《Our Ancient Love》Chapter 24: The Connection


I wake up and quickly look at the time. It was only 3 o'clock. I yawn and rub my eyes. I slowly get out of bed so I don't wake up Ahk. I go into the bathroom and shut the door. I felt a little bit nauseous so I grab the plastic cup sitting on the sink, run some cold water in it, and drink the water. Sink water is gross but I wasn't sure if I could make it downstairs without throwing up. As I gulp down the last bit of water, it immediately comes back up as the fluids from my stomach escape my body. I look at the mess and sigh.

"Honey is everything okay?" I hear my mom say from the outside of the door.

"Uh I'm not sure. I feel a little sick that's all," I reply.

"Well can I come in?"

I look at the mess on the sink and look back to the door.

"I kind of made a mess so I don't think you'll want to come in-"

Before I knew it, my mom decides to barge in. She grabs the cleaning supplies sitting on the floor and cleans up the mess. I try to walk out but she says something to me before I could leave.

"I need you to take this," she says as she hands me a small box without looking up from cleaning.

I flip the box around to see the label and almost drop the box on the ground.

"Why are you giving me a pregnancy test?!" I whisper shout.

She stops what she's doing and gives me a look that says," Isn't it obvious?"

"Mom I'm not pregnant. I'm not having any symptoms. I've only thrown up but that's because of all of the food that I ate."


"Sweetie that's one of the first symptoms you'll have. Look I'm not expecting you to take it right away but if you show any other symptoms or you think you might possibly be pregnant, then just take the test. I'm not rushing you."

"When did you even buy this?" I say as I look at the box again.

"Me and your father went out to buy it. We figured that you might need to take it soon."

I sigh and walk out of the bathroom and back into my room. When I shut the door, I look at my bed and Ahk is sitting up. I quickly hide the box behind my back.

"What's going on my love?" he yawns.

"Nothing. I just had to use the bathroom," I say as I hide the box behind some of my things on my dresser.

"What's that?" he asks.

"What's what?" I ask as I climb back into bed and look at him.

"What are you hiding?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. Now let's just go back to sleep before we have to get ourselves ready to go to the museum." I lay down and roll over and put the covers over my head. Ahk pulls them off of me.

"Y/N just tell me what's wrong." Oh no he usually doesn't say my old name so he's clearly upset.

I roll back over to look at him. "My mom bought me a pregnancy test because she thinks that I might be pregnant soon."

"You will be pregnant soon," Ahk says.

"You can't be so sure, babe. I don't even think I'm pregnant."

"By this time we would've already been married and you would've been pregnant. You might be pregnant because do you remember what happened yesterday?"


I roll back over.

"We became one. Me and you were both connected and that connection will create the greatest thing to two people who are in love," he whispers this as he rubs my shoulders.

I roll back over and look at him. He was absolutely right. How could I not realize that history repeats itself and we had a connection.

I grab his hand and squeeze it. "I'm sorry, Ahk. This whole thing is new to me and I'm just scared. We never actually became parents. What if we're not fit to be parents? What if we don't raise our baby the right way?"

"We are more than ready, my love. We are going to be amazing parents. Times will get hard but I know that everything will be okay in the end. Because I have you."

I put my hand on his cheek and caress it with my thumb. I move my thumb over to his lips and then he kisses it.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too," he whispers back.

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