《Drugs You Should Try It》Chapter Nineteen


There was a different vibe in the air and Jacques could feel it. Like anybody who cared for another so deeply he could tell when something was wrong with Zephyr. Maybe not right away but he would most definitely pick up on it sooner rather than later. It wasn't the usual off, like the typical mood swings she experienced when it was her time of the month either, it was more of wavelength type off. Jacques could tell Zephyr was simply not aligned as she usually would be and it was throwing him off. He was so used to moving like clock work with her that quite lately it felt like they were either stuck at one minute or going in reverse. He wanted to scream out his frustration but more importantly he wanted to help.

Walking out the bathroom after hitting the light to turn it off Jacques made his way into the kitchen, making a beeline straight for the cabinet. He'd had been bringing Zephyr her usual cup of coffee in the morning for the passed two weeks. Never forgetting the extra shot off espresso and the four brown sugars she always asked for. Jacques learned along time ago how Zephyr liked her coffee and made it his job to remember and even learn to make it himself. He'd usually find himself picking it up from Starbucks back home in his raggedy Toyota and dropping it off at her place but not wanting to deal with the early rush of traffic here in Atlanta made all the difference.

Speaking of which, the two had finally found themselves a little home in the big peach. A loft just a few minutes away from T.I 's house and it was just their vibe. It was built out of an old industrial warehouse now turned into some more than decent lofts which accommodated the both of them very nicely. Jacques would find himself working with his new found rapper mentor during day with the occasional visit from Zephyr, which hasn't been going on lately, and Z would find herself either here in the area she made her studio or at another studio doing work. Unfortunately for Jacques that was the very thing that was throwing Zephyr off.

His heavy feet met the cold hardwood floors as he made his way over to Z with the pipping hot coffee. She was working on a few edits for a magazine cover she did recently, a fairly big magazine cover one that would change life for the both of them. Zephyr just wasn't ready to let Jacques in on it yet but unfortunately she would have to in the next few days due to the fact next month she would be on a plane to Milan and wouldn't be back for six months. And let's face it she witnessed how fast shit had changed for Jacques within two days who the hell knows what could happen for her in six months.

" Good Morning dove. " Jacques morning voice was very much present and it sent shivers down Z's spine and a set of tears. She wouldn't hear that voice in the flesh for a long time soon and it was freaking her out.


" Morning... umm I'm going to be out today. At the office, I have to turn this cover in a lot is riding on it."

" You know you never told me who's magazine you've been sneaking around with for the past two weeks. Am I allowed to know ? "

Jacques was now slightly sitting on her desk his arms crossed over his chest and his chocolate orbs focused on her hazel ones. The morning sunlight from the large window danced across his skin illuminating his tattoos in all the right ways. It was a picture perfect moment. At this moment Zephyr had to either flight or fight and she was tired of hiding this from him. She was going to finally rip the bandaid off and hope and pray that things wouldn't change as much as she thought it would.

" Actually, yeah. " A long breath escaped her chest as she continued to talk " Umm tonight actually. Get cute I'm taking you out. "

" You ? Lol, you're taking me out ? " Jacques teased as he flicked a couple of Zephyr's curls over her shoulder.

Zephyr stale faced him and grunted rolling her eyes at him. " Yes, I'm taking you out. Do you want free food or not ? "

" Say less. "

Jacques walked away from Zephyr the morning light still dancing on his chocolate skin as he made his exit. Z found herself bitting her lip at the sight. It was something to be treasured and the itch in her palm almost commanded her to take a photo and have it hung on the wall but burning it into her memory seemed much more satisfying.


" Nah man , change that shit it needs more bass and increase the volume on the horns ... " Jacques bobbed his head as he heard the changes.

" Yeah , yeah that's it let that shit ride. "

It was currently five in the afternoon and the typical person would be fighting Atlanta's rush hour on their way home but Jacques was in the studio working on what would eventually be his album. He didn't quite have a name for it but all he cared about was the music itself at this point. Although well into the afternoon Jacques was only on his second song from the long list that he developed over the years. Jacques understood that it was a process behind it all and he decided throwing himself into the mentality was the best. At least he finally knew what album mode really meant.

