《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》A Walk in the Park


The rain has just started to sprinkle. My fingers are interlaced with my boyfriends and we are walking happily with our bare feet in the grass. The small creek flowing next to us, the sound of the water swishing against the rocks soothing. I peer up at Spencer as I hear him humming some song that I don't know. The air is brisk and cooling today. The trees tower over us as we come to a big open area. It's beautiful.

"This place is beautiful." I say out loud, earning a sweet comment from Spence.

"Just like you (Y/N)." A soft smile is placed on his lips while he gazes at me.

"You're such a sweet guy, you know that right Spencer?" I say walking back up to him and resting my arms around his neck.

"I think your kisses are sweeter." He replies and with that he places a small soft kiss on my lips.

He pulls back and stares in my (E/C) eyes with his chocolate brown ones. We like to take walks in nearby parks or hiking trails when we get time off of work or to ourselves. I started dating Spencer a year ago, three months after I joined the B.A.U. and it was the best decision i've ever made in my life. I don't even have to go anywhere with Spencer, just being with him and in his presence makes me all fuzzy inside and I am overwhelmed with excitement and love.

We keep walking for a while until the rain subsides and Spencer then stops me before turning to me.

"Let's just lay here in the grass and talk for a while." He brings himself to the ground and I follow.

I scoot closer to him so I am in his arms. Being in his embrace comforts me like no other. His long arms wrapped around me makes me feel safe and joyous. I come as close to him as I can and close all of the space between our bodies. My back is to him but it's nice because he rests his head on top of mine and begins to play with my hair. Everytime Spencer plays with my hair it gives me butterflies in my stomach.


"So, what do you want to talk about?" I ask him while I run circles on his knee with my fingers.

"Maybe about us."

"What about us Spence?" I ask, concern lacing my features.

"Well, we've been dating for a year now."


"I h-have a question f-for you (Y/N)." He says becoming very nervous and flustered, as pointed out by his stutter.

"Is everything okay Spencer?" I ask the young man, sitting up from my position in grass.

Spencer gets up too and from his jacket pocket he pulls out a small black box with a golden lining on the outside of it. He kneels down on one knee and looks up at me from the ground. I cover my mouth with my hands in shock. He runs one hand through his hair before beginning to speak.

"(Y/N), you are the love of my life. I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else in the world but you. You make me the happiest man alive and I don't know what I would do if you never joined the B.A.U. because that means I never would've met you. So, I really want to spend every morning, afternoon and might with you for every day for the rest of eternity. Will you marry me (Y/N)?" He is practically crying at this point as the tears flow out of his eyes, so am I.

I stand there not knowing what to do for a couple seconds. I try to gather my feelings and compose myself again. I think about everything he just said again and contemplate whether this is real or not. I realize i'm taking too much time though because Spencer easily becomes very flustered and scared that he just crossed a line. I quickly grab his arms and stand him up. I cup his face with my hands.

"Spencer Reid. I will marry you any time, any place, any day, or any year. I am so god damn in love with you. Yes I will marry you." I squeal and throw myself at him after he puts the ring on my finger. He grabs me and spins me around smiling at me.


We walk some more and as we do I examine the jewel on my left hand. It's gorgeous. There is a silver band and in the middle is a triangle shaped diamond. I look over to him seeing that he is studying me as I seek out every part of the sparkling rock.

"Do you like it? We can go back to the jewelers and pick out a different one if you don't." He looks down scratching the back of his neck.

"Spence, I love it, it's stunning." I lift his face with my thumb and index finger. He snickers a bit before kissing me again.

I begin to realize that it is rainning really hard right now. Suddenly a jacket is being hung over my head. I look up and see me boyfriend or should I say fiancé smiling whole heartedly. He grins at me as I shove him a little with my hips. I push the jacket away causing him to look distraught.

"You're gonna get all wet (Y/N). It's statistically proven that the faster you get out of the rain, the drier you'll be, regardless of the additional raindrops you run into." He spits out, trying to pull me towards where the car is.

"It's just a little rain. I don't need a jacket to cover me. Guess you'll just have to chase me if you want me to stay dry." I laugh as I begin to run away from the handsome man I am with.

I run towards the trees and push my soaking wet hair out of my face as I sprint. I hear the sound of Spencer's converse sloshing in the puddles, skipping after me. Spence isn't very coordinated but he can run and that's a fact. I turn around to see how close he is to me and realize that he is right behind me. He comes up behind me and hugs me, picking me up off the ground for a minute.

I turn around and see him out of breath and giggling uncontrollably. I've always loved Spencer's laugh, it's very contagious and one of the most adorable things about him. I lift my hand up to his face, tucking the wet pieces of his curly hair behind his ear. I put my hands on his chest and lean in to kiss him.

I can feel him smile into the kiss as I move my lips against his. The kiss tastes a bit like rain water but I don't care. In the moment it feels like we are the only people in the world. Just me and him, in the middle of a forest, in the rain listening to the rain drops fall in the creek while we kiss. I pull away from him and laugh.

"What?" He smiles.

"Our clothes are so wet and I was thinking about how uncomfortable it's going to be to have to take these of when we get home." I laugh again motioning to my wet sweater and soaking wet blue jeans.

Spencer wraps his jacket around me and puts his arm around my shoulder. We begin to walk back to the car, where there would be a nice warm heater waiting and an even nicer fireplace waiting at the house.

"Hey, are we gonna tell the team about our new milestone?" I ask him, wondering what he was planning on doing.

"You know, Penelope will find out somehow anyways, she's probably got our conversation from the forest earlier tracked somehow or something so I guess we can just tell them before it's not our secret to tell anymore." Spencer laughs at the mention of his coworker.

"Okay, I love you Spence."

"I love you too (Y/N). Now let's go home and get into warm pajamas and turn on the fireplace." The mention of those things makes me feel warm and cozy.

"Will you read to me?" I ask him hopeful.

"Yeah, I'll read to you (Y/N)."

Then we were a happy engaged couple heading back to our apartment to sit by the warm fire in each other's arms.

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