《》Chapter twenty four.


I was back in Mondstadt when a letter suddenly dropped onto my head.

I opened it, and it was a stupid Fatui mission.

It's in Dragonspine so it'll take me a while to get there..

I walked out of Mondstadt and towards Dragonspine.

I had finally reached the destination of the mission, when I saw that La Signora was there.

I turned around, and during mission I tried to avoid her.

But, then she turned around to face me, them she realized.. "Wait, aren't you that brat that knocked me out?! I'm gonna kill you!-" "Signora, calm down.. W-we can talk about this!" I screamed as she started to chase me.

The recruits watched in silence as we ran around and around..

I tripped, and she caught up to me.

"Hmph, what are you even doing here anyways?"

"It was a mission?"

She scoffed, "Please, you're telling me that whatever organization you're in assigned you the same exact mission as the Fatui?"

"I'm in the Fatui..?"



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