《Drugs You Should Try It》Chapter Twenty One


Shit didn't feel the same. It just didn't. Jacques could never really think straight since all of the shit went down between him and Zephyr. At times he would cry, other times he would be overwhelmed with guilt and rage, but most of the time he just felt void. It was like the sun fell out of orbit and the planets lost their grip on gravity. That's how it felt to be without her. The crazy curly haired lioness of a woman Jacques found himself falling deeper into. Deeper in fascination. Deeper in appreciation. Deeper in love. Love. That's what this was. There was no other answer to it. Jacques knew the moment that Zephyr walked out that door on that god forsaken night, that he was completely and insanely in love with Zephyr. She made him feel things no other human could provide. She gave him gravity. She gave him drive and purpose. She gave him the love he craved so deeply the black holes in space would be envious.

So here he was on a fourteen flight to Milan to deliver her his heart on a opalescent platter hoping she would take him back. Did he want her to forget what happened between them ? Of course not but he would beg for her forgiveness til the end of time if that's what it took to get her to love him back. He had finally come to grips with the fact that Zephyr was the very blood in his veins and he wasn't going to dwell and experience this life without his very source of living. It wouldn't be possible.

The flight had just taken off a mere two hours ago from George Bush Intercontinental and the anxiety of the end of this twelve hour trip was eating him alive. Although him and Chase were in first class flights with all the amenities at their disposal Jacques couldn't relax. His mind wrapped around what he would exactly say and do once he finally was in the same room as her. Would she fucking slap him ? Probably, he damn sure feel liked he deserved it. Would he cry ? Most definitely, that's all he seemed to be good at since she been gone. Would she listen to gift he was going to give her ? He sure fucking hoped so, he poured his heart and soul into it. Literally he made sure it dripped every essence of Zephyr he could muster into three minutes.


The flight attendants started to move around the cabin with the carts of snack and drinks. A cute mature chocolate beauty was assigned to his particular section and although she was a gorgeous woman she just wasn't his Zephyr. Looking to his right he saw Chase damn near drooling over the pretty woman and he shook his head at his friend. Leave it to Chase to try and holler. Jacques could definitely tell she was a bit older maybe late twenties early thirties though she still looked like she was in her prime high school years he could sense the wisdom rolling off of her. It gave him chills almost he could tell she had been through some terrible shit or maybe not but it definitely seemed like it under her perfect chocolate complexion and all.

He saw her lips move and Chase slightly shove him before he actually shook his head from his mind and focused on reality.

" You okay there son ? You need anything ? You seem deep in thought over there ? " her voice was motherly and it comforted Jacques.

" No ma'am I'm good, thank you. "

" Let me know son, I'll be around. Don't go too deep in that head of yours, even your own territory could be a terrible place sometimes. " she said with a warm small and moved on.


The lights in the cabin had been dimmed low and the blue floor lights running along the floors of the plane had been turned on. You could easily pick out the snores of the sleep and the even more obnoxious mating call coming Chase as he wondered through what ever went on in his head while he slept. Jacques found himself at the back area bar of the first class floor. Laptop illuminating the even more dimly lit area he was currently occupied. He was fooling around with a song. The song he had written and produced for Zephyr. He had to make sure it was perfect. Changing the beat around and adding a couple of high hats, Jacques found himself consumed in work.


Not noticing the nice flight attendant he and Chase met earlier on the flight moving past him.

Curiosity had been clouding the attendants mind since she encountered the young man. No she wasn't attracted to him sexually more so attracted to the turmoil he emitted from his aura. She could easily tell that Jacques was battling not only his emotions but a mind that wouldn't let him go with his peace in tact. It reminded her of her own boyfriend well now fiancé. She had seen the same look on his face when he came to her heart and soul more exposed than a newborn. The same pieces that was falling apart in her beloved was currently falling off of Jacques. She wanted to comfort him more than anything. Help him understand his emotions and pain. The same way she helped her fiancé.

Walking over to him she relaxed her shoulders and settled her mind on helping him.

Jacques looked up from his laptop when a shadow came over him. Looking up it was the flight attendant that has been servicing his and Chases section. She look relaxed and less formal than she was when she was walking the floor. A white glove clad reached out to greet him and then her voice followed.

" The names Amier son. What are you working on ? " again her voice was nothing less than motherly and comforting.

" Jacques and a song. " he said as he reached to meet her hand with his own.

He watched as Amier took a seat next to him but still giving him he respected space.

" For who if I might ask ? I've passed the bar a few times in the last two hours and you've been here the whole time. " she crossed her arms across her chest and crossed one leg over the other and slightly slouched.

" My gravity. "

" You're gravity ? Huh must special if they are holding you to the earth. " Jacques smiled and shook his head on agreement.

" Yeah, she's special. More special than what this world can offer. "

" Is she the reason you've been trapped in that head of yours most of the flight ? " she knew the answer she just wanted to ask.

" Fortunately she's always the reason. "

The flight attendant could tell she was treading on close territory. So she decided to cut to the chase.

" When you get to her make sure you tell her everything that goes on in that head of yours. Fully expose yourself to her and she'll understand son. I've seen your kind of pain before I've been through it with my fiancé but it was his love and undying devotion to me that led to even saying yes. Be honest with her. Tell her she's your gravity. "

With that she gracefully collected herself and walked away. The advice was weighing in deep on Jacques. Although the advice seemed simple enough he knew the complex of it all but he did take head. She was right.


Here's 21 love. I know it's kind of short but definitely is a bridge between the interludes of our beloved characters. Jacques interlude will be emotional and expressive maybe even a little steamy 😉 it's coming .... I will correct anything in the next few days or hour actually. Enjoy

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