《-Eight People. One House-》The Ride (+Thomas and Alex "Bonding")


It was the day of the trip. Everyone was gathered outside of the school with their bags waiting for Washington. "How is he going to take us? Theirs like.. Eight of us?" John asks, scanning the road for any signs of their principal.

The others shrug. "Who knows! Maybe he rented a minivaN JEUS CHRIST IN A MERCEDES BENZ-" Alexander was cut off by a loud honk. Everyone laughs, looking towards the mini van Washington was driving. "I guess you where right Hamilton" Thomas says going to the back of the van to open the trunk.

Once they got all of their stuff in, they jumped in themselves. Alexander and Thomas fighting to get the backseat for their boyfriends. Thomas won, after exploiting one of Alexander's weaknesses. Which shan't be mentioned.

After the five minutes of fighting to get the best seats they where finally off. Washington blasting some weird musical named "Miranda". His favourite song was 'One last time', it was a very nice song in his opinion. The character singing it had such passion.

Apparently Hercules knew the musical too because when "Yorktown" came on he started full on rapping Oak's part. Everyone was shook.

"Amour, since when where you into musicals?"

"Do you not hear me singing in the shower?"


"Than that explains it."

And that branched off into a different conversation to why Hercules sings in the shower. Then Thomas saying that James sings in the shower. And James of course getting totally flustered and sinking down in his seat.

•Tiny Time Skip Because Mang (Me) Is Lazy As Fuck•

By the time they got to the place everyone had fallen asleep. Well except Washington, Because he had to drive.

He honestly didn't want to wake them up, Seeming that they looked so cute. But, He wasn't going to carry seven thirteen year olds.


"Guys, get up. Where here!"

No reply.


Still no reply.

"Welp, this causes for drastic measures." Washington sighs, Before blasting 'Guns And Ships' extremely loud.

They woke up. Everyone was screaming. Until Lafayette figured out what was happening and started rapping. Apparently he knew this song.

And everyone was baffled by this because he just doesn't seem like someone who'd like musicals.

"What? Why's everyone staring at me like that?" Lafayette ducks his head down a bit, his voice quite.

After discussing somethings and Alex and Thomas almost fighting, like usual, they unpack their stuff and look at the house before them.

"Wow.." Aaron speaks quietly, looking at the large towering structure. It was an old, but large, cabin looking house.

It was so big that James and Hercules' eyes where strained from trying to take in so much at one time. (their the shortest)

"Ok. So theirs eight of us. And four rooms. Two in each room" Washington announces. Watching everyone go into two's. Well, Except Burr. Poor kid didn't have anyone. "Buuuut, Plot twist, I get to pick the groups of two!"

There was a chorus of "No!"'s And one "MAN!".

"Yup! Now lemme see.. Jefferson.. You with Hamilton. So you two can bond. Madison with Hercules. You guys are cousins so this shouldn't be s problem. Lafayette with Laurens. Burr, Your with me." Washington smiles at the youngest, but smartest of the group.

Aaron simply nods at him and rocks on his heels a bit.

"Ok Thomas. Lets go." Alexander hisses at the much taller teen, speed walking to their room. Thomas just rolls his eyes, dragging on behind him.

"Why did Washington put us together?"

"Well, Jackass, If you where listening he said so we can, "bond"!" Alexander slams open their door, stopping dead in his tracks when he looks into the room.


This caused Thomas to ram into him.

"HEY! Way'd you stop?!"

"T-There's.. T-There's-"

"Spit it out!"


Alexander screeches.

Thomas begins to scream extra loudly, dashing back downstairs to a smirking Washington.


"I know."


"Keep your voice down, Mr. Jefferson. Looks like you'll just have to, Or one of your can sleep on the floor. Which I don't advise."

Washing checks his nails, a smirk still playing on his lips as he hears Thomas attempt to rebel but fail.


And with that, Thomas stomped back upstairs.

Truth be told, Thomas did in fact hate having to share a bed with Alexander. But, It was also because he slept with a teddy bear. I know that sounds dumb. But it's kinda like a security blanket, But a teddy bear. He can't sleep with out it. Either one, He mans up and tells the coffee addicted teen about his bear or don't say anything and not sleep for a good two weeks.

"Ok. Alex-"


"I need to tell you something"

"If you fucked something up I'm going to laugh my ass off."

"N-No.. I-It's because-"



"Fine! Go ahead!"

"IHaveThisStuffedAnimalISleepWithBecauseOfSomethingIRatherNotTalkAbout" The poofy hair male spew's, his cheeks turning a light pink

"Whaaat? Repeat yourself please"

Alexander crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow.

Thomas groans and inhaled sharply,

"Ok, So I sleep with this stuffed animal because of reasons I'd.. Rather not talk about.. No, It's not anything sexual" Alexander's eyes widen, as if he has either remembered or forgotten something.

"Funny you say that, I also sleep with a stuffed animal. Abandonment issues."

"Really?! I mean- Wow, I should have expected that from you, Hamilton" Thomas' cheeks where a deep red now due to his embarrassment.



And with that, Thomas was gone.

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