《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》I'll Support You!


"What?!" (Y/N) shouts in utter surprise.

"What do you mean..." Jeongguk asks quietly, not believing what he has heard.

The doctor stops flipping through Jeongguk's chart and gives them both a quizzical look.

"It's just as I've said," The Doctor begins. "Whatever injury you had, Jeon Jeongguk, I see no sign of it now. You're in great health."

"No way..." Jeongguk shakes his head in disbelief, "My knee was hurting up until recently! Why would it hurt if I'm perfectly fine?"

The Doctor plants his fist under his chin while taking a moment to think about what the problem is, "It could have been psychosomatic pain. That's when you think it hurts because you remember when you were actually in pain, even if you're perfectly fine. It can be very convincing."

"That's..." Jeongguk looks down at the floor with an unreadable expression.

"Well, what I can tell you for sure is that you're physically healthy. Actually, you may even be in better condition than your peers."



Jeongguk looks lost for words as (Y/N) and him exit the clinic.

"But everyone told me I wouldn't be able to play sports again..." Jeongguk says as his gaze seems glued to the ground. "This doesn't make any sense."

(Y/N) looks his way with a sympathetic look. 'My goodness...He's spent three years believing that?'

"Are you sure that doctor you saw back then wasn't a quack?" (Y/N) asks, hoping it would get his mind off the memory. "Telling you that you can't ever be an athlete when you're perfectly fine..."

Jeongguk lifts his gaze off the floor and brings it towards her, "A quack? No, that can't be."

"Or...maybe you're too healthy that your injury miraculously healed?" (Y/N) shoots an energetic smile towards him, "Whatever it is, seriously- congrats! You can pick up Taekwondo again without having to worry!"


(Y/N) pouts to herself. 'I know I'm being chatty, but Jeongguk doesn't laugh at all.'

She taps his shoulder, "What's wrong? Aren't you happy?"

"No, I am, but..." Jeongguk looks aside with a blank expression. "...Ha, I don't know."


"It's been 3 years since I stopped training," He says in a somber tone. "I'm not sure if I'd still be good at it. It's...complicated."


"It's okay to be nervous..." (Y/N) says as she puts her hand on his shoulder for comfort. "But who cares if you're good at it? Isn't it enough to be able to do something you love again?"

Jeongguk looks at her strangely. "But...if you're my fan, don't you want to see me do well?"

(Y/N) looks at him with laudation in her eyes, "I never said I liked you because you were good at it. I like how you enjoy what you do." She gives him an adorable eye smile, "I'll support whatever you do, Jeongguk. That's why I wanted congratulate you on getting the opportunity to do what you want again."

Jeongguk stares at her, a puzzled look on his face.

(Y/N)'s eyes open slightly as she looks at him with courtesy, "Congrats. I really mean it."

His face flushes a bit before splitting into a radiant smile. "...Thank you. I'll try my best at Taekwondo. I'm going to work even harder to make up for the time I missed."

(Y/N) starts smiling before even realizing it. "Fighting! I'll cheer you on!" She exclaims as she bumps her fist into the air, "So...should we high five or something?"

Jeongguk bursts out laughing. His wariness has finally disappeared. "Okay, high five."

Smiling, Jeongguk extends a hand to her. The sound of their palms smacking together was extremely satisfying.


Chisoo and the other members of the Taekwondo club regard Jeongguk warily as they see he has entered their practice room.

Jeongguk looks at them questionably but smiles at them, a willful expression on him.

One of the club members, Seungmin, looks at him with an edgy look on his face, "I've got chills...The club killer has finally arrived."

Another member, Junseon, speaks near to his ear, "So he's finally gracing us with his presence? I guess it's an honor."

"How long do you think he's going to stay?"

"Today, tops."

"Hey, we have Chisoo. I predict three days."

As those two were quietly conversing bets, Chisoo had been silently regarding Jeongguk, but finally starts to speak.

"You want to...join the Taekwondo club?" Chisoo looks down at him looking unconvinced.

"Yes!" Jeongguk replies with high spirit.

"No." Chisoo says pretty blankly.


