《Double Date Gone Good?》Chapter Six


"I'm glad you two had fun." Uraraka said through a smile.

Kirishima and Mina shared a smile as they intertwined their hands.

"Soooo," Uraraka wanted to change the subject, "where's Bakugou?"

Kirishima turned to look back at her, "He said he'd gone home."

Uraraka's face fell, "Oh...."

The group stopped at the entrance to the mall. Mina looked at Uraraka, hugging her brunette friend, "Kirishima and I are going to go get some ice cream. Are you fine getting back to the dorms by yourself?"

Uraraka nodded, "Of course!" In reality, Uraraka hated walking alone but she didn't want to third wheel. Kirishima and Mina waved goodbye to Uraraka before walking to the ice cream store down the street.

Uraraka sighed as she started to walk back to the UA Dorms. The day had started so well and now it sucked.

"Hey, Round Cheeks."

Uraraka turned around to see Bakugou standing at the mall doors with his hands behind his back.

"Bakugou? I thought you left."

"No... I was just walking around in the stores."

As Uraraka looked at him, she noticed the heads of a plush cat and unicorn sticking out of his jacket pocket. A butterfly plush was tucked into the waistband of his pants. She started laughing.

"What!?" He yelled.

She pointed at the plushies in his pockets and waistband, laughing too hard to say anything.

"Sh-Shut up!" He stuttered as he got flustered. He walked closer to her as she doubled over laughing.

She looked up to meet his eye to come face-to-face with a pomeranian plushie. A big one at that. She looked up at Bakugou, "What's this?"

"I, uh, saw you eyeing it when that guy ran into you. Loser has to buy the winner a prize, right?"


Uraraka held the Pomeranian plushie. It was soft and it reminded her of someone.

"Aren't you going to name it? That's a thing girls do, right?" Bakugou asked as he shifted his weight onto his other foot.

Uraraka nodded, "I think I'll call him Lord Explosion Murder." She giggled.

"Why?" Bakugou asked, chuckling a bit himself.

"He reminds me of you. His fur is like your hair and he looks angry all the time!"

"I don't look angry all the time!"

Uraraka put Lord Explosion Murder in Bakugou's face. She deepened her face, "I'll blow you up! Die! Die! Die!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes but he couldn't hide his smile, "Yeah, yeah. Cmon, let's head back to the dorms."

Bakugou swung his arm around Uraraka as she held Lord Explosion Murder. Together, the two made their way back to the dorms, laughing and smiling.

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