《Drugs You Should Try It》Chapter Nine


I watched as she put the blunt between her lips she looked like something straight off Olympus. Aphrodite should've been her name but to me she was my best friend someone far more precious than a goddess. She exhaled the smoke through her nose and sunk further into the couch her body completely relaxed. I never understood how someone could be this beautiful and so gentle. Zephyr is literally everything I wanted in life. That girl had my heart since I first laid eyes on her.

" Baby Jacques. " her sweet voice attacked my ears and I nodded my head at her giving her all my attention. She moved her finger signaling for me to come closer and I did as I was told. Sitting closer to her now I put arms over the back of the couch. She laid her head on my shoulder letting go of a deep sigh.

We sat there for the longest the old tv in the living room shut off by itself. I looked down at Z and saw her chest rise and fall peacefully indicating she was sleep. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips she always fell asleep if you give her the opportunity. I sat up slowly moving my arm from the back of the couch moving quietly making sure not to wake her. I stretched and scratched my chest letting go of a yawn. Looking down at Zephyr a smile found its way to my lips she had positioned herself on the couch curled up. I grabbed the small blanket off the back of the couch and laid it across her.


Jacques woke up from his sleep and reached over for his phone looking at the time and missed notifications. He laughed at the twitter notifications of the females he used to fuck with before his heart got stolen by Zephyr. He still talked to them but it wasn't on the level of when he talked to Zephyr , casual conversation is where it start and ended for his other female companions. So when they would text him asking for more it was as though Kevin Hart was his best friend. Jacques glanced at the top of his phone looking at the time.


10:30 am

Zephyr hadn't called him yet and it only made him worry about his best friend. She usually would call him at 10 to make sure he was up and out the bed because she knew if no one did his moms would let him waste his life away. Her being 30m late bothered him. Proceeding to call her he was met with the automatic voicemail system and a beep. He knew something was up Zephyr always answered his phone calls. Jacques hurried hopping out the bed moving with a sense of urgency. He grabbed the Adidas pants off the floor from last night and a clean Supreme shirt from his drawer. He practically fell over trying to slip the Nike slides on his feet and grabbing his phone and the keys to the old Toyota he and Chase drove.

He practically galloped down the stair case pushing Josh out of the way.

" Damn nigga you running like yo ass on fire." Josh yelled while mugging his older brother.

" Boy shut the fuck up watch Jordan and tell pops I'll be back in a bit. " Jacques rushed out his words as he ran through the front door it closing behind him with a slam. Josh rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath how much he wasn't appreciated and continued his way up the stairs to his room.

Jacques found himself in front of the door to Zephyr's loft he stopped and caught his breath. God damn I need to work out.

He pounded on the door until it opened and he almost knocked Zephyr in the head until he caught himself. He took in the appearance of his best friend and his heart crumbled. He could tell she had been crying her hazel eyes were red and stray tears still found their way down her cheeks. He looked at her hands and wanted to pull his hair out her right hand gripped her left trying to stop the blood from flowing through the cut.


Zephyr sniffled still looking down at her and Jacques feet trying not to make contact with him. She knew once she looked at him she would break down again.

" Zephyr ." Jacques spoke up only to get no reply.

" Zephyr, baby girl look at me. " Jacques grabbed her chin gently and forced her to look at him. He watched her hazel eyes shake as they made eye contact and tears escaped again. Jacques didn't dare to say anything he had known what happened and it ate him up on the inside knowing he wasn't there for her in her time of need.

He quickly grabbed her in his arms holding her close as she shook and cried. Jacques wanted to cry himself his princess was hurting and he was sucking terribly at being the knight in shining armor. He hated seeing her like this.

" Zephyr let's go inside I'll clean up your hand and you can get some rest. " Zephyr nodded her head against his chest and pulled away from him crossing the threshold into her loft. She looked at the mess she made during her moment of vulnerability. All the glass vases she had in her house were now smashed and in shambles. She stopped and looked at the vase that the white roses in them that Jacques got her every week because he knew how much she loved them. Zephyr could feel Jacques chest against her back and goosebumps found their way unto her arms from his closeness.

" I'm sorry ." She whispered just loud enough for Jacques to hear she didn't trust her voice right now in this moment. Jacques sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer to him he placed a kiss on her head trying his best to relax her.

" It's fine I'll get you some more ." Jacques grabbed her hand and led her into the her bathroom before picking her up and placing her on the counter. He noticed the open medicine bottle in the sink a few pills had fallen out. He grabbed it and looked at Zephyr raising an eyebrow at her.

" No, Jacques I don't do that anymore I have someone to live for. "

" Good I don't know what I would do without you little dove. " Jacques put the few pills that had fell out back into he bottle and put it back in the medicine cabinet while pulling out the first aid kit. He cleaned her hand and bandaged it properly he gave her two Tylenols for the pain and made sure she had taken them.

" Go lay down. I'll clean up and order some take out, Chinese or Pizza ? "

" Chinese. "

" Bet , extra egg roll ? "

" Yeah Baby Jacques. " he chuckled and shook his head smiling at his best friend. Zephyr hopped down from the counter and walked into her bedroom going straight to her dresser pulling out a pair of short shorts and sports bra. She changed and did as Jacques asked her laying down in the bed turning Netflix on.

Jacques went about cleaning the mess Zephyr had made and ordered him and her food making sure to get her an extra egg roll. Not too long after the apartment was clean and everything was back in place the delivery man had came and Jacques had paid for the food. The two had spent the rest of the day and night with each other most of the time with Zephyr in Jacques arms.

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