《-Eight People. One House-》The Missing


"Why are we out here again? It's like.. three am.."

"Well, John's missing first of all."

The group gasps, Alexander being the loudest and within a few second he broke out into tears, the group staring at him with worried looks.

"I-I didn't notice-! I could have prevented this! W-What if he's ? I'd never forgive myself.."

He cried out, hugging himself as he looked down at the ground, shaking.

Aaron rubbing his back, saying, "I'm sure he'll be fine! He's John Laurens for fucks sake! He broke Charles Lee's ribs! He's strong and if he's out there I'm sure he's fine!"

Alexander nods, whipping his eyes and sniffling.

"Y-Your right! He'll be fine! Thanks A-Aaron." He gave the shorter boy a hug before taking out his phone.

"I'll try calling him!"

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ringing. Anxiousness filled the air as it kept ringing before it finically picked up,


"JOHN! Where the fuck are you? We where so worried!"

"John? Oh my god is that his name? I found a kid out in the forest by this cabin. He's knocked out cold with a bite mark on his shoulder. I stopped the bleeding by compressing it so from what I know everything will be fine, he still has a pulse."

Alexander's heart drops, starting to hyperventilate his eyes wide and tears welling back up in them.

"I-I.. That's m-my boyfriend. He can't be dead holy shit we're coming! Please d-don't leave we're coming oh god."

The boy says through the phone, racing into the forest, dodging and shoving branches before ending up in a clearing by a little lake. There, laid John and a man that looked almost identical to Alexander.

"JOHN!" He screams, rushing over to his boyfriend and wrapping his arms around the taller boy's body, crying hard and shaking violently.


"P-Please don't die.. please please please please.."

"Hey, he's fine. He still has a pulse. But I recommend taking him to a hospital, kid. My name is Lin by the way."

Alexander lifts his head to look at the man, his vision blurry and shaken.

"A-Alexander. Alexander H-Hamilton.."

"Well, Alexander. Where's your parent? Or friends?"

Alexander froze, remembering how he ran off.

"Oh shit.. t-their probably looking for me and- and-"




He heard voices yell, looking around.


He called out weakly, his arms still clutching John's unconscious frame tightly.

The group runs into the clearing, spotting Alexander and John.

Lafayette was the first one to book it over there, sitting down next to Alexander.

"Is he alive? What happened? Holy shit is that a bite mark? W-We need to take him to the hospital now." By now the rest of the group had gathered around, along with Washington.

"O-Oh um and this is Lin. He saved John's l-life."

Alexander mutters, eyeing Washington knowing he'd ask.

"Oh. Nice to meet you. So what happened here?"

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