《Backwards rollercoaster || Mairimashita! iruma-kun》Chapter five : Irk
: I'm sorry for those who wait and asking for updates, but really— Because of online class, again, I still have about five homeworks to do. The teachers have warned be about it, so that's the reason why it's slow-updating. But hey, cheer up! I would try my best to update as quick as I can.
And please don't be a silent reader, I wouldn't know if there's something I did wrong/offend you in the story.
Vote and comments! Thank you <3
Note : 2600 words (Without the author's note word count.)
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The other lets out a huffing noise, as if angry at something that was clearly his fault. "This is due to you, don't expect any better—even with the principle's guidance this matter would not be swiped away like a mere dust." Asmodeus said harshly.
Iruma raises one of his eyebrows, 'poetic.' He thought to himself, that was rather out-of-character for Asmodeus towards him and no one else. And again, this reminded him that he's not in his world, but another one's. Neverthless, he choses not to answer.
The corridor was vast and colorful as it usually is, spread wide giving plenty of room to fit in. The two of them walked in silence, none of them spoken to each other again, time passes unknownly, the moment they snapped out of their thoughts—they've reach the door.
Asmodeus took a step forward, knocking on the door presenting himself as a dominant one. The gloomy and frustrated aura banished, replaced with a simple casual yet perfect appearence. Iruma has always envy Asmodeus for his talent to put on a mask so easily. If only that was one of the thing he could have— to benefit it for thousands of reasons.
The door flew inwards, the breeze touch Iruma's eyes—stinging it like a bee. Iruma blinked a couple of times, but smile as he stepped into the room with the other. The red carpet decorated the already luxurious room as a bonus, giving it the last touch. Iruma face his grandfather, the other smiled brightly while humming slowly, his fingers tapped repeteadly as he glance at both of his 'students.'
"So, Iruma-kun? I heard that you misbehaved. I heard you were having a bicker with Asmodeus-kun?" His grandfather said, scarily in a delight tone. He seems happy about it, does he ever felt angry towards Iruma once? Perhaps no.
"It's a simple misunderstanding, principal. We were discussing about a simple topic—which ended up in a bicker due to different opinions." Asmodeus stepped in, snapping Iruma's attention towards him. Iruma couldn't believe he just lied— to grandfather and such, and why would he do that? Surely he had thought of the head of the student council who witnessed their fight. Is there even any point in lying?
"That's very reasonable, something like this happens a lot—considering we're demons. But, what bothers me is that, Ameri-chan told me a different story. Would you care to explain why you are lying?" His grandfather shotted.
Asmodeus and Iruma gulped at the same time, Iruma peak a glance at Asmodeus, which suprisingly—is calm. "The student council president didn't see the correct scene, besides, the room was filled with smoke. She could've seen hallucination." He said in a rush. Iruma's quite impressed the other could thought of it in such a short time. But then again, it's Asmodeus.
His grandfather chuckles, "Ameri's testimony is arguable. Perhaps you were right. Iruma-kun, is what he's saying correct?"
"Then that's that. We don't have concrete proof anyways. You both are here-by dismissed." The conversation has ended, just like that. Not that Iruma isn't thankful and all— but odd. But he should shrugged the feeling off, it's over anyways. No need to make a mess inside his head over small things that has been dealt.
"Oh and Iruma-kun?" The other called out. Iruma turned around before exitting the room and tilts his head.
"Both of you still caused a little mess, this won't go without punishment."
///// Time skip after a few things //////
"If it weren't for you, we didn't need to write 2500 words of essay!" Iruma whined, his hands sore from carrying the thick-heavy books for the essay. He cracked his knuckles and fingers, letting out a long exasperated sigh. Thank God the library was pretty much considered empty.
"Me? You could've accepted my challenge and all of this would be over!" Asmodeus replied, he dropped all the papers harshly, hands moving above his hips.
"Accept your challenge, are you mad? Why would I hurt myself just because you want to fight?" Iruma gritted his teeth, this is getting annoying. Getting blaemd for something he never did— he hates that. But he has to regain his composure, be mature as fitted to his age.
"At least one of us would become a servant to the other instead, which in my point of view— is better than writting essay." The other reason. Which is an absolutely ridiculous reason that doesn't have any logic in it. Iruma could feel himself sighing for the God knows times he had done it.
