《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 1
Packing my bags, I couldn't be more happier than to leave home. Today was the day I start my freshman year of college and make my young adult memories. Even though I won't have the room all to myself, I do get to get away from this crazy ass family !! But all in all, I was very grateful for Mrs and Mr. Graham taking me in and doing one hell of a job; that my biological parents weren't able to do so. Shame on them, they won't get to see their baby girl make it in life. "Do you have to go?" My four year old niece Kamira asked me; she's my foster brother Brandon's daughter. Not intentionally laughing at her, but laughing at how tiny she was speaking so proper. I squatted down and signaled for her to come closer to me. "Yes Titi Kaylee?" Kamira innocent self asked. "I'll be back okay? Auntie Kaylee will always come back okay?" I smiled while she nodded her head. I laughed and pulled her into a hug. "I knew she would be up here harassing you." Brandon chuckled. I'm both of their favorites; vice versa. I really didn't get along with his other three blood related sisters. They were stuck up and snobby, but I guess they had their reasons. No lie Gloria, Gina and Malaysia were all top notch pretty, but their attitudes sucked like ass. Like they're the ones that can actually make you cry in your party and you sure as hell didn't want to. That's why I'm actually more than happy to leave this house, yes I'll miss Kamira Brandon and Mrs and Mr. Graham, but I'll be good. "Don't tell me you're looking for a 'I'll be back too'?" I snickered looking back at Brandon, who was standing in my door way. He chuckled then walked into my room and plopped down on my bed. "I actually was, my baby sis is going off to college." Brandon sighed; he hated goodbyes. "But that doesn't changes anything you'll always be my little sister and you better come home on the holidays like little sisters do." Brandon squinted at me and I laughed at him. He always swore that face was supposed to scare me. "I will, where else am I going to go? And plus I have to come back for my Mira and my Brandy." I pinched his cheek before he swatted my hand away. "You bugging do that cute shit to Mira, that's the only person you're older than." He chuckled. I sucked my teeth and pushed him lightly. "Tell your father I can beat him at my age." I spoke to Kamira "She will fight you dad, chill." Kamira spoke while throwing her hands in the air. We started laughing while I shook my head. "You taught her that and do you need help?" Brandon asked scratching his head. "Please?" I smiled grabbing both Nike duffel bags and hot pink suit case. Mrs. Graham had me preparing for this day since the last week of August. Well she had Gloria and Malaysia preparing for this day as well, even though Malaysia is in her third year of college already. Brandon stood up and grabbed the other two suit cases and my last duffel bag. Kamira walked out with us and I could hear sniffling. "Brandon you good?" I looked back at him before going down the stairs. "Yeah I'm straight. You good?" He asked. Awwwe I'm going to miss him just as much, I just can't let these girls see me cry. Neither of us are going to the same college which was great for me. I get to spring out on my own, well with my best friend Roman and his crazy ass god brother Kaiden. So this should be fun ! We walked downstairs seeing Mr. Graham holding a crying Mrs. Graham. "I can't breathe!" She cried dramatically. I placed my stuff down and went to go hug them both. "Thank you guys so much for everything, without you guys I wouldn't even be on my way to college. Matter of fact, I don't know where would I be." I sighed as they snatched me into a hug. "Why are you saying it like you're never coming back ? Just be a good girl, okay Kay?" Mrs. Graham sniffles. "Yes ma'am." I nodded my head and smiled. "Go make us proud and you better be coming back in November Kaylee" Mrs. Graham said holding my face so I can look at her. "I will." I giggled. "That's right." She smiled and kissed my cheek. Thank god for my handy wipes or I would've been walking around looking like I had a black and blue, Mrs. Graham favorite color lipstick is plum and she doesn't go a day without using it. "Be safe and I have no problem coming up to that school to scare them boys away." Mr. Graham warned me with