《The new red dragon emperor》The results
Issei "ARGHHHHHHHHHH" this sound alone woke up the girls.
Rias "What happened Issei?"
Akeno "What do you mean, where is Ddraig?"
Issei "I don't fucking have him, I dont have my sacred gear"
Girls 'Fuck'
Rias "Calm down Issei, lets put on some clothes and go to my brother, he should know something"
Sirzechs "So you are telling me that Ddraig escaped you?"
Issei "Yes, can you help??" yelled/asked.
"I will, we also have a bigger problem then"
Rias "What is it brother?"
Sirzechs "You remember Kokabiel? He somehow escaped from Azazel and now he is gathering fallen angels to restart the war."
Everyone "WHAT!!!"
"So we need to find him before it is too late and get him back, the problem is Ddraig can be anywhere from the humans, angels, devils and fallen angels. Finding his energy will be hard as they may have closed it off"
Azazel which just appeared out of nowhere "So we need to get Ddraig back or the user to be on our side"
Issei "Where did you come from Azazel?!?! and give him back to me obviously, I still need the power to make chicks naked"
Issei's harem 'And that is one thing that annoys us about you'
"Teleportation circle, but anyways I have sent some of my men to look for him" 'This may be a problem, yes we do have powerful fallen angels, devils and angels but not in the numbers which will be benefitial, but kokabiel's army will be trained and numbered, don't say we have to rely on Vali'
The day Izuku left nothing happened but when school time came he wasn't there, the teacher asked Izumi where he was and she said "I don't know" but in reality 'Where the hell are you, dont say you actually took my advice.'
When Izumi came home she forgot about Izuku and so did thier parents, they carried on with their lifes, Izumi sometimes misses her brother as yes he helps her but she beats him up. Toshinori or All Might realises that his time is going down at a faster rate than usual too.
When it was Izumi's and Izuku's 11 birthday, guests arrived and lets continue (it is 2 months after Izuku left)...
Everyone excpet the yagi family and katsuki says Izumi only "Happy birthday Izumi and Izuku"
Gran torino "Toshi, Inko, where is Izuku?"
Inko "Who?"
Gran torino "Izuku your son"
Inko "Oh, ehhh, he is studying so he can't be here"
Tsukauchi "That is a lie, let me ask, where is Izuku?"
Toshinori "We don't know" 'Damm where is he?'
Gran torino "I am going to his room"
Inko "Wai-- and he is gone"
Aizawa "Izumi do you know where is your brother?"
Izumi "I dont know gramps"
With Gran torino, he went inside Izukus room to see a messed up room with blood on the floor with pieces of bandages, plasters and pain killers but those pain killers where pretty strong. He also realised that the walls where ripped merch from All Might and green telech (Izuku's mum), the thing that concerned him if he was kidnapped or escaped was the taken clothes, cash pot and other necetities. He then uses his quirk to go down stairs and launches at Toshinori "" he continues to beat Toshinori up whilst Aizawa, Nezu, Recovery Girl and Tsukauchi went to Izuku's room, they saw the same thing as Gran Torino did but the difference was that they found a note on the desk, when they read it they where terrified that this happened all under their nose, whilst they where busy and the Yagi's saying that Izuku is busy too.
Downstairs, the 4 where now seriously pissed and now Izumi and Katsuki where nervous if he snitched or not. Tsukauchi said "Toshinori, Inko, Izumi and Katsuki I have a note from Izuku himself to you and I will read it outloud", now Izumi and Katsuki knew they where skrewed and the older 2 Yagi's didn't know what to do. "It reads, Dear person who is reading it, I guess it must be one of my uncles or unties but I will tell you what happened. I left because I couldn't stand being here anymore. The people that gave birth to me forgot that I existed. I had to learn how to survive after me being so called quirkless, the first thing that happened after the quirk doctor was Toshinori and Inko made a celebration of Izumis quirk and left me at home completely ignoring me. From that day at home I had to cook, buy clothes and education materials as when they went to shop they always bought things for Izumi but not me, I don't want to act like a spoil brat but a 4 year old getting any necessary things to live is low for me. School was no better as Izumi told everyone I was quirkless making everyone turn against me and most called me therefore Deku, during the school years my grades where changed to show that the quirked students have it better as how can a quirkless one do better? I was bullied everyday especially from my so called sister and my so called bestfriend and the teachers didn't bat an eye on it or even encouraged it, the last straw was when I was told to take a dive of the roof by no other than my sister. My quirk which was able to speak to me helped me with moving out and now I'm somewhere in Japan to learn to be stronger. Thank you for everything unlces, aunties, grampa and granma. P.s. Will probably see you all in UA" When he finished it...
Masaru "Katsuki is that true?"
