《Secrets of the State》Fair Enough


"He just runs off and your not concerned?" Yao asked, the idea was absurd to him. He would never allow that.

"It's Austin, him being around just us puts him on edge!" Arizona explained.

"Yeah, Big bro Aussie just needs a break. He probably went snowboarding since his gear is gone" New Mexico said.

"Yeah, Austin just needs a break, hes around a lot more people then he's used to" Oklahoma laughed.

Sage nodded and Frederick continued sewing not paying attention.

"Hey Sage, where does Austin keep his books. He wrote down some spells for me but i don't know what book is the most recent. They all are so worn" Massachusetts asked walking into the room.

"I don't know, i think he took his recent one" Sage said thinking, "It's normally at his desk."

"Not there, I suppose the spell can wait." Masdison sighed before leaving the room.

"Anyway, Austin isn't good with a lot of people. Well a lot of people personally talking to him. He's great on stage," Sage commented, the other states nodded and agreed. Austin was always happy on stage, granted few knew he was one of the best performers in The Live Music Capital of the Word.

Yao thought, seemed logical enough. Although not knowing where his own child was, that would scare him.

"Don't worry Aussie can teleport to dad if anythin goes wrong, dat's why pops keeps his glasses on so much" Max hummed from under his heat blanket.

"Teleport?" Kiku questioned finally speaking up.

"Ye, Aussie can teleport to dad if in a pinch. Plus a bunch of other stuff we're still figurin' out." Jay muttered now happily curled up with Max.

"Hey! That's mine!" Nevada yelled, Yao and Kiku couldn't recognize him with his hair down.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Kiku asked hesitantly.

Dean stared at him for a moment before shaking his hair out like a dog and whipping his head back up making his hair go to it's normal style, "I'm Nevada!" He declared, "Now give me my blanket!"

Dean wrestled Max and Jay for the blanket.

"Enough!" The voice made the freeze. Alma.

She marched over and snaatched the blanket from the three. "If you can't act civilly then I'll give it to Uncle Sam to decide" She declared.

"When did you get here?!" Dean yelled as she walked away.


"Whos Uncl-" Kiku was cut off by Jay.

"Dad, she's talkin bout dad"


"Diego?" The triplets asked confused as Diego walked into the room.

"Si, I need to kidnap Sage and Frederick and maybe Max" Diego informed them.

"Uhh, why?" Alfred asked.

"The kids started talking and now the others want to meet them. Sage and Frederick are the only two that know Portugeese." Diego said.

"Fair enough, You'll have to wait until Austin get's back. He bounced for the day so you might have to wait until dinner." Alfred explained, "His crew needs his sign off or they won't leave."

"Alright" Diego sighed, "I brought Alma along with me by the way"

"I can hear her" Jackson laughed hearing Dean yelling about his blanket.

"Uncle Sam!" Alma called walking into the room, the blanket folded in her arms and Dean was on her heels trying to talk over her, "Dean, Jay and Max were fighting over the blanket, Again."

Alfred sighed and took the blanket, "you'll get it back when you go to bed, Dean"

"Oh come on!" Dean yelled and stormed off.

"Drama Queen" Leo said quietly before climbing into Alfred's lap.

"He's mostly desert, he likes to stay warm. He'll end up curled up on by the vents by mid-afternoon so don't worry." Alfred sighed. Leo just hummed in acknowledgment.

"He runs off but you are not at all worried for him" Francis asked now confused and curious.

"Austin knows how to take care of himself, he just needs time away," Jackson sighed shutting down the conversation before he even started.


"Where's Austin?" Diego asked, it was now past lunch and dinner.

"His phone says on the road back here," Alma said showing her father her phone. Diego nodded looking at Alma's phone screen.

"He'll be back soon, he probably just saw the sun setting eh" Matthew said drinking from a bottle of maple syrup. He normally didn't but he was too tired to make coffee or tea, or to even really move.

"Daddy play" Jack asked,

"Daddy is too tired, Maple leaf. Why don't you go ask Ana?" Matthew said quietly.

"Ana look for blue, no play with her"

"What do you mean Ana went to look for Blue?" Alfred asked.