In the back of the studio his mentor sat and watched him in calculated thoughts. Something serious was about to happen to Jacques and might even move this plan of fame a little bit faster but at this point it was nothing more than a decision that was up in the air. There was a lot of heavy names involved in this and it damn sure had a ton of money involved. In the back of his mind he knew that Jacques was not only ready for this but would succeed on many levels even beyond his own in many aspects. If he was being honest with himself he knew that Jacques was one of the best artist he's ever had the chance of working with and for him to hold him here under his label would be not only unfair but wrong. The last thing he wanted was for Jacques to peak and fade away, that wasn't part of the plan at all. Jacques was put here to stay for a while. His mind was made up.


" Aye, man I'm gonna go ahead and head up. The wife and kids need my attention. Wrap it up and call it a day kid we'll start first thing in the morning. " his deep southern accent caught Jacques out of his trance with the music.

Shaking his head trying to focus Jacques leaned back in the office chair after hitting the save button on his laptop. The beat was almost finished just a few more tweaks and he would go in a lay a few bars down over it just for testing purposes. Jacques let out a relieving sigh his hands running over his face finding himself relaxing a bit.

" Okay, well.. I'm going to go ahead and head out too then. " Standing up he collected his plaid red flannel from the back of the chair he occupied for much of the day and slipped it on. He'd figure he'd get going today anyway he promised Zephyr that he's meet her for dinner later on tonight and he didn't plan on breaking any promises.

It didn't take long for him to reach the loft they shared together it was currently a little ways past eight and the Atlanta traffic had taken a break for the time being. Pulling up to the building Jacques could easily look up to where their apartment sat and see the lights on making note that he definitely needed to invest in some thicker curtains for the time being. Despite the need for better curtains Jacques was a little more than excited about tonight him and Zephyr needed the time alone. Although being together at the hip most of the time Jacques noticed when the glue was wearing out between the two.

Foundling with the keys it took Jacques all but two minutes to finally get the door open only to be hit with the strong but light scents of the essential oils that Zephyr burned around the house. Good Kid MAAD City was humming through the space and lights were set low. Zephyr only did things like this to set a mood or when they had their weekly fun night together. Dinner tonight must really something.


Zephyrs nerves were all over the place going to get dinner was the last thing she wanted to do right now. She now found herself setting on the edge of the bed half dressed and stressed. The black dress pants she had were hanging lazily unbuttoned around her hips and the straps of her heels were undone. The black lace bra was all she had adorning her upper regions and her mane of curls were frizzy from her constant ruffing and tugging. In all the current rage she didn't notice Jacques standing at the threshold of their bedroom taking in the scene.

To say the least Jacques was uneasy and at the moment he didn't know how to move forward properly. He could tell right off the bat just from taking in the sight of his best friend that something was troubling her. It hurt his heart when even the slightest discomfort was placed upon Zephyr's conscience. So now seeing her like this reminded him of her relapse back home in Houston before they came here.

" Z, babygirl what's wrong ? " Jacques took cautious steps toward her almost sunken form. Careful not make sudden movements that could possibly hurt her more than help. Jacques had to remind himself that Zephyr was always hypersensitive when she was slipping and at this moment he determined that this was the case.

" Jacques. "

The tone of her voice almost brought him to his knees. It was sad. That's it just sad. Out of all the times he's seen Zephyr like this it was all based on anger and reoccurrence of a bad memory but never sadness and this time it was just that. It's easier to heal and calm down anger but it's another thing to try and mend sadness.

" C'mere let me hold you. Tell me what's wrong lil dove."

Zephyr let out a hazily heart felt chuckle before adjusting herself accordingly. Sitting up straight she wiped away the stray tears that snuck away from her eyes and pushed her wild mane of curls out of the way. Slipping her feet out of her heels she found herself standing up but not moving. At the moment she couldn't. She felt as though she was already about to rip the heart out of the only person she truly loved and cared for. Soon enough she felt his strong arms wrap around her frame pulling her close to his naked chest.

The smile on her face was involuntary as she noticed that Jacques was the only person that could do this. That fact he even remembered the smallest details about her made this even more difficult because no body else would ever be able to do the same. The skin to skin contact was a distressing technique that the counselor had taught her, well them since Jacques was in attendance, to aid her into a comfortable place and being against Jacques warm tattoo canvas chest seemed to do the trick. It was slowly but surely working.

" Talk to me mamas. "

One deep sigh and quick prayer later Zephyr finally mustered up the strength.

" I'm leaving. "


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