《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Seriously? (Part 1)


Spencer and I have always had a strong hatred for each other and for no apparent reason. We honestly just haven't liked each other ever since I joined the B.A.U.. He decided from day one that he hated me even though I did nothing. So, in turn I chose to dislike him as well. Everyday was a battle with the man. He won't ever give up and he takes every chance he can get to make a snarky comment directed at me. Today should be no different.

Walking through the glass doors of the B.A.U. into the bullpen, I spot Spencer at his desk. He catches me walking by and sees how tried I am.

"Someone didn't get much sleep last night, huh miss eye bags?" He fires off at me, leaning back in his desk chair to keep me in his line of sight.

"Looks like someone spilt coffee all over their white button up, huh mister fifty cups a day?" I respond, raising my eyebrows and not giving him the satisfaction of my attention by not looking at him, keeping my gaze fixed on my work.

Spencer looks down to see the giant coffee stain that covers the bottom right corner of his shirt. He scoffs under his breath, shoving past people to the bathroom to try and fix it. After he leaves, Hotch comes up to me and I turn my attention towards him, placing all my work down and making eye contact with my boss.

"(Y/N), we have a case. I'm gonna need you to work with Spencer on this one a lot. We have a plan. Wheels up in thirty." The case is explained to me and I mumble curse words due to the fact that I have to work with Reid, oh joy!

Boarding the jet, Morgan walks behind me. He keeps accidentally stepping on my shoes so I stop abruptly and turn around to face him.

"Derek! Stop stepping on my shoes for the third time! Please!" I raise my voice, but I don't yell for I am still exhausted.

"Woman's got a short temper." Spencer chimes in from behind Derek.

I don't even respond to him this time. He's infuriated me internally and i'm not going to oblige and make him happy by giving him my reaction to his comment. I drag my go bag into the jet and throw it into the seat next to me as I sit down. I want to be sure that Spencer won't sit down next to me. He blatantly chooses to sit next to me though, in an effort to piss me off. It's working.


"Is this seat taken?" He says, a slight smirk emerging on his lips, making me think everyone could see the smoke coming out of my ears.

"Yes." I say sharply.

He sits down next to me regardless and I immediately turn away from him, looking out the window. I'm already so tired and I'm just ready to get to the hotel.

"What's your problem with me anyways? What did I ever do to you?" He questions me and I turn back towards him abruptly.

"What's my problem with you? Reid your growing hatred for me is ungodly and I can't believe you are placing the blame on me for the state of our relationship." I counteract and he dives into his book instead of answering me.


We eventually get off the jet and I grab my stuff, beginning to become frustrated with how many times Spencer gets in my way. I force my hair out of my face and scoff under my breath, becoming extremely aggravated at this point.

The team walks outside into the night and towards the hotel. I turn around to see a smirking Spencer and I have no clue why. That is when I look down to see my shoe is about to break. Fantastic. I bring my hand down to my foot and rip the heel off. I stagger as I trudge toward the doors of the fancy resort.

"Gonna need a new pair of shoes huh?" The comment is completely ignored. I can see Reid tense up with anger by the fact that his dumb comments don't seem to effect me even though they do.

Floor eight is where all of the booked rooms are so everyone heads up there. Once we get there, all of the memebers of my team have already picked who they are sharing a room with which just leaves me and Spencer. Great.

"Hotch, you're really going to make me stay in the same hotel room as (Y/N), please don't make me." He whines making Morgan laugh.

"Pwease don't make meee. Stop you're whining bitch ass and just do it. It's only (L/N)." Morgan nudges my side with his hips and I smile at him. I then look back at Spencer.


"Yeah, what are, afraid of me?" I try and make him uncomfortable and it works because he immediately goes red in the face. I'm confused by this. No snarky remarks? No rude comments? Why?

"Fine. Let's go." He waves me over to him and I follow him down the hallway towards our hotel room.

He opens the door but doesn't hold it for me, causing it to slam in my face. Seriously? I reopen the door with my keycard and throw my hands up in the air at the tall, passive aggressive looking man in front of me.

"What the fuck Spencer? Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you? You really hate me that much that you're going to slam a door in my face? God I can't stand you." I storm into the bathroom, getting ready for bed.

I start a warm shower and make sure the door is locked so Spencer can't come in. I step in and wash my hair, the warm droplets of water trickling down my back make me feel ten times better. Once I finish, I get out and slip into my comfy pajamas and do my skin care routine. Lastly, I brush my teeth. I unlock the door and brush my hair as I walk out, making my way to my bed. I grab my book and shimmy into the silky sheets lining the mattress. I can feel Reid's eyes on me.

"What do you want Spencer?" I ask, my gaze not averting towards him.

"I- Nothing- It's nothing." He responds to me and leaves to the bathroom as well.

I try to focus on my book but his behavior recently has been so weird. It's like he was just being an asshole about two minutes ago and now he's acting as if he's trying to avoid making me mad. I am about fifteen pages in when Spencer opens the door and walks out. He's wearing sweat pants and no shirt. I don't know why the feelings come over me but I could stare forever at his chest. The look of terror on my face though when I realize he is looking at me. I quickly avert my eyes and go back to reading my book.

I shut of the light and place my book on the table next to me, rolling over to get comfortable. I close my eyes and sigh.

"You're going to bed already?" Spencer questions from his side of the room.

"We have a big case tomorrow during which Hotch has informed me that I will have to work with you a lot. I need energy for the case and to put up with you. So yes, I am going to bed already." I turn to look at him now as I say this.

Spencer then turns out his light and rolls onto his side to look at me in the dark. The silhouette of Reid in the dark is all I can see but I can feel him looking at me. I don't know why but I smile at this. Even though I hate him, I can't deny that there's some tension there. I just don't know what to do about it.

"You do know what we are doing tomorrow right?" He says right before we go to sleep.

"No, what?" I ask, wanting to know what i'm getting myself into with man who hates me most.

"We have to pretend to be a couple and go out to dinner together." I can see the smug look on his face, even in the pitch back of the hotel room.

"Sounds enjoyable." I reply sarcastically.

"Ready to spend an intamite evening with the person you love so very much." The words leave his mouth with so much pep.

"So ready!" And with that I go to sleep, getting ready for the most interesting day on the job as I can remember.

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