《Case Walker meeting Jonas Bridges》The Lies


"Deja is our sister I found out when I ran away I also me our father man is he ugly" Danei said. "Oh well nice to meet you sis" Dani said nicely. "Nice to meet you too sis" Deja said. "Well now that this is all cleared up let's hang for the day" Danei said. "Can't I'm going out with my parents tonight" Jonas said. "Me, Case, and Nathan are going put to watch a movie tonight" Dani said. "What about you Deja" Danei announced. "Um I was going out with my parents tonight" She said. "Well since everyone is going somewhere I'll just hang by myself" Danei said sadly. "Okay well see you all later" She said as everyone walked out the house. "Bye sweetie" Jonas said.

*Thought in Danei's head*

Wait isn't Deja's my parents and my real dad is in Los Angeles and my Mom died in the hospital. Jonas' parents aren't even home so did they just lie to me. I'm going to follow Jonas to see where he's going. No I'll follow Deja instead.

*Back To The Story*

I walked upstairs and changed into my Black leggings and red Thrasher hoodie. I put my red and black shoes on then headed out the door. I saw Deja so I followed her. She never once noticed me behind her. She then arrived at the Dinner on Top. She walked in and I seen what I wish I didn't see. I felt a tear forming in my eye. I can't believe she's with.......

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