《ʜɪꜱ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ~ᴍɪᴅᴀꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ~》~Another Night? Yeah, No~


I stood at the brim of my bed and smiled in satisfaction. I had just decorated my bedroom and I have to say it looks pretty nice. I guess I never really talked about my interests as much as I used to. Or even tell anyone about who I was before I was taken from shadow... Kinda hurt to talk about because many people couldn't continue their regular lives...

I personally enjoyed working with weaponry. My father made weapons, he would make them for this man named Dr. Vinderman. He kind of passed that trait down to me. But, the thing I enjoyed the most was creating new technologies. So my room had a few monitors and a few other gadgets. Other than those few things I decorated it with (Color) lights and some (Color) decor. I sat on my bed and played with my rather soft blanket and sighed. It had been a few weeks since I had been at the Rig and I still didn't save TnTina. Midas told me it was best if I waited for him to figure out the issue. He wasn't as mad as I thought he'd be. We didn't even talk about the kiss we shared that one night... But when I realized he found out about my mission:

"I-I can- can't I do it myself?"

"No Y/N, just let me and my Agents deal with it".


Me and Whiplash met up again she brought me to her house and showed me her wall completely covered in information on Shadow. She had photos of experimentation subjects. She pulled 3 all nighters to find leaked footage or something. She usually wasn't so willing to work on things like this.

"It's not that though Y/N" Whiplash began. "E.G.O keeps revealing cloned versions of them! They get a a mirror image of themeselves"


"One of the other Agents told me about that, her name is Journey. She said that her alter was named Hazard"

"Yeah! They are just evil versions of themselves, Shadow has some sort of Technology to do that and they've been working on something else but I'm about ready to lose my fucking mind, I can't find anything"

"Whiplash you're just working way too hard, take a break. I've never seen you so overwhelmed" I place my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me with frustrated eyes. "C'mon" I tug her outside into the beautiful starry night sky. She pretended to be grumpy. I giggle as she sticks her tongue at me playfully.

"Remember when your dad shoved that cupcake into my face at your birthday party and it made my hair all purple?" Whiplash remarked. There she is.

"Yeah! That's why you dyed your hair like this"I laugh. I tried to push the thought of my dad let alone my family. I loved them, but I couldn't let their distance distract me....from making my own family.


Whiplash drove me home. It was about 10pm. I was hoping Midas and I could be together for some of the night. I stepped into the lobby and it was surprisingly quiet. Typically there was some henchmen scurrying around and some Agents just hangout and having a good time- or breaking something. I assumed they were in bed or on a late mission, maybe out late like I was?

I stepped up to my room before I could open the door a cold arm grabbed my wrist. It tugged me towards them. It was Midas, he was wearing all black though.

"Nice change!" I smile. He twirls me around.

"Not so bad yourself" He responds. I was wearing a simple outfit I really liked. Midas pulled me into his room very quickly. He seemed very lust...Which wasn't like him, I tried to struggle but I didn't want him to feel bad. So I gave in. He began to kiss me deeply and I moved my hands to his neck. I guess the feeling was mutual? Maybe he did remember that night when he was drunk...



We had laid down in his bed, he'd gotten "rowdy". I placed a finger over his mouth.

"Shh, no more" I wanted him to calm down as I felt quite uncomfortable...I forced a giggle to not hurt his feelings.


I had woken up again. My eyes widened in pain. Midas was holding me by my neck. My lip was bleeding...

(;w; this was weird to write)

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