"Let's just get started, please." Iruma pleaded, the throbbing pain inside his head is killing him.
Iruma pulled the wooden carved chair, and sit on it. His back was facing Asmodeus who was doing the same. Iruma nodded to himself, grabbing one of the hard covered book and opens the first page. He was then greeted by the hand-written title, "Demons's languages." He muttered quietly. Good, one of the professor had taught him about this in the previous life, this should be easy enough to write.
Iruma moves his fingers, dipping the feather inside the ink bowl, and dragging the point onto the paper. As expected, the japanese writting turns into demon's language. He would consider his writtings to be one of the best in his class— it's italic and caligraphic in a satisfying way—or what he was led by his butler to believe.
"You're starting with languages?" A whisper came behind, Iruma jolted—almost jumping from his chair and punch the other very hard in the face at the moment. Thank God he was holding a feather with ink dripping—or else his instinct won't tone down like it did earlier.
"G-Give a man a warning!" Iruma stuttered, truly— he was still frightened by the sudden voice just speaking out of thin air. How did Asmodeus gets beside him anyway? He didn't hear a single footstep from the other.
"Calm down. I was trying to ask you a question."
"Yes. I'm starting with languages." Iruma replied.
"What do you mean why?" He asked in confusion, languages would be the easiest than starting with the whole history itself, don't anyone knows that?
The other fell silent, seems like he didn't hear Iruma's reply, his eyes focused on the paper Iruma write on earlier, almost scanning all of the information like a robot. What the hell? What is he doing? All of his actions are unpredictable to this very moment.
"This." The other pointed out, finger touching one of the long paragraphs. "How did you find this? This doesn't exist in the book."
"What do you mean—" Iruma froze. He hadn't mean to write that, he didn't mean to write the ancient language of the angels (The language.) Iruma's hands flew on the paper and instantly covers it. "Uh—umm, that was uh, gibbrish? That was just ah—uh, accidental? It was in the paper, it appeared suddenly?" Oh God he sounds like an idiot. He wants nothing more but someone to snap his head right there and there. Please believe the lies.
"It does looks like a child's abstract writtings. I was seeing things, one of the word— I've seen it. Why did you write it anyway?" Asmodeus really bought it, he bought the lies, mayday cancelled people. "Are you playing instead of working?"
"What! No—no, no. I was bored. And this comes up.. I wanted to make my own language, yes!" Iruma you could've made up something more badass and cool instead of that. Oh God, he's going to regret it later in the shower. Why do good-comebacks always comed out in the aftermath?!
Amsodeus raises an eyebrow, and nodded, bringing himself back to his seat. Iruma sigh mentally, he's really glad Asmodeus himself is oblivious, which is why sometimes—working with him would go smooth. He tends to work in favor—one of Asmodeus's excellence. But in this particular event, it seems that the luck has ran out.
First day at school— no studying. Reason : punished. Speaking of the event, what happened to Kiriwo-senpai? Did he not recieve any detention or anything? He was pratically the reason why I got involved in the fight. Huh.
"Asmodeus-kun." He called out and turn around, facing the other's back.
A hum came out as a reply, though he still hasn't faced Iruma. Oh well, at least a conversation would appear. "What happened to Kiriwo-senpai?" He asked—concerned.
"Oh, why would you ask of his well-being? He didn't even thank you for your defence. Whatever the reason it is, it's his business not ours,"Asmodeus answered, almost un-willingly. It seems as-though, he's disgusted? And why would he be like that? It's not like Kiriwo was flirting with him or anything. ", I hate people like him."
The atmosphere changed.
Iruma noticed, he could feel the thick tension when he mention the last sentence. It was filled with utter venom and poison. "Why?" Iruma asked, confused once more.
"A weakling," Asmodeus sigh, "He backs away from a fight—no, he didn't— but he only blocks it. Can't you feel it? He wasn't being serious at all, the laugh and tiny giggles." The other seized another quill and starts to scribble harshly on the paper while ranting.
Iruma chuckled, 'the same old Asmodeus.' He thought earnestly, he could feel excitement bubbling inside—even if it's the tiniest bit of hint that Asmodeus would be the same, he felt, however, braver to talk to the other after his recent action, he felt comfortable to be around and talk around him. It's as if, he's talking to his Asmodeus. "Alright."
"What about you?" Asmodeus questioned, airily.
