《5SOS SICKFICS》Luke - needles? No thanks! (Part 2)


Ashton were sitting on the edge of lukes bunk, playing with the blondes hair softly. Luke had been extremely tired and sick and Ashton couldn't do anything put pray that the doctor would call soon and tell the results of the blood test.

Luke whimpered and held his hand on his stomach which he felt cramping.

"Hey bud, shh." Ashton shushed and gently pulled lukes hand away from his tummy. Ashton then laid his own hands on his tummy and rubbed small circles on it to release some pressure from the cramps. He felt Luke relax as he cuddled his mate.

Calum stuck his head into the room as he were on the phone with someone. "Ash?" He whispered. "It's the doctor." He said and pointed at the phone. Ashton reached his hand out to get the phone from Calum. The kiwi put the phone in Ashton's hand.

"Hello?" Ashton said.

"Hello, it's dr. Lucinda. We got the results from the blood test. Will you be able to take Luke to my office?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"Okay good. When will you come?"

"In 30 minutes."

"Okay bye."

"Bye." Ashton hung up and put the phone on the counter. He picked Luke up from the bed making Luke whimper and nozzle his head into Ashton's chest.

They arrived to the doctors office and Ashton carried his sick bandmate inside as Michael and Calum walked behind.

The lads checked in and waited for a couple of minutes before the doctor called them in. Luke was awake by now and felt a bit better than earlier. Ashton made him sit on the exam bed and sat in a chair next to it.

"So, he got a bad case of the flu. I will give him a shot and if he isn't better by the next couple of days you'll have to call me again okay?" The doctor spoke. As Luke heard the word 'shot' he sat up fast and ran towards the door but this time Ashton was faster. Ashton caught him before he reached the door. The sick boy cried out and his friend guided his head to his chest. Ashton felt his shirt getting wet. He lifted Luke up in bridal style and placed him back on the exam bed. Luke cried.


"Sweetie, can you lay down for me?" The doctor asked. Luke sniffled and didn't moved.

"Come on lukey." Ashton whispered and helped Luke to lay down.

Luke was now laying on the exam bed on his back. Tears were streaming down his face violently. Ashton sat on the bed by lukes head and lifted it onto his lap. Ashton let his thumps wipe the tears away knowing that fresh ones would come, but it had a calming effect and that was important. Luke heard the doctor say that the shot would go in his stomach. Luke immediately put his hands down to guard the spot. Fresh tears were pouring down his cheeks. Ashton gently took lukes hands away and held them over the blondes head. Luke protested. He was scared and Ashton knew. Ashton shushed him, leant over and kissed the tip of his nose.

The doctor put the needle in lukes stomach making him cry out. The medicine was burning.

"Ow!! Stop! Please stop!" Luke cried and tried to move. Calum and Michael kicked in fast. Calum pushed down on Lukes chest and Michael held him by his hip. All together making it impossible for him to move.

Luke cried for what felt like hours. The doctor finally took the needle out. Luke turned around and cried into Ashton's lap. Ashton brought his hand to the spot where the needle had been and rubbed it slowly.

Within a week, Luke was back to his happy, healthy self jumping around and having fun.

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