Katsuki "No that nerd is lying"
Tsukauchi "That is a lie"
Masaru then slaped Katsukis head pretty hard and then was on a shouting spree, everyone is shoked as Masaru is the one calm but what shoked everyone even more was that Mitsuki was crying and was saying "Tell us what did we do wrong?". With the yagis wasn't much better as Aizawa was pissed with all of them but was holding gran torino so he wouldn't kill them but granma chiyo also known as the youthful heroin sneaked and with her cane hit all of the Yagis in the head until Aizawa reluctantly saves them from their death.
Then Nezu spoke up "EVERYONE SHUT UP" that day was full of suprises for them, now Nezu was angry, "Katsuki and Izumi you are lucky that you are minors but still there will be punishment, you will be blacklisted from all of the hero schools but if you want to be a hero then you need to do the practical exam at UA, and 50 hours of community service per month. Do I make my self clear?" Then there was silence... "DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR!" both of the youngsters nodded. "Toshinori and Inko I will deal with you later but trust me your punishment will be worse and for the school Tsukauchi can you help me with Aizawa bring the school down and get the teachers to jail?"
Tsukauchi "No problem"
Izumi was crying now 'I am so sorry brother, I didn't want you to continue heroics that is why I bullied you'
Toshinori "Nezu can you reduce the punishment look she is crying, its obvious she didn't want to do that?"
With the silence from Toshinori everyone who isn't a hero is curious of what secret.
Aizawa "So we going to look for him right?"
Mitsuki/Masaru "I am in helping you guys"
Gran torino 'Wait he said he has a quirk now, does it mean he has OFA! or did he unlock his quirk? I see all mights time is decreasing at a faster rate, I need to ask him later' "Nezu can you search the security cameras?"
Nezu "I will and now all of the 4 of you will be questioned."
Tsukauchi "Bakugo Katsuki did you bully Izuku? Remember I have a lie detector quirk"
Katsuki "Tch, he deserves it"
"Why does he deserve it?" 'so far he is saying the truth'
"A quirkless loser like him shouldn't stand with the elites and should die in a ditch"
Tsukauchi was pissed beyond beliefe but needed to ask this question "when did he leave?" 'not a single lie'
"Over 2 months, now that skinny loser is probably dead with his weak ass quirk"
"This is now over, Masaru, Mitsuki thank you for your help" 'hmm 2 months'
The older 2 "No problem Tsukauchi"
Mitsuki "you are dead brat, just wait when we get home"
Katsuki "Tch"
But Tsukauchi knew that what Mitsuki was saying was truth so he had some enjoyment.
Tsukauchi "Why did you bully your own brother?"
Izumi "I didn't mean to, I didn't want him to persue heroics, he might have died"
"You are not telling the whole truth"
"heh but I am"
"that is a lie"
"tch, I just did what the others did and even the teachers supported it"
'Wait teachers, Izuku mentioned it' "Can you expand with the teacher bits?"
"The teachers would accuse him of cheating if he gets a high mark in tests, when someone starts to bully him they would usually smirk and would ignore him. The nurse at school which has a minor healing quirk doesn't heal him atall saying a waste of space like him"
"When did you see when Izuku was missing?" 'shit that is true'
"When I went to a sleepover just over 2 months ago"
"thank you" 'once again the truth'
Tsukauchi "why did you forget about your son"
Inko "What do you mean? He was always in my heart"
"yeah no, that is a lie"
Toshinori "He had no quirk so we didn't see the point"
This nearly made him snap "You too where quirkless so you cannot say that, did Nana made a mistake of choosing you?"
Toshinori was now silent so Tsukauchi continued "Both of you are parents of Izuku Yagi which was missing for over 2 months and neither of you thought to contact the police for a missing child and everytime we wanted to visit Izuku you both said he is busy with school stuff, I am done with you 2 and the kids" and he went to Nezu, Aizawa, Recovery girl and Gran torino.
Inko/Toshinori 'What have we done'
And now with the 4 beautiful human beings, Tsukauchi "I finished talking with all of them"
Gran Torino "Do you think the quirk that Izuku has could be OFA?"
Nezu "He did mention of voices helping him and as we know of OFA has that ability or he unlocked a sential quirk"
Recovery Girl "I think OFA as Toshinori is losing time quicker than expected"
Aizawa "That is what he deserves"
Nezu was searching the for Izuku but didnt see much due to "camera maintenance" in different cities, he knew what it feels like as he was bullied due to him being an animal and experimented on. So they planned on searching for him, Masaru and Mitsuki mainly in their home town, Aizawa whilst on patrol and during his free time would visit neighboring cities, Gran torino came back from retirement but only doing minor hero clean up but was doing patrols where his house is but also in Hosu, Recovery girl was mainly searching any hospitals where Izuku may have been. But they couldn't find him anywhere, Aizawa was the one that looked for him the most during this period though.
