《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》Here Comes a Special Manager


*The next morning*

"Good morning, everyone!" Jeongguk happily greets all his club members with a satisfying smile on his face.

Seungmin jumps back in fear once again, "Ah, you scared me!"

Junseon looks at him all stupefied, "What the...You're here for practice?"

Jeongguk tilts his head, "Huh? Don't we have practice this morning?"

Seungmin gives Jeongguk a blank look until Junseon prods his side.

"Uh, yeah. Right. Of course we have practice, hahaha!" Seungmin laughs nervously still shocked that Jeongguk was still here. "What are you doing right now? Cleaning?"

Jeongguk looks at the two with a proud stance, "I thought the mats looked dirty yesterday, so I wiped them down. They're clean now, huh?"

"Y-Yeah..." Seungmin says timidly as he sees his dedication.

"I'm going to wash out all the rags. I'll be right back!"

Seungmin and Junseon watch Jeongguk walk away before turning to each other.

"Who is this kid???" Seungmin questions, still so astonished.

"He actually came."

"Why do you both look so stupefied?" Chisoo says, coming out of nowhere as if he was some sort of phantom.

Seungmin and Junseon both shake their heads weakly.

"Ah, captain! You're here?" Jeongguk asks as he has just returned from washing the rags. "Um...I have something important to discuss with you..."

Chisoo turns his head towards his direction giving him a questioning look.


While Jeongguk and Chisoo are discussing, (Y/N) is waiting outside the practice room door trying to listen to their conversation. Their voices were too soft to hear, even though her ear is pressed to the door.


Ah, this is frustrating...' (Y/N) thinks to herself as her nose scrunched up a bit and pouts as she feels annoyed she can't hear what they're saying. 'I asked Jeongguk to bring this up...Will Chisoo be okay with it? This is making me kinda nervous...' She palms her hand where her heart is as she feels the beating against her chest from being so anxious.

That's when Jeongguk finally opens the door and walks out. Though he did kind of hit her head a little.

"Ow...Ah, Jeongguk!" (Y/N) rubs her spot where she's been hit as she jolts back from the door.

Jeongguk goes up to her and checks her head, "Huh? Are you okay? What were you doing?" He laughs like he can't believe what he's just done as he rubs her head. "Come in."

He brings her inside the room as the club members are already warming up.


"You wanted to talk to me...?" Chisoo walks over to (Y/N) and looks down at her, a stern look in his face.

(Y/N)'s wide (E/C) eyes look up at him with great surprise by his height and intimidating aura, "Ah, yes. Um, by any chance...Do you need a manager for the Taekwondo club?"

Chisoo stares down at her, seeming really confused, "...A manager?"

"Yes! From what I've gathered, the Taekwondo club doesn't have a manager-"

Chisoo halts from speaking any further, "We don't have one and we don't need one. If you'll excuse me..." he begins walking away.

(Y/N) just stands there, shocked and disheartened. 'N-No, this isn't how it's supposed to go...'

She reaches out and grabs Chisoo in desperation. "Excuse me! If you think about it, you definitely-"

"No, we don't need one."

"It'd be nice if you had one, though! Someone to take care of you, bring snacks, handle all the miscellaneous errands...I want to do that!" She concludes her statement with a pragmatic tone.

Chisoo looks at her to see any signs if she was kidding, "...Why?"


He crosses his arms, "Why do you want to manage the Taekwondo club?"

'How honest do I have to be when I answer...?' She thinks for a second before saying her answer, "I like Taekwondo! I'm not a student at this school, so I don't think I'd be able to be an athlete here. But...I want to help out by learning more about Taekwondo. I haven't been this interested in something before..."

A silence fills the room in the wake of the (H/C) haired female's impassioned response.

(Y/N) couldn't but feel very anxious, 'As expected...It wasn't going to work, was it?'

"You must care about Taekwondo a lot...More than I thought you would." Chisoo looks touched. "I look forward to working with you. Just...Please make sure not to disrupt us when we're training."

'It...worked?! I'm the club manager?!' (Y/N) answers Chisoo loudly and energetically, "Of course! I'll make sure not to disrupt you!! Thank you!"

Jeongguk comes up to her with a proud grin on his face, "I look forward to working with you...Manager."

(Y/N) is filled with an uncertain sense of courage and responsibility when she sees Jeongguk standing in front of her.

