《-Eight People. One House-》The Planning


Washington sighs. He had been working as the principal for 'Kings Middle' for almost a two years now. The stress was unbearable. Washington has help though. From a couple of the students. Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison and Burr to be exact. And man did they ALL need a break. And so the planning began.

"Ok. So what do you guys think about going on vacation for a while?" Washington ask the group of teens in front of him. They all exchanged glances. "Why?" Alexander questions, raising an eyebrow. "Because you all seem stressed! With the student council and helping around the

School and such! Plus it's spring break. So we won't be missing anything" Washington replies, flashing a smile at them.

Lafayette raises his hand. "But Mr. Washington. Me, John, and Herc are not in the student council!" "Well I thought I would be a good idea to bring their friends so those two won't fight ever second." The principal glares towards Alexander and Thomas, who where glaring at each other.

"Good point. But where exactly are we going?" James asks, trying to stop Thomas from running over and beating the shit out of Alexander. "To a house! A vacation house to be exact!" Washington replies, pulling out a picture for the group to see.

It was fairly big and had four rooms. One of which had two bunk beds.

"I CALL TOP BUNK" Hercules yells, already excited about the house. Lafayette rolls his eyes, but smiles. "What ever mon amour~"

"Anyway. We will be going in two days! So go get packed!" Washington orders, shooing them out of his office.

This was going to be fun.

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