12. Imani
I sucked in a startled exhalation as TaekWoon finished his sentence, my heart pounding a mile a minute. It wasn't every day that I got proposed to by a beautiful man and my emotions almost had me saying yes, caught up in the heat of the moment.
Something about the earnest way he'd looked at me while speaking had made me loathe to refuse him. But as I took in the situation; which was me standing in the middle of TaekWoon's dorm with mascara running down my face, I internally slapped myself back to my senses.
"What did you say?" I asked him again, still not believing what I'd just heard come out of his mouth.
"Marry me Imani," he patiently repeated, still bent on that one knee.
"Are you kidding me? Get up off the floor!" I tugged on his hand but he wouldn't budge.
"No, I'm being very serious. I mean it." His hair was falling into his eyes and as he looked up at me I felt myself weaken again.
"I can't just marry you TaekWoon," I said more gently this time.
"I know you think I haven't thought this through or what it will mean for us, but I have. I know what's at stake for you and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that," he said quietly, his intensity causing my heart to skip a beat.
"TaekWoon, you don't know what you're getting into. My life isn't easy and having a child full time isn't always fun and games. Not only would the board expect you to take an active role in Jae's life, I would expect it too. Are you honestly ready for that kind of responsibility?"
"I care about JaeHyun Imani, and I'm not sure if it's love yet, but I care about you deeply as well. This is something I want to do for you." TaekWoon's voice was gentle but sure, his stare piercing. He was serious; I knew trying to convince him otherwise would be pointless.
"I just can't TaekWoon, it's not right."
"What's not right about it? You're doing this for JaeHyun, not because of some dumb reason. We're both going into this knowing what it is."
"That's exactly what I mean!" I said raising my voice slightly, because somehow my feelings were hurt by the explanation of his proposal. "I told you I was adopted, right? Well, my parents were high school sweethearts, and they got married right after graduation. Even when they found out they couldn't have children, they stayed together and loved each other. I grew up believing that all couples were as happy as my parents; it took seeing my friend's parents' divorce to realize that that wasn't the case.
"The reason I avoided dating wasn't just because I wasn't interested. I didn't want to be with someone whom I didn't love, and I never imagined marrying someone for anything less than that. I feel strange thinking that I would be in such a lasting relationship with you before we had even dated for a solid month."
"I get it, and I wasn't expecting this either but you should know something about me. When I care about someone, I make sure they're taken care of... I can see you're hurting Imani, you walked in here looking defeated. I know you're getting tired of the rejection. You just want to love JaeHyun and that fact is so admirable to me- "
"But what does admiration have to do with marriage?" I grumbled, still frustrated.
TaekWoon pressed his fingers to my lips and I immediately fell silent. His long fingers were cool and soft on my mouth and I felt a moan gathering in my chest that I stomped back down with force. He shook his head at me and his eyes squinted together in a smile that made me feel gooey inside.
"I wasn't finished," he told me quietly. I swallowed quickly past the lump in my throat and took a deep breath to get myself under control.
"Then finish," I whispered back as his fingers moved away.
"I want us to get married because I believe that I can help you. I know that you feel like us getting married would cheapen any feelings we had for each other, but I can tell you right now that I like you, more than I've ever liked anyone before. I want to be able to help you because everything in me rebels when I see you in pain. If we do this, I want you to know that I will be serious in all aspects of it. You will be my wife and I will take care of you and JaeHyun. I won't let anything hurt you again. So, let me do this for you... Imani Taylor, will you marry me?"
When he said things like that, with the finality of someone who'd already won the argument, everything in me wanted to say yes. What was this feeling that he held over me, this irrepressible need to give in to his insane request? Why did I want to give him anything he asked for?
"I need to think about this TaekWoon. I can't just make a decision in an instant, not when it's something so important."
I tugged on his hand again and this time he rose to his feet. In the few minutes that he'd been on the floor, I'd forgotten how tall he was, but now he towered over me again and I couldn't help but think that he would do everything he'd said. He would try to take care of me and JaeHyun to the best of his ability, I could tell. But the real question was if I wanted him to. I had always been independent and asking for help had always seemed almost like a weakness. Could I really accept something so huge from someone who, if I was honest with myself, I had only barely begun to know?
"I can see everything you're thinking on your face," TaekWoon said with a small smile. "I know you're worried, but for all of our sakes think about what I said seriously. I honestly think this will work."
I bit back my response, and instead nodded silently. I gave him a hug goodbye, holding on to him much tighter than I normally did. I wanted to bury my face in his clothes, the scent of his cologne making me want snuggle even closer.
