《Everlasting Love ~ Druig x Fem Reader》Present Day, The Amazon 2


They tried to find out where they were to get to Sersi.

"Clear the camp!"

She yelled.

Y/N immediately knew which way she was.

"This way!"

She ran.

"I'll go the other way, I don't need an ambush."

Druig started walking.

"Be safe, Druig!"

"I always am."

He ran off.

She found all of them.

"It's an ambush."

Kingo panted.

"Oh great."

Y/N ran behind to help Sersi.

Kingo launched bolts at the Deviants.

"Very nice, sir!"

Karun had another camera.

Y/N picked up a leaf.

"Are you mental? Hide!"

Kingo yelled.

"We need action sequences."

"Sprite, get Karun out of here!"

"How many cameras did you bring, young man?"

She escorted him away.

"Kingo, Y/N, come on!"

Sersi yelled.

"This way, quickly! Come on!"

Sersi helped people get into Druig's house thing.

"Get in! Get in!"

She hurried.


Y/N pointed a gun to the Deviant.

She shot it and ran.

"Well, that didn't do much!"

Y/N backed away.

Sersi was crawling on the ground.

The people around started shooting at it.

Y/N helped out.

Druig came out of nowhere and swung over the Deviant.

"When did he get the time to change?"

Y/N said to herself.

He picked up a gun and shot it in the back.

Y/N doing the same.

Sersi caused a tree to land on the Deviant.

Druig lept out of the way.


Y/N ran up to him.

"Let them go, Druig!"

Sersi yelled.

"Now is not the time, Sersi."

He panted.

"Please. I know you're better than this."

She shook him.

He pushed her arms off.

He raised his hand and they were no longer under his control.

"Druig, what is happening?"


A man asked.

"Go! Get to the river!"

Druig demanded.

The Deviant climbed out from under the tree.

"Well, that didn't last very long."

Y/N dove under something.

Ikaris flew in out of nowhere.

A Deviant almost crashing into the building.

He used his laser eyes and burned the Deviant's throat.

Another one launched at him.

He caught its blade and threw it.

Ikaris panted.

"I could've used some help!"

He looked at Y/N.

"You seemed like you could handle it yourself."

The woman was still out of breath

He left to go help someone out, and was trampled by a Deviant.

Sersi got to her feet.


She made a stick into metal and stabbed the Deviant.

She fell into the water, and the Deviant went after her.

After a few seconds, water launched into the air.

The water uncovered the Deviant, and it had been turned into a tree.

"Sersi! Are you alright?"

Ikaris climbed into the water.

"How the hell did you do that..?"

Y/N stared at the creation Sersi had made.

"I don't know."

Sersi stared at it aswell.

Ikaris heard something and flew over there.


They all heard Thena yell.

They walked over to see Thena in tears, sobbing over a now dead Gilgamesh.

"I'll remember.."

She put her head on his chest.


The Eternals hosted a funeral for Gilgamesh, and was gathered around.

Everyone was devastated.

Two Eternals dying in one year.


Thena waited until dawn, standing in the river.

Y/N approached Druig, who was watching her.

"When I left, I thought about taking over the minds of every human on this planet. Violence, fear, greed, all gone."

His blue eyes glistened in the sunlight.

"Why didn't you?"

She asked him.


"Because without their flaws, they wouldn't be human."

"Please, Druig. You can't stay here anymore. These Deviants are trying to keep us from killing their own kind. They have a conscience now. That makes them more dangerous. Sersi told me about it."

"No, Y/N. Sersi is wrong. That makes them us. Eternals and Deviants. Arishem's children. But you all are asking me to take over the mind of a Celestial. I do not have that kind of power."

"We'll need Phastos."

"Well, good luck. He gave up on humans a long time ago."

Druig looked back at Thena, who was pouring Gilgamesh's ashes in the water.

"Tell me you'll come with us."

Y/N grabbed his hands.

Druig sighed.

"Did you not hear what I just explained, my dear?"

"Druig, we need you. I need you."

She gripped his fingers.

He stared at her.

"Fine. Let's tell the others I'm coming along."

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