《From Another Time (FrUK)》17


I had passed out from the blood loss, and I woke up in a dark room. The only thing giving light was the moonlight coming in through the window. I sat up from the floor and slid myself against the wall. My leg was in a puddle of blood, and it was surprising that I was still alive. "Well, I guess this is where I'll die, and I never got to talk to Francis," I laughed. I couldn't even move my body to run away, there was no point in anything.

The door slammed open and I would have jumped if I wasn't so exhausted. I slowly turned my head, and there was Francis. His eyes widened, and he dropped to the ground. "I'm so sorry this happened to you," he said sincerely. "No... I'm sorry. The truth is... I was caught up with my case and I was willing to do anything to get to the bottom of it," I spoke. He shook his head and looked at my wound. "No, I'm a monster; I know that I am. You are going to die because of it," he said sadly.

"Hey, I'm fine, now that you are here at least," I smiled, nervously. He looked down at the blood, and I could sense his nervousness. "I know what you are," I spoke. "I know... and I realize that is a conflict of interest," he said. "People will find out who you are. You and your sister. Your face is going to go through the database, and you will be found out.... I'm sorry," I spoke. "Why didn't you just tell everyone from the start?" He asked.

"Because... I didn't know what to do. You.... you meant a lot to me. If I did that, I would have lost you for sure," I soon started to cry as I looked at him. I was losing blood and knew I wouldn't have enough time left. "I think I understand why," he smiled. Francis wiped the sweat off of my forehead and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry," he added. I felt confused, but I understand why he said sorry, It was a game of cat and mouse. "What will you do?" I asked. "I don't want you to die.... but I don't want you to become like me. That's the only way I can save you...." he cried.


"Those idiots thought they were helping me. I had the situation controlled, and I was prepared to deal with the consequences.... but no! They wanted to play hero and try to save me when I didn't need any saving!" He cried out

Francis looked me in the eye, and I was straight-faced. "Then, put me out of my misery," I said seriously. "What? I can't kill you," he said in agony. "Yes, you can, and you need to now! I won't make it to a hospital, and this is too painful for me. I need you to do it!" I yelled.

I moved my head to the side, exposing my neck to him. "If I do it, I won't be able to stop... I can't do that to you," he cried. "Yes, you can!" I demanded. I shut my eyes tightly a turned away. "Just do it already!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault... those idiots!" Francis cried. He held me close to him and rested his face in the crook of my neck.

I reached up to his head and started to caress his hair. "Please just do it already, burn my files and get it over with," I spoke. I didn't like the idea of dying, but there was no way around it. I started to feel tears stream down my cheeks as I thought about it. Why! Why didn't I say anything at first? The night when I woke up to Francis leaving should have been the end of it. So why was I so motivated to make sure he was the culprit? Despite having all the prior evidence. Why did I hide the picture after the conference call with that survivor? Why did I hide and try and make sure it was him? Why didn't I accept it for what it was?


The times I spent with Francis, laughing and joking, were always fun. I was always happy thinking about him and being around him. His sense of humor, his laugh, even his cry. I cherished those things. I looked down and away from him as I tried to process everything. "Please, just do it," I begged.

My head started to feel light as the pain increased. The adrenaline was running out, and soon the pain would be too much for me to handle. "Ahhh," I whined. "Please forgive me," Francis whispered.

He held onto me tightly and I shut my eyes nervously. His lips spread open against my skin, and I was nervous. "Ahhhh..." I winced in pain. However, what was once pain, went away, and I felt bliss. It was no longer painful, and I felt great. "Mmmm...." I hummed. I could feel Francis grab onto me tighter as he sucked against my skin harder.

It was to the point where my vision was starting to go black. I was dying.... it wasn't painful, and it was kinda peaceful. Images from my life began to go through my mind. I was on cloud nine throughout this whole experience. Francis made it worth it. Despite being fooled into this situation, I forgave him for what he did. But why?! He was a killer, a murderer, a monster.... so why did I have empathy left for him. My body was paralyzed, but I finally managed to say something.

"I... Lo...yo.... thank...." was all I could say. My eyes finally closed, and I enjoyed the memories I saw in my vision. It was like reliving my best moments over and over again. There were no more feelings, nothing I could physically feel; it was finally over.





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