a smile. I giggled and nodded my head. "See you later guys." I cooed hugging them one last time again. Opening the door, Roman and Kaiden was just now pulling up in front of my house. I started smiling thinking about how they're going to drive me crazy the whole way there. "You college ready!!" Kaiden yelled making me laugh at him. "Open up the truck." I laughed at him some more. He nodded his head then pressed the button as the back trunk slowly lifted up. "I got that for you, go talk to your best friend." Brandon snickered. They swear Roman and I are going to end up being college sweethearts, but I swear that's not going to happen. Roman slowly got out of the car as I rushed to him and jumped in his arms. "I missed you!" I cooed hugging him tightly. His parents sent him to Trinidad for the Summer, but brought him back just in time for school. "I missed you too." He chuckled hugging me back. "Liar! Your ass was all over snap acting cute." I rolled my eyes getting down. "I'm lying? Tuh how many times you fell asleep on me on face time?" He crossed his arms. I tried hiding my smile as I smirked and rolled my eyes again. "Once." I mumbled and we started laughing. "Lying ass! Get in the car." He chuckled. "Wait I have to say bye to my brother." I said and Roman stared at me with a shock expression on his face. But that's because I never claimed any of them within the six years of living with them, well besides Kamira. Her little self stole my heart since the day she was born. "Your what?" Brandon asked smiling. I looked back at him seeing that he was finished with packing my things. So I walked over to him with a pouting face, I was going to miss him like crazy. "My brother..... Brandon you were the only one who wasn't ashamed of accepting me as someone apart of your family." I said trying not to cry, but the way these water works were set up. My eyes were ready to wet my face up. "Like you did more than just accepting me, you really took the role of becoming that protective loving brother." I sniffle but not for long and I started crying hysterically. "Why can't you come with me?". Brandon wrapped me in his arms and rubbed my back. "You know how I feel about goodbye's baby girl, but I'm only a call away. Shit gets crazy you know I'm the first person to call and if anything.... I love you too cry baby ass." He chuckled. Slowly controlling my crying, I wiped my face and looked up at Brandon. "You're going to kill me for this white shirt, but I love you too Brandy." I giggled breaking our hug. "I'll let you slide with this one. Next time yo ass doing my laundry. Mira say bye bye to Auntie Kaylee." Brandon said picking up a crying Kamira. I knew she was going to cry just as hard as I would. "Bye." She cried covering her face. "See you later baby, auntie will be back. I told you that right?" I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Yes." She giggled as I tickled her. "So wipe them princess tears and give auntie a hug baby girl." I cooed taking her from Brandon's arms. We hugged each other tightly and I spun her around fast as she laughed hysterically. "Now be a good girl okay?" I smiled pinching her cheek. "Yes Titi." She giggled leaning against Brandon legs for balance. I laughed and waved at them then climbed in the back of Roman's car. "You aight Kay?" Roman looked back at me. "Been good! I'm ready to fuck all of these older bitches." Kaiden bragged while rubbing his face. Roman sucked his teeth and I started laughing. "He wasn't talking to you, but yeah Ro I'm good." I giggled and sat back. "You sure? No extra goodbyes?" Roman smirked. I rolled my eyes knowing he wanted to mention my ex crush, Lucas. I've never got to make him mine because he was a fuck boy, but I didn't see any of this until I almost beat one of his girls assess. Her ass was beach salty over a little dance that was very innocent. Well that's what I thought until she wanted to fight. "Don't start Ro and cut the music up so I can start my snaps." I sighed rolling my eyes. Roman looked back at me and popped me right in my thigh. "Watch that stank ass mouth of yours and what song do you want?" He asked. "Déjà vu by Jhene Aiko and Big Sean." I frowned rubbing my throbbing thigh. Thick ass sausage fingers ass boy. "Oh I'll fuck with that" Kaiden nodded his head making me laugh. This is sure as hell going to be a good college experience.