Izuku woke up after speeking to Ddraig, after doing his morning routine he was ready.
Ddraig "Are you ready partner?"
Izuku "Yes I am"
"I am glad, I must thank for the already built up body you have there, this makes things a lot easier, now I will teach you have to use magic, firstly magic allows us to produce anything from attacks to defences, allows us to teleport and heal. Even though you have a regeneration quirk I will teach you how to speed up your healing and how to heal others too but that is on a later date." After a few seconds to get the information in, Izuku nodded making Ddraig continue, "firstly you need to learn how to stop your power from leaking out so no one can sense your magic out." with this Izuku nodded, so he continued "try to feel your power around you like OFA but this time instead of releasing it try and bring it back into you" After a minute Izuku does so.
Ddraig being satisfied with the progress now tasked Izuku to make a magic circle and so Izuku does so with Ddraigs guidance, it took multiple attempts but it is done and it looks like this...
Izuku "Ehhh? Is everything okay?"
"Can you see what those symbols are?"
"Let me see, fire, air, water, earth and lightning?"
"Yes, and you can use all of them perfectly like they where your quirks"
Inside izukus mindscape
3rd "9th unlocked all of our quirks and now he can manupilate the elements"
5th "Also he has the dragonic power of boosting one self or other"
7th "He will be one hell of a hero"
3rd "Do you think he will reach 100% of OFA before UA?"
4th "I think he will be close, he may have a pins and needles sensation but we will see"
Ddraig "Hello guys, it seems OFA increased the sacred gear, he will be the strongest dragon emperor, he will be multiply times stronger than my strongest host and will be on par with the strongest being in the universe if he learns how to utilise this power. Oh and AFO will be nothing compared to Izuku"
All users have thier eyes widened and mouths nearly touching the floor.
1st "I mean he is strong now and is 20% stronger than all mights, so Izukus 100% will be All Mights 120%"
4th "9th has already controlled 60% so it is All Mights 72%"
Ddraig "A powerful being for sure, remember my power is boost so 60% will be 120% and that is with 1 boost, after a couple of boost it may be in the 1000% if he goes to be serious"
Once again all of the users have their eyes widened and mouths on the floor.
With Izuku, he is training to get a better control of production of the 5 elements which suprisingly is going well, he quickly discovered that he can be versetile with them, going from offensive to defensive on boosting himself up even though he doesn't need to as if he truly desires he can be the one punch man Saitama. He continued to train his body, mind, quirks and the powers, unlocking the gauntlet and soon dragonification.
The gauntlet looks like this:
On his 17th birthday, just over 6 years after recieving OFA and 2 months after getting Ddraig, Ddraig decided do give him a gift. (just saying he is 1 year younger than Issei but the same age as koneko, the school system is different in this story as UA starts when you are 17/18)
Ddraig "Partner, I want to give you a present if that is okay."
Izuku "You don't need to but I would be gratfull"
"We need to go to Kyoto tho, as we need to visit a temple where you will meet a yokai"
"So yokai are real?"
"Yes partner, devils, angels, fallen angels and other mythical beings also exist, actually before we go I want to tell you about my previous host so you will know everything"
"I am ready, still I know that quirks are a thing but being told that mythical beings also exist is crazy"
"My previous host was called Issei Hyoudou, he had dedication as you but one of the main problems where that he was a massive pervert, he was a devil after being reborn by a high-class devil and join their peraige. I left him due to multiple reasons, after a battle with a 10 winged fallen angel the praise got into him and got cocky, especially after a battle against Riser Phenex 4th in line for the for the Phenex household. The 2 fights made him arrogant and always underestimated his opponents. Him being a pervert made it worse due to him using my power to undress his oponents naked. My arch enemy didn't want to fight me due to this reason and shall not worry about the arch enermy, Albion is the white dragon and he devides other power but we are hopefully friends now. I left his body too and thats how I got into you, the thing that suprises me how instantanious we could have talked, it took him 16 years and for you when you fell asleep. Additionally you are more patient and your compabibility with this power is better than any other host I had so thank you."
"That is interesting and I don't blame you for disliking perverts, I am with you there and I want to thank you for giving me a bigger chance at being a hero so I can save people with a smile" and then gives his 1000 watt smile.
"Anyways lets go to Kyotos temple where you will meet an aquaintance of mine"
The train trip was long but also wierd as a lot of people gave Izuku looks but not any wierd looks but those looks was in aww of the body of the 17 year old, Izuku looks something like this...
When Izuku entered the temple he was greeted by Konou
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