"Whatever I decide, thank you so much for caring enough to ask," I told him, giving him a small kiss on his cheek as I left.
Back at my house I couldn't settle to anything. My mind swirled with possibilities, with the consequences of what TaekWoon had said. His proposal was something that I hadn't expected in the least. He wasn't like other men who ran away from commitment; instead he wanted to take on the strongest of all bonds with me. And the worst part was that I wasn't even sure if I wanted it. No matter that his explanations proved how good and kind of a person he was, I couldn't just jump into a marriage.
I had always been so autonomous, and the fact that I hadn't been able to adopt JaeHyun on my own burned more than a little. But if we did do this marriage, then there was a good chance I could finally adopt Jae. Could I pass up such an opportunity?
Ok, I told myself as I lay in bed. I needed a list of pros and cons... Cons first. The most troubling was number one: I had only known TaekWoon for a little over a month, could I really marry someone whom I didn't know inside and out? Regardless of whatever feelings I had around him, marriage was something else altogether. Two, if I was able to get over the marriage thing, TaekWoon had never had children and I was pretty sure he'd never been married either.
So that meant that everything to do with me and JaeHyun would be new to him; he might not be able to make the adjustment. Third had to be that his job as a singer wasn't exactly stable, and he lived with a whole bunch of guys. Of course, he'd have to move in with me, but maybe he wouldn't want to. I swallowed as I thought of where he'd need to sleep if he did move in. I had a queen-sized bed and I looked to the empty right side where I never slept, mentally imagining TaekWoon's body filling the space. Heat filled my cheeks and I shook my head to banish the vision.
"Well," I said out loud, "that one has to be a pro." And another pro would be that Jae would have a male role model, something that I couldn't give him. And the biggest pro had to be that this could mean the difference between me adopting Jae or not. I had already done so much to get my son; was getting married such a hard thing to do in comparison, especially to someone like TaekWoon? I stared at the wall, trying to weigh the possibilities in my head, trying to make the best choice. I don't know how long I lay there, but it was late when I called TaekWoon.
"Yeoboseyo," his sleepy voice said into the phone.
"TaekWoon-ah, it's Imani. Let's do it."
It seemed that time was on fast-forward mode. I had made my decision to marry TaekWoon and now we were at the United States Embassy, filing the last of the paperwork. It was almost ridiculous how easy it was to be considered married in Korea. A few papers had been signed by the both is us and two witnesses, both of whom were known to TaekWoon, but people that I'd never met. I was put on his family register and that was that. After that technically we were married. It was done within the day and I could officially call myself Mrs. Imani Jung. It had been the most efficient experience regarding paperwork that I'd ever had in Korea.
A good deal of it had to do with TaekWoon, who seemed intent on making the process as easy for me as possible. My heart pounded to think of what this meant for our budding relationship, but truly just signing some forms just didn't make our 'marriage' feel real enough. I needed something more official, more lasting. I knew that this marriage was, in the bluntest sense, a marriage of convenience. But a secret part of me wanted it to be more than that. Much more.
At first, I didn't want to tell TaekWoon of my suddenly weird and confusing feelings. Or maybe they weren't that confusing or weird and I was just embarrassed. I didn't know what it was, but as we left the embassy building after I'd re-registered as a married woman, I turned to TaekWoon in the street, opening my mouth to say something, but I had no real idea of what I wanted to say. But before I can even start, TaekWoon takes my hands in his and pulls me to a stop beside him. I avoid his gaze as he stares at me until he places his hands softly against my cheeks. The warmth of them surprise me, but it's the fluttering feelings his touch induces that makes me stay still.
"Imani look at me," he says in a louder voice than usual since we're in the middle of a crowded street.
I hesitantly lift my eyes to meet his and after a minute of looking he sees...something and a smile forms on his lips.
"I knew it. Let's go," he says while pulling me along down the opposite side of the street.
"Go? Go where?"
"You'll see." His smile is infectious and I can't help but smile back as he throws one to me over his shoulder. His excitement is palpable and I decide to just enjoy the ride, wherever he takes me.
It's almost 10 minutes later that TaekWoon stops suddenly in front of a large graying building.
"Alright, we're here!" He drops my hand and his smile is wide as he waits for me to say something. I turn my head, looking around because I must have missed something.
"And where exactly is here?"
We are standing outside of a large warehouse-like building that strangely mixed in between a dress boutique and bakery. The edifice in front of us has begun to crumble along the edges, but the street surrounding it looks high class and expensive. What were they thinking by building new shops around such a drab structure?