Finally making it to the campus I was about to be on my way to sleep, but the bands were playing as loud as they can. I guess welcoming the freshman's or new comers. I yawned as I stretched from my seat. "Ya ready for this?" Kaiden smiled looking in between Roman and I. "Been ready boy." I smiled then playfully mushed him and hopped out of the car. Roman and Kaiden been dropped their things off at the campus especially since they're roommates. So they just came back down to drive me to the school. "Oh shit its hot." I stretched again as the sun kissed my peanut butter colored skin. "That's not how you're supposed to stretch baby." This boy smirked watching me. He had a cute little southern accent dripping from his voice; I always enjoyed hearing other accents rather than New York's. I dropped my arms and looked back at him. Never was I the mean type or came off so mean just cause I wasn't "loved" properly. That's that cliché shit, but anyways I always was friendly. Not naïve but friendly. "So how are you supposed to do it baby?" I mimicked him. He chuckled then licked his lips and he really started stretching which made me smile. "Thank you." I giggled while Roman and Kaiden hopped out of the car eyeing him. "You got it, next time stretch like how I told you or you're going to have cramps in your lower back." He smiled then walked away from me. "Who was that?" Kaiden asked not even letting me watch that peanut butter cookie walk away. "He told me I was stretching wrong." I shrugged and looked over at Roman. My best friend could very over protective of me sometimes. "Kay you didn't come here for boys." Roman said then grabbed my things for me as well. That's another reason why I love them so much; they treat me like a princess. "I didn't say I came here for boys, I didn't even get his name." I said walking side by side with them. "But you wanted it and that's why you mentioned it." Kaiden snickered making me playfully punch him. "Shut up". "You see Ro?" Kaiden chuckled making us all laugh. "You heard me Kaylee." Roman said as we walked inside of the girl campus. "Blah blah blah." I mumbled making Kaiden laugh. "You know he'll kick your ass right?" He asked while we waited for the elevator. There was only three floors, so it should be here any minute. "Don't get play boy feelings hurt." I winked at Roman. He started smirking, but ignored my comment. "I know you not about to let her give it to you like that bro." Kaiden teased Roman, but got quiet after that. And that's because like four girls just walked into the building. I laughed and shook my head as the elevator doors opened. "Nigga you're so thirsty." I laughed at Kaiden. "I bet you I can hit all four." Kaiden said making Roman smile. They always do these stupid ass bets and these girls always fall right into it. I always try to scare them with the karma jinx, but they always ignore me. They'll learn one day though. "My nigga not all four, you could leave that to me though." Roman smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked off of the elevator, I was on the last floor. Looking for room door 313. Spotting a girl standing there as we approached the room, I smiled. She was soooo pretty and her chubbiness was even more adorable, but the way she dressed stole my heart. "Are you Kaylee Walter?" She asked in a unsure tone. "Girl don't be saying her government like that." Kaiden said making me elbow him. "Yes that's me. I guess we're roomies?" I cooed dancing in the same spot. "Took you long enough my scary ass is afraid to be alone, but I'm Clementine. You can also call me Clemmy. That's what all of my friends call me." She smiled pulling me into a hug. I laughed and hugged her back. "I'll jot that down to remember". We broke our hug and Clementine raised her eye brows up looking over at Roman and Kaiden. "They're not rooming with us, that's my best friend Roman and my god brother Kaiden." I said as she unlocked the door and we all walked inside. "Oh hey brother and best friend! I was just like where are they sleeping? There's only two beds and a couch in there." Clementine said making us all laugh at her. "No they just helped me with my things." I smiled and took a seat on my already made bed. "I see, you must be the only girl in the family huh?" Clementine smirked taking a seat on her bed as well. "The youngest." I shrugged and looked up at Kaiden then Roman. "Alright you good? You settled in?" Roman asked me. "No that means you guys are leaving." I faked a pout. "Girl, its business need to be done. Get comfy with your little roomie and we'll see you tomorrow." Kaiden said quickly hugging me. "Bye Kai!" I yelled laughing at him. "I'll pick you up for lunch tomorrow and enjoy your first day." Roman said before kissing my forehead. "Okay and make it to your house safe." I sighed pouting a little. Being that this was already Roman's second year here, he wanted to watch over his god brother and move off into a condo close by the school. He wanted for me to share the condo with them as well, but Mr. Graham and Mrs. Graham wouldn't agree on it. "Fix your face and it was nice meeting you. Treat my best friend nice." Roman spoke to Clementine and I both. "She's good with me." Clementine smiled shrugging. "Aight later ya." Kaiden said. Once they left, I began to unpack my things. "Not trying to mind your business but you and Roman would be fire as fuck together." Clementine said typing on her phone. "Everybody always says that, but eh we don't see each other in such way. Do you have any bae's?" I asked looking back at her. "Girl no, these boys are too much. I've only lived on this campus for two years and I already know what they're about." She said shaking her head. I'm surprised she didn't know Roman than. "Even the seniors mindsets are stuck in highschool still." She scoffed making me giggle. "Really?" I asked shocked, even though Roman constantly warn me that I'm not here for boys. So he's already been shooting down my dream of dating. "Girl yes! See I'm going to warn you. These niggas are going to hunt you down just because you're fresh meat and pretty as hell, but don't fall for it." She squinted at me. "I don't think I even have a say so." I sighed grabbing my towel now. After unpacking everything I wanted to take a shower and just relax before school tomorrow. "Why not?" She asked cocking her eye brow. "Roman is going to be on me." I said making her smirk. "That's good, he's really like a big brother." She smiled. "Yeah he aight." I giggled shrugging and my phone started ringing. It was Mrs. Graham calling.