"Ana left to find Blue! Blue gone long so she went to find" Jack said pointing to the door. Jackson looked out the window to see the gate open.


"AARON!" When Alfred called the little Alaskan answered.

"Yes papa?" He asked, coming out of nowhere but Alfred was used to it.

"Where's Ana?" Alfred asking kneeling down to his level.

Aaron thought before turning to the door. "She's north, by a road... and she's walking" Alfred picked up Aaron and shouted something to the other, "I'll be back" With that he left.

"Someone is going to die if anyone is near Ana" Alma muttered.

"Yes, yes someone will" Matthew muttered.

Virginia picked up West and sat him on her hip, he was part of the older kids, as he was roughly 10, but that doesn't stop Violet.

"Leo," "Yes ma'am?" "Get the others rounded up and get Dela to do a head count," Alma demanded and Leo ran off.

Alfred speed down the road, Aaron was sat in his carseat staring out the window. Alfred came to a slow stop when he saw something off the side of the road. It was a maroon red, he knew that red. He also knew that blue jacket!

"Stay here" Alfred commanded and got out.

"Ana!" He called jogging closer. That's when he realized what Ana was looking at. A truck was stuck in the ditch on it's side driver up, but he knew that license plate.

"Ana get in the car, now" With that Anastasia ran to the car and, with Aaron's help, clambered into the backseat.

"Austin!" Alfred yelled sliding down into the ditch. He jumped onto the driver door and looked threw the shattered glass. Austin wasn't awake.

Alfred easily pried off the door and ripped the seat belt clean off the wall. Austin was slumped over the divide and was easy to get out. Alfred could tell he was just unconscious and the cuts from glass were already healing. But he wasn't letting Austin stay like that, more importantly.

What the hell caused it.

He slammed open the door of the house, by slammed open he means the door flew off the frame and know they needed a brand new door. "You two stay here" He yelled at the Alaskas as he ran down to the basement.

He was back up in an hour, Austin still unconscious but could heal much easier.

"Anastasia why do you go after Austin?" Alfred asked kneeling down to her level as she happily played with blocks.

"Laika! She kept trying to drag me outside. So I followed her and we found Blue," Anastasia said.

"Right, space connection between the too..." Alfred said before sighing.

"Next time she's doing that tell me okay? I got really worried." "Ok daddy" She went back to her blocks with Aaron helping her. Laika, the dog in question was lying with the rest of the Alaskan duo's animals

"Tell me next time" he sighed scratching the dog's head.

Laika was a dog that died in space and was the first dog to orbit the earth. She died in space and when Austin, the first dead country in space but that wasn't very important, went to space the spirit of the dog latched onto him and ended up following back to earth. Laika stayed mostly with the Alaska's, but threw space the dog and Austin shared a bond.

"You found her, da?" Ivan asked walking in, he couldn't see the dogs or the Alaska's from his position.

"Yeah, Ana is safe and sound and Austin is going to possible kill someone when he wakes up," He laughed at the last bit. Austin and murder where often joked abouted. Although the joke made Ivan uneasy.

"I would kill but that is highly frowned upon nowadays" Austin said walking past them munching on a piece of toast.

"There's leftovers in the fridge and Diego needs to talk to you!" Alfred yelled after him to get a thumbs up from the dead country.

Austin, the only kid that could be extremely hurt but would walk for miles to get some grub.

"Is he?"

"Always like this? Yup!" Alfred laughed.

"Blue no feel pain" Jack said confidently, "He okay, he tall" Jack nodded at the statement.

"Yup! Now why don't we get you" Alfred picked him up easily, "ready for bed."

The toddler started to pitch a fit, but Alfred just poked his nose and adjusted Jack in his arms.

"Bed or i'm tell your dad" Jack gasped before shaking his head. "I ready! I ready!" He said. Alfred chuckled and set him down. "Get ready" Alfred said and the toddler took off with his little waddle.

"Why did you keep them a secret?"

"When has someone NOT tried to sabotage my life?"

"Fair enough"


Just a full y'all, Austin gonna punch someone soon. See ya soon!

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