《Case Walker meeting Jonas Bridges》Dani It's Not Who You Think


"Well the thing is Dani doesn't know about Deja being our sister" Danei replied. "What do you mean she doesn't know about Deja" Jonas asked confused. "I mean she doesn't know she's out sister she thinks she the lady that caused us to split up" Danei replied. "Oh so she only knows her as the girl who came and took her away" Jonas said. "Yeah that sums it up" Danei said with a smile. "Well I guess that's all that need to be said" Jonas said with a smile. "Yeah well let me introduce you to her" Danei said. "Okay" Jonas said with a slight giggle.

We walked downstairs then Dani and Case Walked in. Dani glanced over into the living room at me and Jonas then back in the living room. She saw Deja then screamed. "What is she doing here why is she here she should leave now" Dani said in a panic. "Dani It's Not what it looks like she is is" Danei started to say in a scared voice. "She is what or are you not going to tell me" Dani said with anger. "I'll tell you in a minute" Danei said. "No I want to know now" Dani said in a very angry voice. "Okay I'll tell you let me grab some water first" Danei said. "Okay but hurry you got a lot of explaining to do" Dani said. Danei came back into the living room then told Dani to come sit down. She came walking but slowly. The whole time she was starring at Deja. Dani said down very slowly. "Okay now tell me the truth Danei" Dani said. "Okay Deja then she was cut off by Dani. "Wait who's Deja" she asked confused. "That Deja the girl your looking at" Danei said. "Oh okay" Dani implied. "As I was saying Deja is........

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