She shoots him a pure dimple displaying smile, "Me too...I hope to work well with you!"

Chisoo demands all the club members' attention on her as they all sit around in a circle.


"Hey, what's this girl doing here?" Seungmin asks Junseon.

"Hmm, who knows. But I did overhear from her Chisoo's conversation that supposedly she wants to be apart of this club." Junseon replies back.

"Woah, seriously?!"

"Yeah, this is new to me too. Though, she is pretty cute. Maybe it won't be so bad having her here."

Jeongguk overhears the two's conversation and feels a weird feeling in his chest after hearing their 'pretty' comment about her.

(Y/N) begins to feel a little nervous from all the eyes looking at her, but takes a deep breath in and begins her introduction.

"Hello everyone, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and it's an honor to be apart of your club as your new official manager. I know some of you are probably finding it hard to believe that someone like me would even like Taekwondo. But to tell you the truth, Taekwondo has always taken an interest in me, though I never taken it..."

A few club members look at her with surprise by the passion she puts into her speech.

"...But I hope this time, I can have the chance to become closer to it than ever before. And I really look forward to how much you all can show off your skills to so many people who doubt this club. Let's all cooperate together to make the club the best it can. Fighting!"

"Fighting!!" All the club members shout out with the same fiery spirit (Y/N) just gave.

(Y/N) feels tugs at the corners of her lips feeling very light inside her heart.

"Wow, I didn't think she had that much fire in her!" Junseon comments.

"Yeah! Her spirit was amazing!" Seungmin responds as he nods his head in agreement.

"...Yeah, she is." Jeongguk mumbles under his breath as he was mainly paying attention to her and her only.

"Alright, everyone get up and gather around and let's get started on our practice!!" Chisoo shouts, causing all the members to get up and get in formation.

Before getting into practice, Jeongguk heads up to (Y/N) and gives her a pat on her shoulder, "You did really well! I'm looking forward to having you as my manager."

"Same goes to you." (Y/N) replies as her dimples show off in her grin.

Jeongguk heads to where the rest of the members were at while still looking back at her. Junseon and Seungmin go up to him with real curious looks.

"Hey, Jeongguk. Do you already know our manager? I saw that you were with her when she was talking to Chisoo." Junseon asks him.

"Huh? Oh yeah, we already pretty much know each other. And me and her were the ones who came up with the idea for having a manager in this club." Jeongguk says.

"Oh, you guys know each other? I gotta be honest, she is really cute. Is she like your girlfriend or something?" Seungmin asks teasingly as he raises his eyebrows.

Jeongguk's whole face turns a cherry red. "W-What?!"

"She is?! Man, you're so lucky to gain a girl like that..." Junseon sighs in defeat.

"N-No, she's not my girlfriend or anything like that! She's just a good friend of mine, that's all." Jeongguk flails his arms around dismissively at the sudden assumption.

"Hey! You guys stop your chatting! Get in formation!" Chisoo calls out.

Seungmin and Junseon head back to formations, while Jeongguk was still slightly red in the face by the two assuming that (Y/N) was his girlfriend. But if he was going to be honest to himself, he wouldn't have minded.


As everyone was practicing, (Y/N) was at her own little spot where she was planning out some things to help out the club.

Chisoo decides to have them practice on board breaking. Two club members were already holding a board ready.

Chisoo looked dissatisfied with just one so he tells one of them to put up five more.

'What? Five more?' Jeongguk looks at him with a look of bewilderment.

A club member puts up five more with the two holders adjusting it.

Chisoo still looks dissatisfied so he motions again to put five more.


Again?' Jeongguk's eyes widen a bit. 'You're going to break that?'

The club member puts up five more to the two holders as they adjust it again, making it 11 boards in total.

Jeongguk couldn't help but look and feel astonished, 'No way.'

Chisoo gets into his fighting stance and turns a swift round kick forward into the boards, breaking each of them in halves as the two holders drop the pieces on the floor.

Jeongguk's cute doe eyes couldn't help but look at Chisoo in such admiration.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A/N: hey guys sorry it took me long to get you guys another update. College has been taking up my time but I always try to find the time to get busy to writing on this story and my two others. I hope you guys are still enjoying the story so far. As always, I purple all you beautiful ARMY and have a safe and happy day💜🦋🌸

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