"Yes, you. What do you think about 'Kiriwo-senpai'?" The other finall turns around, he eyed Iruma warily, hands still gripping two quills—ink dropping to the floor slowly. "Don't lie, it's obvious you're hiding something. What? You think I'm a fool not to notice so?" Asmodeus clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes, annoyed.
Iruma frozed up, flat against his chair, motionless like a living doll. 'Fuck.' He thought, he might have messed something up, did he? Oh God, another trouble. He swear, HE SWEAR, he won't meddle with things that aren't his business ever again after this. He had fallen too much into traps.
"As far as I'm concerned, no—I'm not hiding anything." Iruma said, trying to sound stern and firm as possible.
"You didn't seriously think a mere reason would deceive me, do you?" Asmodeus hissed, "I've seen your aura. Looks can deceive but your soul can't."
"You were imaginning things. There were plenty of students that could gave out the aura, you could've mixed the signals." Iruma reasoned once again with another lie, he could feel goosebumps snaking to his neck as the other's stare darkened. "Besides, we were surrounded by them!" He half-shouted.
"I'd have you drink a truth potion if you don't answer right now." Asmodeus threatened, a strand of his hair fall down. "And believe me, I will never lie."
Iruma didn't answer, he really does not want to tell or even act against it. He doesn't want to have a stalker up his back—digging for his information as well. What should he do? This is getting messier each hour he spend in the school, it's more complicated than in his original world, and yes, he keeps comparing them both, but he couldn't help it! It's too similar. You would've done the same too.
"Am not." He blurted out, without actually giving a adequate explenation, oh God—he has gone mad.
"Are too." The other answered immediately.
"Can I just get this over-with and then we talk?"
"What is it with you denying all of this? Why are you escaping instead of facing it?" The other said aggresively.
"Why do you want to know, as far as I know— it's non of your business." Iruma squints his eyes.
"It is not, but I would like to make it my business." The other stated, eagerly, his lips quirked up into a playful grin. Iruma jolted.
He's really persistent, isn't he?
"Are you crazy?" Iruma asked, irritated.
"If it gets you to answer me, then yes." The other replied, tossing the quils that was in his grasp back to the table behind him, the ink has thankfully dried out, no ink was splattered anywhere. Iruma shakes his head, disbelief.
"This is ridiculous." Iruma turn aside picking the cup of tea and sip it. The sudden warm of the liquid wetten his throat in delight, the throbbing in his head lessened.
I'm too old for this.
"What's ridiculous is that you won't answer me." Asmodeus said breathily, his hand tightened around the armchair, aware.
"Answering you won't do any good for me— instead I'm just adding higher risk of it being known by people." Iruma snorted, was that even necessary to explain? It's a simple answer helped with simple logic. If the other still don't understand this, then he's a lunatic. (He didn't mean that by the way.)
"Would you just break down those suspicious trust-issues walls? I'm curious, and they said curiousity killed the cat." He said stubbornly, folding his arms.
"Then die." Iruma bluntly said, it was a mistake, he almost raised up his hands to cover his mouth out of habit, but thankfully it's still on his lap.
"Maybe after you answer me, I would consider it. But too bad I'd end up in hell again anyway." Was that... a pun?
"Ah, now you're making jokes? Talk about bad-timing." The bluenette rolled his eyes, sighing. Out of all possible times, he chooses now, way to ruin the tense mood.
"From your smile I can see you're enjoying it. Now answer." Asmodeus finally demanded, instead of going through all the useless, pathetic reasons that maybe would go through Iruma's lies. But honey, it ain't your lucky day.
"What do you mean why?! I've told you over five times already!" Iruma has had enough, this is getting out of hand, there's no more logical reasons behind the question. He just plainly and bluntly wants to know Iruma's secret. It's not like he would just come out and say : Oh hey, my secret is I'm from a parallel world in your view, and I'm sent here so He would sound like some crazy—old—people that believes in weird myths, possibly on drugs—
"One time."
"Same thing! The point is, get off my back! Yiu're assuming things, you don't have enough proof to actually stated that I'm hiding things—that very much don't exist." It's like Asmodeus is purposely blocking all of his explainning until now and focuses only to one or two words.
"Damn it, you really don't have any?"
"Alright. It was just a hunch anyway. Although, I still think you're a falsifier." Asmodeus added.
"Can you shut up?!"
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