"Hello?" I asked taking a seat on my bed.
"Soooo how do you like it so far? How's your room? And who's your roomie?" She asked sounding overly excited.
I giggled while Clementine watched me smirking. "Its nice, the campus is really and nice. My roommate is just right I could tell we're going to get along, she's like a older me".
"Two Kaylee's in one room?! Oh no I have to change that!" Mrs. Graham joked.
And we started laughing together. "Noooo Mrs. Graham I promise we'll be good!" I laughed some more.
"I know, I know baby. I'm just playing, but I'm glad you like it and call me after your day is over tomorrow. Mr. Graham didn't want to head to work without hearing your opinion on the campus today." Mrs. Graham cooed. Awwwe he was always the sweetest, I think that's how Roman is going to be when he becomes a dad in the future.
"Awwwe put him on the phone!" I cooed.
"Okay hold on honey, babe she wants you." Mrs. Graham said while I slouched my back against the wall. "Hello?" Mr. Graham asked.
"Hi Mr. Graham and yeah I like the campus, my room and my roommate; she's cool." I smiled making Clementine smile while posing. And I laughed at her, she's a hot mess already.
"That's good, is it bad that I want my little Kaylee back in the house?" He asked making a wave of sadness rush over me. I did miss home, but this was a once in a life time experience.
"No, I miss home too." I sighed blinking back my tears.
"I know we miss you too, but we'll stay in touch until you make it back home. You do know this will forever be your home right?" He assured me.
"Yes I know that, but I'll let you go to work now. I just wanted to let you guys to know that I'm comfy." I smiled.
"That's good and Brandon wants you to call him but he's at work as well." Mr. Graham said.
"Okay I'll give him a call too, see you later." I said.
"Later and take care." Mr. Graham said before we both hung up.
"I felt like I just got introduced into my future boyfriend parents." Clementine said and we started laughing. "You're too much." I laughed grabbing my things for the shower again. "I know." Clementine sighed dramatically and we laugh again. This was about to be worth the college experience. "But quick question were those your parents that you was calling by their last names?" She asked staring at me. "Foster. They took me in when I was twelve." I shrugged. It didn't really bother me as much before when I used to lie and say they were my parents. I used to even try to call them 'mommy' and 'daddy' but the three musksluts shot my dreams down easily. They all attacked me yelling that I don't have parents. I can't say that didn't destroy me, cause it completely did. But what doesn't kills you makes you stronger. As it did, so I just called them by their last names like strangers and told myself that I didn't need parents. All I needed was myself even though Roman, Kaiden and Brandon showed me that they have me. And my pretty princess niece Kamira as well, she's the main one who makes me comfortable with myself. I miss her already as well. "Awwwe and wait are you comfortable with this? Cause I can totally shut up or change the subject." Clementine panicked. "No you're good, I'm a big girl." I smiled. "Good, oh my god. But you can count me in as someone apart of your family as well." She smiled at me. "Thanks." I smiled then went to take a shower. Clementine was really cool and sweet which I'm thankful for. I didn't need to repeat living with one of the three musksluts again. This is why I chose a different college from them, as far as I could go. No need to bump into them either.
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