"Come on, let's go inside."
"Are you sure this place isn't abandoned?" I ask him cautiously as he pushes the doors in.
"Of course not," he scoffed at me. "I wouldn't bring you somewhere that was dangerous."
As he took my hand and led me inside, excitement quickly replaced any trepidation I was feeling. Inside of a building that had seen better days was a beautiful lobby, all dove gray walls and white crown molding that give the room an elegant air. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling and glossy hardwood floors seemed to run throughout the space.
TaekWoon goes to speak to the woman sitting at the service desk while I decide to look around. The hall was much bigger inside than out, and I found myself in a long hallway filled with doors. One was labeled 'dresses' and I cracked the door open for a peak. What I saw inside made me gasp.
Hundreds of wedding gowns filled the room, tucked into every corner and in the center was a small stage, one where a bride might show her dress choice to her fiancé. I was drawn to the dresses, the pure whites, creams and even light satin pinks called to me. I ran my fingers over pieces of lace, sequined designs and long tulle trains. It was something out of a princess fairytale and I badly wanted to try them all on.
But one specifically caught my eye; a floor length A-line dress in the purest white. It boasted a sweetheart neckline and slightly padded bust. All over the whole dress itself was the thinnest layer of patterned lace flowers. It was beautiful and I imagined myself in it as I lifted in from the rack. I held it up against my body, looking in the mirror at my reflection.
"Eottae? Joahae?" TaekWoon's voice whispers from behind me.
I jumped around in embarrassment, letting the dress slip from my body. His eyes are crinkled into tiny half-moons and he's biting his lip in that adorable way so I know that he's definitely laughing on the inside.
"What is this place?" I ask, unable to take my eyes off the gorgeous gown.
"I could tell that what you had in mind when getting married was more than just signing a few papers. I thought that this would be a better idea. It's like a wedding hall but they provide anything a couple would need for a wedding; rental outfits, food, and the actual wedding venue."
I turn around and look at him, and the shock must be plain on my face because he turns bright red and clears his throat loudly.
"I mean we don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought that-"
I cut him off right there, pressing my fingers to his lips like he did to mine. They are soft and warm, and just feeling them against my fingertips is enough to make me want to replace them with my lips instead.
"Thank you so much for thinking of me. I don't know how you knew, but this is perfect."
"So, you like it," he says while taking my hand away from his mouth. My hand moves but he encloses in his own and then the fluttering is back in full force.
"No, I love it TaekWoon. It's just what I wanted."
"Jota, I'm glad. Now you need to focus. We're up next and we only have an hour to get ready."
As we walk into the main hall entrance, the large room is full of empty tables draped in white, with black chairs pulled up to them. Elaborate candle center pieces are on each table, and the lighting is low, but bright enough that everything can still be seen easily. At the end of a raised black walkway, a priest stands waiting for us. My hands start to sweat at the same time my heart picks up its pace.
"What are we doing here TaekWoon? We haven't even kissed before but we're about to get married!"
"There's a first time for everything, and the only reason I didn't do it before was because I was nervous." His voice is low, but his ears turn red when I mention kissing and I have to stop myself form giving in to my own embarrassment.
"But the best time may not be in front of the guy marrying us," I say insistently, hoping that I may be able to change his mind. I let out a heavy sigh and rub my temples feeling a lurking headache coming on.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this".
"Hey, don't you remember why I even suggested we get married; don't forget JaeHyun. We both care about him and neither one of us wants him in the orphanage. If we do this, the adoption agency can't possibly tell you no."
"We don't really know that for sure TaekWoon; who knows if this will work. Can being married really make a difference? It just seems like I'm wishing it will when in the end they just don't want me to adopt Jae at all." He looks at me hard then, the smile is back on his face in full force now, and I can feel some of the worry leeching out of me.
"Imani, I knew you were worried. You know, you and JaeHyun are more alike than you think. Both of you will suffer in silence even if you want to tell someone the truth."
TaekWoon takes my trembling hands in his, making sure my eyes are on his.
"I know you're nervous, but it's ok. Only think about me, nothing else. I'll be right beside you; for this wedding and for everything else. Just trust me."
"I trust you," I manage to say in a small voice and my heart beats extra hard as I squeezes my fingers around his.
"I can do this," I whisper to myself as together we walk down the longest aisle ever to the priest who looks glad that we've finally decided to join him.
As he starts the ceremony, I let my eyes rest on TaekWoon and soon enough I can't feel worried about anything anymore.
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