Jeongguk is taken aback by how quickly Chisoo makes his decision.

"Huh? Why?! I-I have a decent amount if Taekwondo experience. I've won a bunch of youth athletic meets! Jeon Jeongguk! Does that not ring a bell?!"

"It doesn't matter if you've won all the meets or if you were a member of a national team. What matters is how serious you are about Taekwondo. I don't need any club hoppers." Chisoo states as he crosses his arms while looking down at the smaller male. "Well, then."

Chisoo turns around coldly.

Seungmin looks all surprised, "Wow, Chisoo...So razor-edged."

"His decisiveness is pretty dope. Super cool." Junseon says as he respects and admires how cool his club leader made his decision.

"...I'm serious." Jeongguk states solemnly.

Chisoo looks back at him with a confused expression.

The smile has disappeared from Jeongguk's face. "I've never thought of Taekwondo as a joke. That thing I did, hopping from club to club...I regret it. I'm reflecting on what I did. Please believe me and allow me to join." Jeongguk bows low in respect.

"...What the? He's going all-in..." Seungmin whispers dumbfounded by Jeongguk's sudden seriousness.

Junseon whispers back, "He must be really serious."

Chisoo fixes Jeongguk with a cold stare, evaluating him. He finally answers, "...If you slack off at all, you're out- got it?"

Jeongguk picks his head back up and looks at him with a bright, determined smile on his face, "Ah...Yes! Got it!"

"What's everyone doing?! Get ready to warm up."

"Right!!!" All the members shout out.

"Why are you standing there?" Chisoo yells at a puzzled-looking Jeongguk. "Are you gonna warm up?"

"Huh? Ah, yes!" Jeongguk says as he snaps out of his puzzled state. He blends in with the other members of the club. He looks like he's in his element.

Seungmin and Junseon whisper amongst themselves as they warm up.

"He's definitely going to leave after today. You said three?" Junseon speaks quietly to Seungmin.

Seungmin replies back, "Hey, he made a show out of it. He'll probably make it up to three days."

"So...Wanna make a bet?"

"Okay. One week of buying at the convenience store."

"Um, excuse me..." Jeongguk asks as he is right beside them.

Seungmin and Junseon both freeze.

"Jeez, man! You scared me!" Seungmin cries out as he jolts back.

"Has the Taekwondo club always been this small?" Jeongguk asks as he looks around seeing as there are very few members. "It seemed pretty empty."

"You catch on pretty quickly, huh? You'll see for yourself soon."

Chisoo voice booms out, "Alright! Time for splits."

"Okay." Seungmin says casually.

"Now...let's do the splits!" Jeungmin shouts out as Jeongguk looks at him with a puzzled look.

The practice starts as all the members sit down and start to spread their legs out in front of them, stretching out both their leg and arm muscles to their max.

Jeongguk, who was still confused by what was going on, gets his arms grasped by Chisoo's tough but firm ones. Chisoo puts Jeongguk's arm onto his spreaded out legs in front of him and pushes his back further down.

"Hey, grab him." Chisoo orders his other club members. "Hurry, grab him!" He orders again but more demandly.

Seungmin and Junseon both get up and hold down on each of his legs.

Chisoo then starts sitting a little of Jeongguk's back to keep him down. "Stay still, stay still! More stretch out more."

Jeongguk tries his best to stretch out, but it's been a while since he last practiced so of course this was hurting him more than he thought it would.

"Breathe out, hurry. Breathe out! Pull More!" Chisoo, still giving orders, barks out to Jeongguk as he keeps trying to push his limit.

Jeongguk starts feeling more pain as he is not used to the practices being this intense.

Chisoo still orders him to pull his legs out more and breathe out properly, while Jeongguk is still groaning and whining in pain as he is already doing so much already even on his first day of practice.




Let's just say, this was a hell of a first day of training for Jeongguk.

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A/N: Hey guys thank you for the love and support you still put on this story even though it hasn't gotten that far yet. I'll try my best to update as best I can. As always, I purple all you beautiful ARMY and have a safe and happy day 💜🌸🦋

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