《》Chapter twenty five.


"Since when?" "Since... I don't remember." "Ugh, it's going to be so much more annoying with you there." "I'm sure you'll warm up to me in no time~"

"Shut up."

"No thanks!"

And, we quickly finished the mission.

"We're finally done, now I can get away from you." "Hey! Nobody wants to get away from me!" "I do." "Hmph."

We started to walk down..

"So.." "Don't talk to me." "Are you still angry at me?" "Yes, obviously." "Aw.. How can I make it up to you?" "You can make it up to me by never going near me again." "Okay, bye." And I walked in the other direction,

"You're going the wrong way, you're going back into Dragonspine." "I never said that I didn't want to!" "Ugh."

Hm, maybe I should visit Albedo.

I found Albedo working in his lab, "Hi!"

"Oh, hello. You're back." "Yep!" "How was it in Liyue." "Chaotic but fun." "That's.. Interesting." "Aha.."

"Well, I'm quite busy right now and.."

"Oh. I'll leave." He nodded, and I walked out..

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